英国留学Economics 经济学专业介绍

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"In the fascinating world of economics every market fluctuation tells a story, and understanding the language of supply, demand, and opportunity is the key to unravelling the complexities of global dynamics."

Economics 经济学


If you choose economics, you’ll learn the fundamental forces that shape our societies. Exploring scarcity, choice, and resource allocation, economics teaches you the tools to understand complex economic systems.


  • 微观经济学——着眼于家庭、企业和行业
  • 宏观经济学 – 从整体经济的角度来看

The subject has two main focuses:

  • microeconomics–looks at households, businesses, and industries
  • macroeconomics– looks at the economy as a whole


The study of economics opens many career paths, including roles in finance, consulting, government, and international organisations. You could end up at the forefront of economic policy, financial analysis, and strategic decision-making, contributing to economy growth on a global scale. An economics education paves the way for impactful careers, where you can be a part of shaping economic landscapes and addressing contemporary challenges.


What you could study


  • 宏观经济学Macroeconomics
  • 微观经济学Microeconomics
  • 概率和统计Probability and statistics
  • 经济学家的数学Mathematics for economists
  • 经济学家编程Programming for economists
  • 计量经济学Econometrics

The impact you could make


为公共政策的制定和评估做出贡献。Contribute to the development and evaluation of public policies.

通过将经济分析应用于战略决策来推动业务成功。Drive business success by applying economic analysis to strategic decision-making.

在全球范围内积极推动经济变革。Play a part in positive economic change on a global scale.

Subjects it's useful to have studied first


  • 商科 Business
  • 数学 Maths
  • 统计学 Statistics

Hard skills you'll develop


  • 掌握分析经济数据的统计和数学技术Master statistical and mathematical techniques for analysing economic data
  • 评估企业绩效的财务分析技能Financial analysis skills to evaluate the performance of businesses
  • 市场研究,包括调查设计、数据收集和分析 经济预测,包括时间序列分析和预测方法Market research, including survey design, data collection, and analysis economic forecasting, including time series analysis and prediction methods

Soft skills you'll develop


  • 注重细节,特别是在数据分析和研究中Attention to detail, particularly in data analysis and research
  • 表达经济发现和建议的演讲技巧

    Presentation skills to articulate economic findings and recommendations

  • 道德推理能力Ethical reasoning skills
  • 解决问题的能力,以应对复杂的经济挑战Problem-solving skills to address complex economic challenges




"I particularly enjoyed macroeconomics as it focused on economics at the consumer or individual level."

——Second year economics and finance student, Swansea University

“去年的一个应用经济学项目比较了 COVID-19 对瑞典和新西兰的影响,后者在应对大流行的方法上完全相反。”


"An applied economics project last year that compared the impact of COVID-19 in Sweden versus New Zealand, which were totally opposite in their approach to the pandemic."

——Second year economics student, University of Manchester


Available jobs空缺的岗位 &Average salary平均薪资

英国留学 I Economics 经济学

Main feilds主要从业领域

英国留学 I Economics 经济学英国留学 I Economics 经济学



一定要突出你在学习中应用分析技能的任何例子,因为这是经济学的一项基本技能。Be sure to highlight any instances where you applied analytical skills in your studies as this is an essential skill for economics.

数学也是一门重要的学科,所以要提到您成功应用数学概念的能力。Maths is also an important subject so mention your ability in successfully applying mathematical concepts.

您对当前的经济问题和趋势有多了解?您如何确保您了解全球经济事件?How aware are you of current economic issues and trends? How do you make sure you’re informed about global economic events?

您有领导经验吗?这可能是领导学习小组,组织活动,甚至可能加入与经济学相关的社团或俱乐部。Do you have any experience of leadership? That could be leading study groups, organising events or maybe even joining societies or clubs related to economics.

您想在世界上做出什么改变,学习经济学将如何帮助您实现这一目标?What difference do you want to make in the world and how would studying economics help you achieve that goal?

英国留学 I Economics 经济学



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