英国留学Forensic Science 法医学专业介绍

UCAS是Universities and Colleges Admissions Service的缩写,即“大学和学院招生服务中心”。申请所有英国大学及大部分高等教育院校的全日制本科课程、部分预科课程、国家高等教育文凭课程(HND)以及高等教育文凭(DipHE)课程,都必须通过UCAS进行申请。

  • 本预:如KCL、华威大学、爱丁堡大学等
  • 本科:全部大学
  • HND:部分课程




"Whether you’re more Bones or CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, forensic scientists collect, analyse, and prepare the evidence that can solve a crime."

如果想要学习法医学,您将在特制的犯罪现场学习生物科学和犯罪心理学,并了解DNA、火灾和爆炸物分析等最新技术。您还将学习如何为法庭准备证据。If you study forensic science, you’ll be taught biosciences and criminal psychology in specially-made crime scenes, and learn about the latest technologies for things like DNA, fire, and explosives analysis. You’ll also learn about how to prepare evidence for court.

您最终可能会在医学院或研究部门、公共卫生实验室或从事法医学特定领域(如火灾调查)的公司工作。您可以逐步晋升为法医从业者,专门从事法医领域的一个领域,和/或被聘为专家证人,也可以晋升为个案审查员,监督他人并进行研究和文章。You could end up working in a medical school or research department, public health lab or a company that deals in a specific area of forensic science, like fire investigation. You can work your way up to chartered status as a forensic practitioner, specialising in one area of forensics, and/or being employed as an expert witness. You could also progress to being a casework examiner, supervising others and conducting research and articles.

这是一个竞争激烈但回报丰厚的职业。在处理潜在的血腥或可怕的犯罪现场时,您还需要一些弹性。It’s a competitive but potentially rewarding career. You’ll also need some resilience when dealing with potentially bloody or gruesome crime scenes.


What you could study


  • 有机和无机化学Organic and inorganic chemistry
  • 物理化学Physical chemistry
  • 实用化学Practical chemistry
  • 分子遗传学和法医遗传学Molecular and forensic genetics
  • 法医学的基本技能Essential skills in forensic science
  • 人体解剖学和生理学Human anatomy and physiology
  • 心理学和犯罪行为Psychology and criminal behaviour
  • 法医生物学Forensic biology
  • 火灾分析Fire analysis
  • 法医证据的解释和提出Interpretation and presentation of forensic evidence

The impact you could make


  • 深入了解臭名昭著的罪犯,了解他们行为背后的心理,并更好地分析将他们定罪的证据。Get under the skin of a notorious criminal to understand the psychology behind their behaviour, and better analyse the evidence that will convict them.
  • 在法庭上提供证据,为犯罪受害者伸张正义。Give evidence in court that will bring about justice for the victims of a crime.
  • 成为犯罪现场调查员或侦探。Use your degree to become a crime scene investigator or a detective.

Subjects it's useful to have



  • 数学Maths
  • 物理Physics
  • 化学Chemistry
  • 生物Biology

Hard skills you'll develop


  • 科学技术Scientific techniques
  • 实验室工作Laboratory work
  • 犯罪现场调查Crime scene investigation
  • 证据的收集、审查和解释Collection, examination, and interpretation of evidence

Soft skills you'll develop


  • 项目和时间管理Project and time management
  • 分析思维Analytical thinking
  • 介绍Presentation
  • IT技能IT skills
  • 数据管理Data management




"Crime Scene Investigation and specifically blood spatter analysis/blood pattern analysis."

——Second year forensic science student, University of Lincoln



"Determining the weapon in a ballistics shooting scenario and making a court document for it."

——Second year forensic science student, University of Kent


Available jobs & Average salary


英国留学 I Forensic Science 法医学

Main feilds


英国留学 I Forensic Science 法医学英国留学 I Forensic Science 法医学



在法医科学实验室内很难获得工作经验,那么还在哪里有过经验,您学到了什么?您去过医院或科学实验室吗?您什么时候做过自己的实验,或者在某个地方学会了如何分析和评估结果?It’s hard to get work experience inside a forensic science lab, but where else have you had experience, and what did you learn? Have you been in a hospital or science lab? When have you conducted experiments of your own, or learned somewhere how to analyse and evaluate results?

通过引用您查看或阅读的资源以及您从中收集到的内容来展示您对行业的了解。您认为自己最终会走向何方,有什么特质可以胜任这样的角色?Show you understand the industry by referencing resources you’ve looked at or read, and what you’ve gleaned from them. Where do you see yourself ending up, and what attributes do you have that would lend themselves to a role like that?

您有什么爱好可以说明您的耐心和专注能力?也许是针织或钩针编织、模型制作或其他具有精细运动技能和对细节的关注的手艺?What hobbies do you have that might illustrate your patience and ability to concentrate? Maybe a craft like knitting or crochet, model-building, or something else with fine motor skills and attention to detail?

您如何证明作为一个团队和个人都做得很好?想想所处的工作环境、参加的运动或在学校做过的项目。How can you demonstrate you work well as a team, and individually? Think about work situations you’ve been in, sports you play, or projects you’ve done at school.





英国留学艾琳学校Alleyn's School介绍


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