雅思写作(大作文)评分标准解析之Coherence & Cohesion(CC)

今天和大家分享的是雅思大作文的第2个重要的评分标准就是Coherence & Cohesion,中文意思可以理解为连贯性和衔接。

这个评分标准主要考察的是学生作文当中,尤其是主体段里面各个句子之间的逻辑衔接,句子或者段落之间的连贯性等,其中最重要的3个要求的英文原文为 The message can be followed with ease.文中的信息可以被轻松理解


In my opinion, so-called extreme sports are not as dangerous as many people think. All sports involve some element of risk, and there should always be clear regulations and safety procedures to reduce the possibility of accidents. People who take part in extreme sports are usually required to undergo appropriate training so that the dangers areminimized.

作者首先提出观点极限运动不像人们想象的那么危险。所有运动都有一定的危险性,会有一些规定和安全流程来减少事故发生的可能,而且参加极限运动的人都是受过专业训练的确保危险最小化。 这几句话首先提出观点,然后对观点进行合理支撑,不管是观点还是论据都很好理解,且符合客观事实。

Information and ideas are logically sequenced, and cohesion is well managed.  


1 There are various reasons why it might be considered beneficial to allow people to be paid extremely high salaries.

2 If companies offer excellent pay packages, they can attract the most talented people in their fields to work for them. 例子For example, technology companies like Google are able to employ the best programmers because of the huge sums that they are willing to pay.

3 Furthermore, these well-paid employees are likely to be highly motivated to work hard and therefore drive their businesses successfully.

4 In theory, this should result in a thriving economy and increased tax revenues, which means that paying high salaries benefits everyone.


再来看看有同学写的相同内容的片段 A famous saying goes that jealous promotes the advance of people.In many countries, there exists a disparity in income where a small portion of individuals earn exceedingly high salaries.Proponents of this system argue that it is beneficial for the country as it incentivizes innovation, entrepreneurship, and hard work.They contend that high salaries attract top talent, leading to economic growth and job creation.

这一段用的词汇还是不错的,但是开头一来就是人们都说“嫉妒使人进步”,这句话就会让考官觉得疑惑,不能follow with ease,嫉妒使人进步可能是道听途说的规律或者是口头禅,它更像是一种“梗”而不是能够被用于引用的名人名言,而且也显得文章不够学术;然后第二句话话锋一转才来扣题,逻辑衔接突兀而不流畅。

Paragraphing is used sufficiently and appropriately.






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