




1、My Rock

由 Kashvi G. 撰写:


Rock在10岁时来到我们家,它从班加罗尔的警察部队退休,在最后的几年里需要一个充满爱的家。多年来,我一直问父母我们是否可以收养一只狗。我至今仍在想,是什么让他们对 Rock 说“可以”—— Rock患有阿米巴病,严重营养不良,在狗狗收容所待了一段时间,几乎被放弃。


让我意识到这一巨大差异的,既是从辨别它的吠叫到底是代表它想吃东西还是想要被带出去散步这样的小事情,也是一些大事情,比如我每天要喂它吃10片药,因为膀胱问题我每天需要带它出去散步4次,且因为它有严重的创伤后应激障碍和分离焦虑,Rock 需要做的事情很多,需要的爱也很多。

我本来以为通过参与各种课外活动,我熟知如何同时处理多项任务。但自从养了Rock后,我对“同时处理多项任务”这个词有了全新的认识;我本来以为通过在狗狗收容所做志愿者,我已经掌握了有效的沟通技巧,而现在我却要为 Rock 的每一声吠叫创造一个全新的词汇表。


由于焦虑和创伤,它需要我成为它的治疗者,就像我需要它的精神支持和鼓舞一样,它的存在也总是给我源源不绝的灵感和鼓励。Rock患有关节炎,走路一瘸一拐,但它仍然是我们生活中最大的快乐源泉。对我们来说,要适应有它的生活是多么艰难,而对它来说更要难上千万倍。但不知何故,它总是能和我们一起找到快乐。无论我离开房间十分钟还是三天,当我回来时,它总是欣喜若狂,它需要的只是我的出现。有的时候,它甚至会在睡梦中摇尾巴。我们之间的关系对我们双方都有帮助 —— 它教会我快乐,而我则确保我总是为它出现。



Rock 让我知道,我居然很擅长爱的艰难部分。我可以同时做到负责任、有爱心又总是非常开心快乐。也许正是这种看似最艰难的爱,才能教会我们最多,才是我们最珍惜的。对于这一点,对于Rock,我永远心存感激。




Nothing about true love comes easy. Loving comes with hard work, responsibility and compromise. In my case, it came with four legs, PTSD, separation anxiety and in need of constant attention.

Rock came to us when he was 10 years old, retired from the Bangalore police force and in need of a loving home for his last few years. I’d been asking my parents if we could adopt a dog for years. I still wonder what made them say ‘yes’ to Rock. Suffering from amebiasis and severely malnourished, he had been at the dog shelter for a while, and was on the verge of giving up.

I wasn’t ready to parent a senior dog. As the youngest in the family, I was the one who was always looked after. Once Rock came along, I was suddenly completely responsible for someone else’s life. Roles like being a school student council member taught me responsibility, but not to care for someone else. I realized the stark difference between acknowledging responsibility and actually taking it on.

It was the small things like recognizing the difference between barks for food or barks to be taken out. It was the bigger things like feeding him 10 pills a day, bladder issues that meant he needed four walks a day and acute PTSD and separation anxiety. Rock was a whole lot of work and needed a whole lot of love.

I thought I knew how to multitask with my varied extracurriculars, but here I was learning a whole new meaning to the word. I thought I had effective communication skills from my time volunteering at a dog shelter, and here I was trying to create a whole new lexicon for what each of Rock’s barks meant.

And yet, nothing has come easier to me than my love for Rock. Awkward, unsure of how to express love, and constantly hungry, he and I mirror each other in more ways than one. As a child, I would make my older sister follow me around the house, just to make sure I had her attention. Ten years later, my dog does the same to me.

Anxious and traumatized, he needs me as his therapy human as much as I need him for moral support and inspiration. And, an inspiration he is. Arthritic, limping, and uprooted from his life of ten years, Rock remains the biggest source of joy in our lives. As tough as it was for us to adjust to having him, it was a million times harder for him. But, somehow, he’s managed to find his joy with us, too. Whether I leave the room for ten minutes or 3 days, he’s always ecstatic when I return. All he needs is for me to show up. There are even times when he wags his tail in his sleep. Our relationship helps us both – he teaches me to be happy and I make sure I always show up for him.

I recently visited the Exploratorium in San Francisco and observed what is known as a mutualistic relationship between Randall’s pistol shrimp and prawn goby. The shrimp always has at least one antenna touching the fish at all times – their symbiosis depends on it. Rock and I are always in the same room, always within a foot of each other.

In his essay collection, ‘The Anthropocene Reviewed’, John Green says, “the Canada goose is hard to love. But then again, so are most of us.”

Rocky has taught me that I’m, surprisingly, pretty good at the tough parts of love. That I can be responsible, caring and overflowing with good feelings all at once. Maybe it’s just that the love that seems the hardest, that teaches us the most, is the one we treasure most. And for this, and for Rock, I am forever grateful.

