


Research Studentship in Numerical study of plumes and booster stage separation in HCMs

University of Oxford|Department of Engineering Science

博导:Prof Luca Di Mare

截止日期:July 19, 2024 周五


About the Project

Research Studentship in Numerical study of plumes and booster stage separation in HCMs

4-year D.Phil. studentship

Project: Numerical study of plumes and booster stage separation in HCMs

Supervisors: Prof Luca Di Mare & Prof Matthew McGilvray

This project will conduct research into base flow and plume interaction during the stage separation phase in the flight of a hypersonic vehicle launcher. At the beginning of the separation manoeuvre, a plume induced separation appears on the leading vehicle, while the trailing vehicle is surrounded by the flow generated by the plume, and a generally asymmetric shock surface. The trajectories of both the leading and trailing vehicle are affected by the flow fields.


  1. The objectives of the proposed study are as follows:
  2. Conduct experiments in the Oxford hypersonic wind tunnels at fixed configurations to obtain reference data for a preliminary numerical campaign
  3. Conduct a preliminary campaign validating external aerodynamic predictions at mission-relevant conditions in presence of plumes, gaps and misaligned bodies in static configurations
  4. Conduct wind tunnel tests with separating bodies using pyrotechnic devices to achieve separation and free flight. Image tracking techniques and onboard instrumentation will be used to obtain quantitative trajectory data.
  5. Conduct a matching numerical campaign aimed at reproducing the observed trajectories
  6. Generate a database of aerodynamic force and moment proximity data and demonstrate their use in a flight dynamics code to reproduce the experimental data obtained in the campaigns at points 1) and 3).


This studentship is funded through the MoD and EPSRC. You must be a British, USA or Australian national (i.e. “a AUKUS national).

Award Value

Course fees are covered for home and overseas students. The stipend (tax-free maintenance grant) is c. £23,000 p.a. for the first year, and at least this amount for a further three years.-if applicable Candidate Requirements Prospective candidates will be judged according to how well they meet the following criteria:

  • A first class class or strong upper second-class undergraduate degree with honours in Engineering, Physics or Materials Science
  • Excellent English written and spoken communication skills
  • The following skills are desirable but not essential:
  • Ability to program in Matlab
  • Design and fabrication of PCBs
  • Antenna and communications electronics

Application Procedure

Informal enquiries are encouraged and should be addressed to Prof Luca Di Mare (Luca.dimare@eng.ox.ac.uk).

Candidates must submit a graduate application form and are expected to meet the graduate admissions criteria.Details are available on thecourse page of the University website.

Please quote24ENGTH_LDMin all correspondence and in your graduate application.

Application deadline: 19 July 2024

Start date: October 2024

Funding Notes

This studentship is funded through the MoD and EPSRC. You must be a British, USA or Australian national (i.e. “a AUKUS national).  2


Structural characterizatoin of cell signaling at the membrane interface

National University of Singapore| Biological Sciences

博导:Prof Ji Sun

截止日期:November 15, 2024周五


About the Project

Signaling transduction at membrane interface plays an essential role in human health and diseases. The Sun lab combines structural biology, cell biology, pharmacology and biochemistry approaches to characterize important cell signaling events in atomic details. Leveraging the mechanistic insights gained from such studies, we strive to understand what makes life possible and what goes wrong in human diseases and to develop new therapeutics.

All applicants must possess at least four years of undergraduate study or three years of undergraduate study with a Mastersdegree. We consider an applicant's Grade Point Average (GPA) animportant factor in assessing their suitability.

All PhD applicants must submit GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) scores(https://nusgs.nus.edu.sg/admissions/). The minimum score for GRE (General Test) should be Verbal and Quantitative Abilities: total score of 320, Analytical Writing: 3.5.

As the medium of instruction at NUS is in English, applicants whose native tongue or medium of undergraduate instruction is not English, should submit TOEFL/IELTS (Academic Test) scores as evidence of their proficiency in the English Language. The minimum TOEFL score is 580 (Paper-based Test), 260 (Computer-based Test) and 85 (Internet-based Test). The minimum IELTS score is 6.

Although you could feel free to discuss potential projects with individual professors in our Department, your application will only be evaluated by the Graduate Committee in the Department. Only when you are recruited by the Department, you will have a chance to rotate in different labs and eventually choose your supervisors.

You may apply via Graduate Admission Systems (GDA3) athttps://gradapp.nus.edu.sg/apply.

The August 2025 registration has already closed. The next intake is for August 2025.

Please submit the required documents (transcript, GRE & TOEFL) via onlinebefore 15 November 2024.

Kindly prepare the following documents/items to upload in the application system:

  • A original/certified copy of Bachelor's/Master’s transcript in English translation

  • A original/certified copy of Bachelor's/Master’s degree scroll in English translation

  • A certified copy of TOEFL or IELTS scoresheet (non-English medium only) *TOEFL/IELTS score reports are only valid for two years after the test and the validity period should not expire before the beginning of the application period for the relevant intake for which you are applying.

  • A certified copy of GRE

  • Recommendations from two (2) academic referees are to be submitted via the online admission system.

  • Curriculum vitae (including co-curricular activities, community service, etc.)

  • Personal statement about broad research interests, previous research accomplishments, and personal vision of future career (2 pages).

  • Copy of Financial Statement/ Sponsorship (if you have opted self-finance for your source of finance))

  • Copy of your NRIC/passport

  • A softcopy of your passport size photo

Information on scholarships and financial aid is available at:



Go to 'Staffs', then ‘Faculty by Research” and you will be able to see the research areas of our academic staff.


Tuition Fee:https://www.nus.edu.sg/registrar/administrative-policies-procedures/graduate/graduate-fees

Department Code for GRE:https://www.science.nus.edu.sg/admissions/graduates/research-programmes/frequently-asked-questions/







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