英国留学Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineers 航空航天工程师介绍

UCAS是Universities and Colleges Admissions Service的缩写,即“大学和学院招生服务中心”。申请所有英国大学及大部分高等教育院校的全日制本科课程、部分预科课程、国家高等教育文凭课程(HND)以及高等教育文凭(DipHE)课程,都必须通过UCAS进行申请。







"Whether you want to fly high, or even into outer space, you’ll be the brains behind some of the most exciting and ground-breaking technology that takes humans above the earth and beyond."

Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineers 航空航天工程师


Where to begin? Aeronautical and aerospace engineers are responsible for some of the most incredible feats of mankind, whether that’s rockets, spacesuits, aeroplanes, or weather prediction systems. Engineers in this field design, plan, and test some of the most exciting and advanced technology in the world.


If you choose a career in this industry you could work on things like wing design (aerodynamics), engine assembly (propulsion), fuel efficiency, space technology, or investigating air accidents. You could progress to being a project manager or a consultant aerospace engineer.


What you could study


  • 空气动力学Aerodynamics
  • 空间任务分析与设计Space mission analysis and design
  • 飞行力学Mechanics of flight
  • 飞机设计 Aircraft desig
  • 管理与业务Management and business
  • 传热 Heat transfer
  • 机身设计和飞行动力学Airframe design and flight dynamics
  • 空间系统 Space systems

The impact you could make


运用技能确保每年往返英国机场的 2.24 亿乘客在飞行时安全舒适。Use your aeronautical skills to keep the 224 million passengers travelling to and from UK airports every year safe and comfortable as they fly.

成为支持人类在火星上生活的团队的一员——设计、测试或制造我们前往火星并在火星上生存所需的航天器和技术。Be part of a team that supports human life on Mars – designing, testing or making the spacecraft and technologies needed for us to travel to and survive on the red planet.

评估空间天气的影响和模式,以便成功发射火箭或卫星。Assess the impact and patterns of space weather to enable successful rocket or satellite launches.

Subjects it's useful to have studied first


英国留学 I Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineers 航空航天工程师英国留学 I Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineers 航空航天工程师

Hard skills you'll develop


  • 机械工程与设计 Mechanical engineering and design
  • 机械 Machinery
  • 供暖、通风和空调 Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
  • 3D建模 3D modelling
  • 计算机辅助设计Computer-aided design

Soft skills you'll develop


  • 通信 Communications
  • 项目管理 Project management
  • 解决问题 Problem-solving
  • 创新 Innovation

Explore further


  • Aerospace Insight 博客
  • 英国航空航天与国防(美国网站)
  • 空间增长行动计划
  • 《太空日报》网站




"Hangar days! Besides that, I love the more technical lectures. It’s amazing to learn about systems you don’t even know existed."

——Second year aircraft maintenance engineering student, University of South Wales

“其中一项任务涉及在计算机上建造和设计一架飞机,然后在模拟器/游戏中驾驶这架飞机进行测试。另一个最受欢迎的是使用 CFD 软件的机翼几何形状和流体力学仿真。”


"One assignment involved building and designing a plane on a computer and then flying that plane in a simulator/game to test it. Another favourite is wing geometry and fluid mechanics simulations using CFD software."

——Second year aerospace engineering student, Brunel University London


Available jobs


过去一年有59,631个职位空缺,未来 8 年增长 1.75%。

Average salary


根据USAC官网显示该专业平均薪资£ 43,013(人民币约392,355元),高达£ 63,569(人民币约579,863元)。

Main feilds


英国留学 I Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineers 航空航天工程师英国留学 I Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineers 航空航天工程师



为什么要学习航空航天工程。是什么让你对这个专业产生了兴趣——是在看Tim Peake的时候还是Virgin Galactic?还是你读过的东西?如果是这样,请谈谈它们为什么或如何影响您的选择。Try and get across why you want to study aerospace engineering. What turned you on to the subject – was it watching Tim Peake or Virgin Galactic? Or was it something you’ve read? If so, talk about why or how they influenced your choices.

具备许多软技能也很重要,比如团队合作、解决问题、技术能力......所以,想想你什么时候表现出良好的团队合作,比如在运动队或课后俱乐部,以及你做了哪些课外活动可以展示你的技术技能,比如编码或视频编辑。There are many soft skills that are important too, like teamwork, problem-solving, technical aptitude… So, think about when you’ve displayed good teamwork, like in a sports team or after-school club, and what extracurricular activities you do that might demonstrate your technical skills, like coding or video editing.

工程师往往好奇心强,主动出击。你有没有在家里拆开玩具或物品并试图修理它?还是从头开始构建一些东西?也许你在学校参加了一个工程或设计竞赛,展示了你的创造力和独创性?Engineers are often curious and take the initiative. Have you ever taken apart a toy or object at home and tried to repair it? Or built something from scratch? Maybe you entered an engineering or design competition at school that shows your creativity and originality?

之后你打算做什么?通过参考你读过的资源或你所知道的公司,以及你在完成学业后看到自己的位置,向你展示你对这个行业的了解。What do you plan to do afterwards? Show you understand the industry by referencing resources you've read or companies you’re aware of, and where you see yourself after you’ve completed your studies.







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