
本期 为大家推荐伦敦国王大学、布里斯托大学2024最新奖学金介绍。


Exploring how to implement a knee injury prevention program for young people playing sports in the UK: a mixed method studyKing’s College London | Health Schools

博导:Dr E Godfrey

截止日期:Friday, February 23, 2024



About the Project

Funded PhD studentship: Exploring how to implement a knee injury prevention program for young people playing sports in the UK: a mixed method study

Awarding body: London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (LISS DTP) CASE studentship

More young people (aged 10-20) in the UK are experiencing knee injuries while playing popular sports like football, rugby and netball than ever before. The number of young people having surgery for knee ligament tears (anterior cruciate ligament {ACL} injury) after sports injury has increased by over 2000% in the last 20 years. This puts a considerable burden on NHS resources and the young people themselves, who often take 12 months off sport while they recover. This can then affect both their mental and physical health and lead to long term complications like arthritis. Knee injury is also related to inequality, as it is more common in young women, although the reasons for this are poorly understood. Conducting a proper warm up before playing can prevent injury and evidence shows that simple injury prevention programs work in young athletes to reduce the chances of sustaining knee injuries by over 50%. Evidence from other countries demonstrates that if young people do this type of program (lasting just 12 minutes) twice a week, for example before training and matches to warm up, then they can prevent ACL injuries. However, there is currently no policy for using evidence-based injury prevention programs in UK schools or sports clubs. This project will explore how to improve school and club sports and reduce ACL injury by assessing previous research to see what has worked when introducing and sustaining injury prevention programs and how people have measured the impact of such programs. The views of teaching and coaching staff, plus those of young people themselves, will be sought on current practice and the potential for additional injury prevention programs. This information will inform the next steps towards implementing a national strategy for knee injury prevention in young people playing sports in the UK.

PhD project partner: Power-up-to-Play

Power-up-to-Play is a charity initiative currently delivering evidence-based injury prevention training in youth sport clubs across the UK. There will be opportunities to work with the charity during this PhD. View their websitehere.

Award description:

Available either full or part-time (50%) in +3 studentship (3-year PhD).

To apply for a PhD place, you will need to apply via King’s College London Apply online application system. Please follow this linkhttps://www.findaphd.com/common/clickCount.aspx?theid=168478&type=184&DID=922&url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.kcl.ac.uk%2fstudy-legacy%2ffunding%2fliss-dtp-case-phd-studentship-exploring-how-to-implement-a-knee-injury-prevention-program-for-young-people-playing-sports-in-the-uk-a-mixed-method-studyfor the form.

Please refer to theLISS-DTP webpage(https://liss-dtp.ac.uk/applying-to-liss/case-studentships-student-applicants/) for detailed information about the LISS-DTP CASE studentships and how to apply.

Closing date: 23.02.2024

Contact Details:Dr Emma Godfrey,emma.l.godfrey@kcl.ac.uk

Funding Notes

Stipend: Full-time stipend of £19,668 per annum.Bench Fees: £750 per annum.Tuition fees: Fees paid (fees for International students may not be paid in full).


NIHR-funded PhD opportunity working in the new Centre for Applied Excellence in Skin & Allergy Research

University of Bristol | Bristol Medical School

博导:Dr M Ridd截止日期Thursday, February 29, 2024



About the Project

This is a unique and exciting opportunity for a talented individual to undertake a fully-funded PhD and enjoy the benefits of NIHR Academy membership, working in the multidisciplinary Centre for Applied Excellence in Skin & Allergy Research (CEASAR) in the NIHR School for Primary Care Research, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol.This doctoral opportunity is funded by a NIHR Research Professorship, held by Matthew Ridd, who will be one of the supervisors.

