英国留学Engineering and Technology 工程与技术专业介绍

UCAS是Universities and Colleges Admissions Service的缩写,即“大学和学院招生服务中心”。申请所有英国大学及大部分高等教育院校的全日制本科课程、部分预科课程、国家高等教育文凭课程(HND)以及高等教育文凭(DipHE)课程,都必须通过UCAS进行申请。

  • 本预:如KCL、华威大学、爱丁堡大学等
  • 本科:全部大学
  • HND:部分课程




"Be the brains that design, manufacture and maintain the systems, devices and infrastructure that people use every day."


Engineering and Technology


With qualifications in engineering and technology – which can be studied together but are more commonly offered separately – you can go on to choose from a wide range of specialisms that you may be interested in, like mechatronics, computer science, or automobile engineering. You could work in many of the sectors that need graduates with engineering and technology skills, like sustainable energy, medical technology, robotics and automation, aeronautics, and more. As a STEM graduate you’ll likely earn an above average starting salary, with over 100,000 jobs available for engineering professionals in the last year.


What you could study


  • 算法和编程Algorithms and programming
  • 能源系统Energy systems
  • 数学原理Mathematical principles
  • 数字系统Digital systems
  • 电子工程Electronic engineering
  • 工程材料与设计Engineering materials and design
  • 工程科学Engineering science
  • 计算机辅助设计与制造Computer-aided design and manufacturing
  • 产品设计与开发Product design and development
  • 增强现实原型制作Augmented reality prototyping

The impact you could make


  • 使用最新技术改进氢动力汽车的设计,并将其推向更广阔的市场。Use the latest technology to improve the design of hydrogen-powered cars and get them out to a wider market
  • 部署人工智能来分析太空飞行模拟并避免代价高昂的错误。Deploy artificial intelligence to analyse a space flight simulation and avoid costly mistakes
  • 了解量子计算,并用它来锁定欺诈者,巧妙地隐藏他们的非法金融交易。Learn about quantum computing and use it to pin down fraudsters cleverly hiding their illegal financial transactions

Subjects it's useful to have



  • 数学Maths
  • 物理Physics
  • 计算机科学Computing
  • 设计Design

Hard skills you'll develop


  • 项目工程Project engineering
  • 项目管理Project management
  • 采购Procurement
  • 新产品开发New product development

Soft skills you'll develop


  • 通信Communication
  • 管理Management
  • 规划Planning
  • 教学Teaching


“我目前非常喜欢编程和 3D 建模,以及课程的实践方面,例如实验室和研讨会。他们给了我第一手的经验,帮助我以更有效的方式学习。”


"I currently really enjoy the programming and 3D modelling, as well as the hands-on aspect of the course, such as the labs and the workshops. They give me first-hand experience and help me learn in a more productive way."

——Second year mechanical engineering student at University of Nottingham



"I enjoy general report writing, with my favourite being in engineering design. I created a new design for garden loppers aimed at elderly people, and people with less range of movement."

——Second year mechanical engineering student at University of Huddersfield


Available jobs & Average salary


英国留学 I Engineering and Technology 工程与技术专业

Main feilds


英国留学 I Engineering and Technology 工程与技术专业英国留学 I Engineering and Technology 工程与技术专业



用例子展示对这个专业的热情,例如你做过的任何相关工作经验或志愿工作。提及是否也是任何相关社团和俱乐部的成员,以及他们如何激励您进一步探索这些主题。Show your enthusiasm for the subject, with examples, such as any relevant work experience or voluntary work you’ve done. Mention if you’re a member of any related societies and clubs too, and how they’ve inspired you to explore these subjects further.

认为自己毕业后在哪里工作?如果您对医疗技术、医疗保健或可再生能源感兴趣,请谈谈您希望做什么并将其与课程联系起来。也可以提到读过的工作经验或内容。Where do you see yourself working afterwards? If you’re interested in medical technology, healthcare, or renewable energy, talk about what you hope to do and relate it back to the course. You could also mention work experience or content you’ve read that’s inspired you to work in a particular field.

想办法展示工程和技术专业学生可能需要的其他品质,例如技术技能、团队合作和领导力,或解决问题的能力。这是在学校或课外活动中完成工作必备的技能。Think of ways to demonstrate other qualities that engineering and technology students might need, like technical skills, teamwork and leadership, or the ability to problem-solve. You’ll find you’ll have done work at school or during extracurricular activities that show you have what it takes.

有什么与这些主题相关的有趣爱好吗?喜欢做东西,弄清楚机器和电气产品是如何工作的吗?是什么让您从其他工程和技术申请者中脱颖而出?Have you got any interesting hobbies that are relevant to these subjects? Do you like making things, and figuring out how machines and electrical products work? What will make you stand out from other engineering and technology applicants?

能谈谈哪些爱好和特质来说明您的好奇心、创造力和主动性?也许您喜欢在家中修理东西,并为总是让气流进入的窗户或无法正常关闭的浴室门想出了巧妙的解决方案?或者,也许你已经调整了房子周围的一些智能技术,让它更好地为你工作。What hobbies and attributes can you talk about that illustrate your curiosity, creativity and initiative? Maybe you like to fix things at home and have come up with clever solutions for that window that always lets a draft in, or the bathroom door that won’t shut properly? Or maybe you’ve tweaked some smart tech around the house to make it work better for you.


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