Admissions Committee Comments

Kashvi’s essay encapsulates a heartfelt journey of self-discovery and the invaluable teachings of Rock, their 10-year-old dog. Through the lens of their companionship, Kashvi walked us through valuable lessons on responsibility, friendship, patience, and unconditional love. Their bond epitomizes genuine friendship, built on trust and a mutualistic relationship where they learned from each other. Through Kashvi’s reflections on Rock’s impact, we get a profound understanding of their values and personal growth. This essay provides insight into their genuine emotions, allowing us to truly connect with Kashvi as an individual.


Kashvi的文章概括了一段发自内心的自我发现之旅,以及他们的10 岁爱犬Rock所带来的宝贵教诲。通过他们对Rock的陪伴,Kashvi 向我们讲述了关于责任、友谊、耐心和无条件的爱的宝贵经验。他们之间的纽带是真正友谊的缩影,这种友谊建立在信任和相互学习的关系之上。


2、Classical Reflections in Herstory

由 Maddie W. 撰写:










My eyes scan the Latin, searching for a word in the nominative to ground the beginning of my translation. Each line of Latin is like a pile of jumbled puzzle pieces. It’s my job to sort each part of speech into the right order until the knobs and holes of the sentence click together. The completion of a translation is always fulfilling.

Studying Latin and Ancient Greek allowed me to read the epic stories I loved in their original languages, and find nuances through their allusions and word pictures, adding a depth unknown to the English texts. Eventually, I began to seek out lesser-known writings by female and nonbinary writers who differed from the men often taught in the Latin classroom. In her poem, Renaissance writer, Olympia Morata, defines herself apart from the historical expectations placed upon women, and instead by her own unique interests. Despite the passage of time between us, I connect with her words as another young woman acquiring self knowledge and transitioning into womanhood. Her writing left me wondering how many other writings of marginalized authors were waiting to be appreciated. The role of gender and whose story gets to be heard in the Classics intrigued me, and led me to examine how gender was complicated during the Roman Civil War in Tacitus’ Histories.

In college, I hope to explore more writings by women throughout history to better understand gender dynamics, and ultimately help raise their profile. The stories of many female authors remain unheard in Latin classrooms where their male counterparts, such as Caesar and Vergil, dominate. By broadening my range of readings, I intend to continue helping to bridge the gender gap within the Classics.

The opportunity to research at Johns Hopkins’ Classical Research Lab would allow me to continue exploring my questions surrounding gender in the Classics while discovering the writings of forgotten authors at my own pace. Unique courses at Hopkins which observe the connection between Greek Myth and Anime, and the ancient interpretations of the cosmos, all interest me and will open my eyes to new avenues within the Classics. Additionally, Archaeology and Ancient Civilizations Club and Quiz Bowl Club seem like fun ways to test my knowledge while meeting new people with similar interests. As shown, the Classics community at Johns Hopkins provides many amazing opportunities which I intend to utilize fully.


Maddie 的文章详细描述了她热爱希腊古典文学的心路历程。她在文章中融入了一些细节,揭示了她学术兴趣的根源:讲故事、文学解析和翻译等等。



3、My Spotify Playlist

由 Alyssa C. 撰写:

我精心策划的 38 个 Spotify 播放列表记录了我过去十七年生活中的特殊记忆。每个播放列表都有一个独特的名字,从“与鬼魂一起学习”到 “边缘空间”。其中有三个播放列表与我的心灵最为贴近,它们分别代表了我用音乐将人们联系在一起的一段时光。在我看来,音乐是一种强大的影响力 —— 它能振奋人心、治愈创伤、凝聚人心。

“Court's in session”是我第一年参加网球校队时的播放列表,让人精神振奋。那一年,通往 CIF 决赛的道路异常艰辛。我还记得球队连续输掉两场比赛时的绝望,教练指出我们在球场上互相脱节。在回家的路上,听着 Spotify 的音乐,我知道自己必须想出一个办法来团结队友。于是,我制作一个协作性强又充满活力的播放列表,在士气低落时播放。这个播放列表很快就成型了,并在我的带领下演变成了全队参与的 Tiktok 舞蹈。在场外的配合让我们的团队更有凝聚力,这在双人赛中表现得尤为明显。这种前所未有的团结感和活力伴随我们继续比赛,慢慢地,我们逐一夺回了比赛的胜利。

Gwen Stefani 的“Hollaback Girl”成为了我们队的队歌和命脉,激励我们夺得了当年的 CIF 锦标赛冠军。 

“Westridge 2023 bops”是我创建的一个多样化的播放列表,让我的同学们在新冠疫情期间保持联系。当我当选为高二年级副班长时,我已经好几个月没有见到同学们了,我沉痛地意识到,我们不知道什么时候才能重聚。为了减少同学们经常提到的孤独感,我在 Spotify 上建立了一个新的播放列表:“Westridge2023流行榜”,每个人都贡献了自己的歌曲,从 Fergie 的 “Fergalicious”到 Bee Gees 的 “More Than a Woman”。当我们互相推荐歌曲,为不同的演唱者狂热,并在班会上聆听播放列表时,孤独感烟消云散。我意识到自己能够打破沉寂,让班级重新团结起来,于是我开始深入挖掘各种想法;接下来是针对不同年级的 Instagram,其中包括同学们万圣节服装的照片、线上艺术竞赛以及对老师的感谢信。当我们的社区再次得到加强时,我感到自己的归属感又回来了。