The Centre for Applied Excellence inSkin & Allergy Research (CAESAR) has been established as part of the NIHR Research Professorship.Dedicated to meeting the pressing clinical and research needs of children with eczema and/or food allergy, it is a multi-disciplinary group of people from on-going studies and research planned as part of the TOPIC (Transforming Outcomes for Paediatric allergy in primary care) programme.Co-located within the Centre for Academic Primary Care, it has a dedicated programme manager and administrator to support team members deliver an ambitious and exciting programme of work.

Topic and methodology

The student’s research will complement a programme of work around childhood eczema and food allergies, with the aim of improving the effective and safe use of topical treatments and identifying clinician and patient priorities for food allergy research.

We know that emollients and topical corticosteroids are commonly under or incorrectly used but we do not know the optimum way of combining these treats to achieve optimum outcomes.We also know that management of children with eczema in primary care, where the majority of children are diagnosed and treated, can be sub-optimal.Would a clinic dedicated to eczema, as for people with asthma, improve the eczema symptoms, control and quality of life?And children with eczema are higher risk of food allergies but there are many unanswered questions about how best prevent and look after children with this problem.A priority setting exercise will determine which research questions patients and clinicians/carers who look after people with the condition want answered first.Lastly, there is good evidence that early introduction of allergens into the diets of infants can prevent food allergies later in life, but we don’t know what awareness there is of this advice in the UK, whether it is being followed and, if so, what effect it’s having.

The different questions being asked in this programme of research demand different approaches, offering the doctoral student an excellent exposure to systematic review, cross-sectional, qualitative and trial methodologies.


The PhD is funded by an NIHR Research Professorship, up to £39,745 gross per annum, for up to three years or whole time equivalent, plus UK PhD tuition fees. While we anticipate that the PhD will be conducted full time, it would be possible to conduct the PhD part time over a maximum of five years. Overseas students are welcome to apply but would need to fund the difference between home and overseas fees, as well as any visa costs and NHS health surcharge.

University of Bristol, Bristol Medical School

Bristol Medical School is the largest and one of the most diverse Schools in the University of Bristol, with approximately 930 members of staff and over 300 postgraduate doctoral research students.The School is a leading centre for research and teaching across Population Health Sciences and Translational Health Sciences. Research in the School is collaborative and multi-disciplinary, with staff coming from a wide range of academic disciplines and clinical specialties.

The 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF) confirmed the University of Bristol’s position as a leading centre for health research.Bristol Medical School contributed to three Units of Assessment including UoA1 (Clinical Medicine), UoA2 (Public Health, Health Services and Primary Care) and UoA4 (Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience). The UoA2 submission, comprising predominantly Medical School staff. was ranked 3rd in the UK with 94% of our submitted research outputs rated as world leading (4*) or internationally excellent (3*). Submissions to UoA1 and UoA4 were shared with varying degrees of representation with the Faculty of Life Sciences. Respectively UoA1 and UoA4 had 94% and 84% of submitted research ranked as 4* or 3*, which represented increases in each category in the proportions of 4* ranked papers as well in growth in GPA rankings above the previous REF2014.

Within the Medical School are several major research centres, groups and programmes. More details can be found on the Medical School website.

This post will be based in Canynge Hall although the University supports hybrid working.

Candidate requirements

Applicants should hold (or be about to obtain) at least an upper second class honours degree or Masters degree (or equivalent) in biological sciences or a related discipline.Applicants should have an interest and some relevant expertise in applied/primary care, skin and/or allergy research. Pre-application enquires are encouraged.

This PhD will be particularly suitable for nurse practitioners, psychologists, or allied health professionals.

How to apply

Apply online.Select “Population Health Sciences” PhD programme and state in the application that you are applying for funding from NIHR Research Professorship (Ridd). Please ensure you have read ouradmissions statementbefore making an application. We request a 1-2 page research proposal from you as part of the application, outlining in your own words your understanding of the background to the project and why you are best placed to undertake this research

Shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview in March.

Supervisors: Matthew Ridd, Stephanie MacNeill, Jon Banks

Enquiries: Professor Ridd (m.ridd@bristol.ac.uk)

Closing date: 29thFebruary 2024





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