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冈维尔与凯斯学院(Gonville & Caius College)

国王学院(King's College)

彭布罗克学院(Pembroke College)


塞尔温学院(Selwyn College)

三一学院(Trinity College)









Is there essentially any difference between taxation and the state taking away one of your arms? 在国家向你征税和取走你的一条胳膊之间,有什么本质区别?

Do you really consent to any government given that there is barely anywhere in the world to escape some government or other?

Put a monetary value on this teapot? 评估一只茶壶的价值

If you’re not in California, how do you know it exists? 如果你不在加州,你如何确定它真的存在?

Is it a matter of fact or knowledge that time travels in only one direction? 时间只是单向流动的吗?

Differentiate between power and authority. 权利和权威之间有什么区别?

Why do we need government? 为什么我们需要政府?

Would it be feasible to have an economy entirely based on the service sector? 如果经济全部依赖于第三产业会如何?

Do you believe in free will? How far does it extend to - an oyster, for example? 你相信有自由意志吗?所有东西都有吗,比如一只生蚝有吗?

Are you cool? 你酷吗?

If there were three beautiful, naked women standing in front of you, which one would you pick? Does this have any relevance to economics? 如果有三个漂亮的luo女站在你面前,你会挑哪个?这和经济有关吗?

What have you enjoyed most about your A Level Economics course? 你最喜欢Alevel经济课的哪方面?

Do animals think? 动物会思考吗?

How do you measure the success of a political voting system? 如何衡量投票制度的成功与否?

If a Martian drops money across the country, does inflation go up? 如果火星人全国撒钱,通货会膨胀吗?

Convince me you are real and not just in my dreams? 说服我你是一个真人,而不是在我梦里。

When I was at school in the 1970s, there was talk of a pensions crisis that would one day hit. The talk persisted in the 1980s, and the 1990s – and then there was a pensions crisis, and little had been done politically to prepare us for it. Is there a fault with the British political system that means we can't sensibly address serious medium and long-term problems when they are identified? 当我在70年代上学时,就有关于养老金危机的传言,一直持续到80、90年代,它真的发生了,我们却准备的非常少。你认为英国的政治体系是不是有严重问题,导致我们不能解决已经提前预见的中远期问题?

I'm having trouble with the meaning of three words: Lie, Deceive, Mislead. They seem to mean something a bit similar, but not exactly the same. Help me to sort them out from each other. 我难以区分这几个词:谎言,欺骗,误导。他们看起来很类似,但不完全相同,请帮我区分它们。

Is it possible for a society to exist in which everyone lies all the time? why? 如果有一个社会所有人任何时候都撒谎,这个社会会存在吗?为什么?

Define 'cruelty' 定义“残忍”。

Of all nineteenth century politicians which was most like Tony Blair?在所有19世纪的政治家中,谁最像托尼·布莱尔?

Would you describe the following as 'traditional British values'? drinking tea, eating roast beef and hitting school children.你会将以下内容描述为“英国传统价值观”吗?喝茶,吃烤牛肉,打学生。

What do you think of gay couples adopting?

What exactly do you think is involved in blaming someone? ‘究责于某人’这件事涉及哪些方面?

A person with 50 k is rich. a person with n pounds is rich and a person with n-1 pounds is also rich. so a person with 1 pound is rich. I then had to falsify I. 如果有5万英镑是富裕的,那么比他少1镑也可以认为是富裕的,以此类推,何时才算贫穷?

Think of a question that you have prepared an answer to, ask yourself the question and show us how you would answer it in a logical fashion 自己问自己一个准备的问题,然后讲出准备好的答案,让我们看到逻辑的魅力。




What is the point of using NHS money to keep old people alive? 用国家医保的钱赡养老人的意义在哪里?

What would you say if Gordon Brown were to take a report which shows that people who go to university earn more than those who do not, and then proclaim that going to university causes you to earn more? 如果调查显示大学毕业生收入高于未读大学的人,证明大学使人收入增加。你如何看?

Should governments subsidise agriculture? 国家是否应该补贴农业?

What are the consequences of changing interest rates? 改变银行利息有什么后果?

What is the point of privatisation? 私有化的意义是什么?

How would you make a hypothetical sandwich stall more profitable? 如何让一个假设的三明治摊子增加利润?

What is a monopoly? What are the advantages and disadvantages? 垄断是什么?有什么好处和坏处?