Neon Trees 的 “Everybody Talks”是我们班的班歌,它激昂的旋律让同学们重新聚在一起,重拾友情。

“Stemology jams”是一个深受孩子喜欢的播放列表,为我们的 STEM 课程增色不少。当我共同创办非营利性小学教育机构“Stemology”时,我从未想过这个过程中最困难的部分会是赢得孩子们的信任和注意力。在第一节课上,他们的注意力越来越不集中,叽叽喳喳的声音越来越多,我意识到必须改变原来的教学计划。为了拼命吸引他们的注意力,我迅速播放了迪斯尼的“Under the Sea”,以配合我们关于海洋生物的讲解。这一招果然奏效!他们的注意力一下子就回来了,接着就是关于海葵的有意义的对话。下一堂课,当我们在生物发光课上播放 Owl City 的 “Fireflies”时,他们兴奋地叫了起来,并插话提出了自己的歌曲建议。没过多久,当我走进教室时,学生们热情地和我拥抱,迫不及待地想从我介绍的歌曲中猜出当天的课程计划。

在一堂天文学课上,OneRepublic 的“Counting Stars ”激励人心的歌词拉近了年龄差距,我和学生们互相诉说我们被星座启发的故事。

这些 Spotify 播放列表是我汇聚社区的工具,与我分享过播放列表的人所留下的回忆,塑造了现在的我。我期待着新的冒险,并以 Queen 的“Don't Stop Me Now”开始我的第 39 个 Spotify 播放列表。




Special memories from the past seventeen years of my life can be captured by my 38 thoughtfully curated Spotify playlists. Each has a unique name, from “studying with ghosts” to “liminal spaces”. I hold three in particular closest to my heart, each representing a time when I used music to connect and bring people together. I see music as a powerful influencer — it uplifts, heals, and unites.

“Court’s in session,” an invigorating playlist that marked my first year on the varsity tennis team. The road to CIF Finals was hard-fought that year. I remember the despair I felt when the team lost two consecutive matches, and our coach pointed out our disconnect from each other on the court. Listening to my Spotify on the way home, I knew I had to come up with a way to unify my teammates. Thus, I pitched an idea for a collaborative, high-energy playlist to be blasted whenever morale was low. The playlist took form quickly and evolved into Tiktok dances on my lead with the participation of the whole team. Being in sync outside of the court made our team more cohesive, which became especially apparent during double’s play. This newfound sense of unity and energy would carry us as we went on to compete. Slowly, we took back the games one by one.

“Hollaback Girl” by Gwen Stefani became the anthem and lifeblood of our team, spurring us to the CIF Championship title that year.

“Westridge 2023 bops,” a diverse playlist I created to keep my classmates connected during the pandemic. By the time I was elected as sophomore vice president, I had not seen my classmates in person for months and realized with a sinking feeling it was unknown when we could reunite. Wanting to lessen this sense of isolation they often mentioned, I started a new Spotify playlist: “Westridge 2023 bops.” Everyone contributed to it with songs ranging from “Fergalicious” by Fergie to “More Than a Woman” by the Bee Gees. Loneliness dissipated as we exchanged music recommendations, fangirled over different artists, and listened to the playlist during class meetings. Realizing I was able to unpause the silence and reunite my class, I dug deeper for ideas; next came a grade-specific Instagram, which included pictures of our classmates’ Halloween costumes, virtual art contests, and notes of gratitude for our teachers. I felt my own sense of belonging return as our community strengthened once more.

The spirited melody of “Everybody Talks” by Neon Trees, our established class song, brought my classmates back together and revived our camaraderie.

“Stemology jams,” a kid-friendly playlist enhancing our STEM classes. When I co-founded Stemology, an elementary-aged educational nonprofit, I never thought the most difficult component of the process would be earning the trust of the kids. As their concentration waned and chatter increased during our first class, I realized I had to pivot from the original lesson plan. In a desperate attempt to keep their attention, I quickly blasted Disney’s “Under the Sea” to match our presentation on marine biology. It worked! Their attention snapped back, and a meaningful conversation about sea anemones ensued. The next class, they shouted with excitement as we played “Fireflies” by Owl City for our lesson on bioluminescence and interjected with their own song suggestions. Before long, the students greeted me with hugs and enthusiasm when I walked into the classroom, eager to guess the day’s lesson plan from the song I presented.

The inspirational lyrics of “Counting Stars” by OneRepublic during an astronomy lesson bridged the age gap, as my students and I swapped stories inspired by the constellations we created.

These existing Spotify playlists were my tools to bring together communities, and the memories made with people I have shared my playlists with have shaped who I am. I’m looking forward to new adventures and starting my 39th Spotify playlist with “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen.


Alyssa 的文章通过 Spotify 播放列表这个创意视角反映了很特别的回忆,她用三个例子突出了自己在网球队的经历、在新冠疫情期间凝聚社区的经历以及创办非营利组织帮助小学生学习 STEM 的经历。



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