

Some people think that all lawbreakers should be sent to prison, while others think there are better alternatives for those whose crimes are minor, such as making them work for the local community. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



1 Possession of a controlled substance and other drug crimes

2 Theft

3 Dumping of litter in public places

4 Dogs not on a leash or under control

5 Traveller failing to give information as required by the health officer

6 Riding / Possessing bicycle within country park or special area without consent

7 Failing to produce proof of identity for inspection as required

8 Pedestrian failing to comply with the requirement of traffic signs

9 Riding / Driving on foot-path

work for the local community具体是干嘛?

local community不是指你所居住的“小区”。‍‍‍‍‍可以参考的例子是,在中国某些城市,行人闯红灯后被交警安排在路中间劝阻可能闯红灯的其他行人。类似地,还可能因为乱丢垃圾被安排打扫街道。在欧美国家,还可能是一些其他任务。


1 lawbreakers

可以替换为evil people,criminals,但是不严重的属于minor offenders

2 minor crimes

可以替换为1) minoroffences2) misdemeanor‍‍‍‍

3 send sb.to prison

可以替换为1) confine sb. to prison2) imprison3) put sb. in prison/jail4) put sb. behind bars5) deprive sb. of freedom


Opinions differ on what is a better way todealeffectively with crime. My view is that there will always be a role for prisons in confining evil people, but prisons are not for all offenders.Some people thinkconfining all lawbreakers to prison is necessary. Admittedly, there are currently a large number of people in jail for serious offences like murder and, for them, preventive education would come too late. It is more important that society continue to be protected from them than to release them in the hope that they might reform by virtue of educational programmes. Another reality is the fact that some people choose to commit serious wrongdoings no matter how much education they have received. This is the case for many white-collar crimes such as fraud which often involve the elaborate schemes that only very intelligent people could devise.

However, for offenders of minor crimes,workingfor the local community and other alternatives can be better options. For example, imprisoningadults who ridea bicycle onfootpaths near their homesis too harsh and guarding the paths they have ridden on from other riders will teach them the lesson. Also, people who dump litter in public space deserve such punishment as cleaning a local street instead of staying in jail, especially with serious criminals.From my perspective, depriving all lawbreakers of freedomcertainly protectssociety from serious offenders, but it is too severe for minor crimes, and other alternatives serve minor offenders well enough.


2018年3月3日In most countries, prisons are the most common solution for the problem of crime. However, a more effective solution is to provide people with better education so that they do not become criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


1 题型:同意反对类 VS 双边讨论类

2 方案:better education VSwork for the local community等





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