If the government passed a law requiring people to wear seatbelts, why might this result in more road accident casualties? 如果政府通过法案规定所有人系安全带,为什么这可能导致车祸死亡率上升?

Define 'greed' 定义贪婪

Distance from London to new York, work out 计算伦敦到纽约的距离

Tell me why playing your sport will make you a better economist 解释为什么你参与的运动会有助于你成为更好的经济学家?

Why do Ryan air try and sell tickets for Dublin day passes on flights into London Stansted? 为什么廉价航空出售伦敦Stansted机场和都柏林之间的日票(一日内畅飞)?




How would you market a rock band? 如何营销一支摇滚乐队?

Consider a production line. What could be done to help the worker to get away from the routine? 如何让流水线上的工人避免重复劳作?

Are large or small companies more successful? 小公司还是大公司更成功?

Why do Rolls-Royce build cars by hand, and Toyota by machine? 为什么劳斯莱斯手工造车,而丰田使用流水线?

What is the basis of performance related pay? 按表现支付薪水的基础原理是什么?

Are there too many people in the world? 地球上的人太多了吗?

Explain why teachers might be changing jobs to become plumbers. 为什么老师可能跳槽去做水管工?

What is the difference between buying and selling of slaves and the buying and selling of football players? 买卖奴隶和买卖足球队员(转会)有什么区别?

Would I be justified in saying that only morons play sport? 如果我说只有傻瓜才运动(竞技类),你认同吗?为什么?

Why is a film actor wealthier than a theatre actor? 为什么电影演员比剧院演员有钱?

I give you £100. You have to offer part of this £100 to someone. Unless they accept the offer, you get nothing. How much will you offer? 如果我给你100镑,而你必须给其他人其中的一部分,并使我同意你的方案,不然你讲得不到一分钱。你会如何分配?

Why is deflation a scare to the UK? 为什么通货紧缩不好?

Would you support the privatisation of the NHS? 你认同社会医保的私有化吗?

A girl in a small town wishes to sell a painting – will she earn more revenue through sealed bids or raffle tickets? 一个小镇姑娘要卖一副油画,封闭出价和抽奖券两种方式,哪种会使她赚到更多钱?

What is a public good? 什么是公共物品?

Summarise Economics into one word 用一个词语概括经济学。

What’s the difference between a correlation and a cause and effect relationship? “有关”和“因果”有什么差别?

Why do firms exist? 为什么公司会存在?

If a petrol station, on a road, is equal distant from two towns, where should the next petrol station be built? 如果一个加油站离两个最近的小镇等距离,那么下一个加油站应该建在哪里?

What is the biggest problem facing CEO’s? 首席执行官(总裁)面临的最大问题是什么?

Should a Wal-Mart store be opened in the middle of Cambridge? 剑桥镇的中心应该开一家沃尔玛吗?

Management: what would you do to overcome the language and cultural difficulties after merger? 公司合并后如何克服语言或文化上的障碍?





There's a torus/ring doughnut shaped space station with 2 spacemen on a spacewalk standing diametrically oppositie each other. Can then ask a variety of questions such as if spaceman A wants to throw a spanner to spaceman B, what angle and speed should they choose (stating any assumptions made, e.g. that gravity = 0)?

Show that if n is an integer, n^3 - n is divisible by 6.

Differentiate x^x, then sketch it.

Is it possible to cover a chess-board with dominoes, when two corner squares have been removed from the chessboard and they are (a) adjacent corners, or conversely, (b) diagonally opposite.

Integrate 1/(x^2) between -1 and 1. Describe any difficulties in doing this?

If a cannon is pointed straight at a monkey in a tree, and the monkey lets go and falls towards the ground at the same instant the cannon is fired, will the monkey be hit? Describe any assumptions you make.

Integrate xlog(x).

How many solutions to kx=e^x for different values of k?

Prove by contradiction that when z^2 = x^2 + y^2 has whole number solutions that x and y cannot both be odd.

Sketch y=ln(x) explaining its shape.

Compare the integrals between the values e and 1: a) int[ln(x^2)]dx; b) int[(lnx)^2]dx and c) int[lnx]dx. Which is largest?

Sketch y=(lnx)/x. (The Student Room)

Differentiate x^x and (x^0.5)^(x^0.5).

Sketch y=cos(1/x).

What is the square root of i?

If each face of a cube is coloured with one of 6 different colours, how many ways can it be done?

If you have n non-parallel lines in a plane, how many points of intersection are there?

Observation about (6 - (37^0.5))^20 being very small.

By considering (6 + (37^0.5))^20 + previous expression, show this second expression is very close to an integer.

Sketch y^2 = x^3 - x.

Integrate from 0 to infinity the following: Int[xe^(-x^2)]dx and Int[(x^3)e^(-x^2)]dx.

If you could have half an hour with any mathematician past or present, who would it be?

Integrate arctan x!

Do you know where the multiplication sign came from

If we have 25 people, what is the likelihood that at least one of them is born each month of the year?

What makes a tennis ball spin as it's travelling through the air?

If (cos(x))^2 = 2sin(a), what are the intervals of values of a in the interval 0 ≤ a ≤ pi so that this equation has a solution?

If a round table has n people sitting around it, what is the probability of person A sitting exactly k seats away from person B?

You are given that y = t^t and x = cost. What is the value of dy/dx?

Differentiate y = x with respect to x^2?

Prove by contradiction that 2(a)^2 - b^2 is true only if a and b are both odd?


if your friends were here now instead of you, what would they say about you?

Whatever got you into pole dancing?

Why do you play table tennis?

Do you know where the multiplication sign came from?

What is the significance of prime numbers?

Imagine a ladder leaning against a vertical wall with its feet on hte groun. The middle rung of the ladder has been painted a differnt colour on the side, so that we can see it when we look at the ladder from side on. What shape does that middle rung trace out as the ladder falls to the floor?




Is the chair really there? 这把椅子真的存在吗?

If you were to form a government of philosophers what selection process would you use? 如果由哲学家组成政府,你会使用什么样的选举制度?

Is it moral to hook up a psychopath (whose only pleasure is killing) to a reality-simulating machine so that he can believe he is in the real world and kill as much as he likes? 如果将一个杀人狂接入一个虚拟世界,让它在其中大开杀戒,如此做符合道德吗?

If I could pass any piece of legislation through parliament, what would it be? 如果你可以通过一项法案,你想通过什么?

What about fatalism? 谈一谈宿命论

How do we know if 1 + 1 = 2 if the concept of numbers was in fact 'invented' by humans? 如果数字的概念不是人类发明的,我们如何得知1+1=2?

Why do you think grandparents feel the need to academically surpass their children and grandchildren? 祖父祖母辈的学术水准应该超越他们的孙辈吗?




What is 'normal' for humans? 人类所谓的正常是什么?

Why do human beings have two eyes? 人类为什么有两只眼睛?

Should interview be used for selection? 面试应该作为录取的考核内容吗?

An experiment appears to suggest Welsh speakers are worse at remembering phone numbers than English speakers. Why? 有一项研究证明威尔士语使用者比英语使用者记电话号码能力更差,你认为为什么?

How would you conceptualise an emotion 如何构思一种情感?

A large study appears to show that older siblings consistently score higher than younger siblings on IQ tests? Why would this be? 有研究表明年长的兄弟姐妹比年幼的兄弟姐妹IQ测试分数更高,你认为是为什么?




Instead of politicians, why don't we let the managers of IKEA run the country? 为什么我们让政治家而不是宜家的经理管理国家?

Should obese people have free NHS treatment? 为什么肥胖的人应该得到免费的医保治疗?

What is Christmas? 圣诞节是什么?

How would you describe an apple? 你为什么会想吃苹果?

Does the welfare state trap people into poverty? 福利国家是否使贫民无法脱贫?

Distinguish between a society, a state and an economy? 区别社会、国家、经济体。

Should museums be free? 博物馆应该免费开放吗?

Do you like Birmingham? 你是否喜欢伯明翰(英国城市)?

Is it better to be a leader or a follower? 成为一个领导者更好还是一个追随者?

Can you think of a piece of governmental legislation that includes both compassionate and utilitarian aspects? 能否举一个既有功利主义又有慈悲心的法案?

Show may we introduce feminism more effectively into business situations? 我们是否应该在商务场合倡导女性主义,为什么?

What TV I had watched recently 你最近看了哪些节目?

What would you do if you were in charge of the world? 如果你成为世界领导人,你要做什么?

Where would you take a martian to show them British culture? 你会带火星人去哪里以展现英国文化?

Why do the English like cricket so much? 为什么英国人热衷于板球运动?

Do you think that the TV programme space cadets is morally right? 你认为《太空弹球》这个节目符合道德吗?

If I put you in the British library for 3 days, what books would you read? 如果要在大英图书馆呆三天,你想读什么书?




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