
差不多一年前,北京时间2023年6月30日凌晨,美国最高法院否决了北卡罗来纳大学和哈佛大学的Affirmative Action(平权法案),结束了美国大学招生过程中对种族的系统性考虑。






1 (Optional) Duke University seeks a talented, engaged student body that embodies the wide range of human experience; we believe that the diversity of our students makes our community stronger. If you’d like to share a perspective you bring or experiences you’ve had to help us understand you better-perhaps related to a community you belong to, your sexual orientation or gender identity, or your family or cultural background-we encourage you to do so. Real people are reading your application, and we want to do our best to understand and appreciate the real people applying to Duke. (250 word limit)

杜克大学寻求才华横溢、积极投入的学生群体,他们体现了广泛的人类经验;我们相信学生的多样性使我们的学校群体更加强大。如果您想分享您的观点或经历,以帮助我们更好地了解您 - 可与您所属的社区、您的性取向或性别认同,或者您的家庭或文化背景有关 - 我们鼓励您这么做。我们人审申请资料,同时也希望尽可能地去了解申请杜克大学的真真实实的人。

2 The process of discovery best advances when people from various backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives come together. How do you see yourself contributing to the diversity of Caltech's community? (Your response should range between 250-400 words.)


3 The quality of Rice's academic life and the Residential College System are heavily influenced by the unique life experiences and traditions each student brings. What perspective do you feel that you will contribute to life at Rice? -Rice University


4 The late Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., Notre Dame's president from 1953 to 1987, served as a trusted adviser to U.S. presidents and popes. A champion for human rights, Fr. Hesburgh was one of the architects of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Reflect on the current state of civil rights, the progress that has been made, or the problems still being faced today. -University of Notre Dame

在1953年至1987年担任圣母大学校长的已故神父西奥多·M·海斯伯格会士,为多位总统和教皇的顾问。作为人权的倡导者,海斯伯格神父是1964年《民权法案》(Civil Rights Act)的制定者之一,该法案禁止基于种族、肤色、宗教、性别或国籍的歧视。请您思考:当前民权的状态,已经取得的进展,或者今天仍然面临的问题。-圣母大学

5 Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. -CA通用申请







1 首先,确定社群



2)行为:一群人共同协作去创造某物、做某事、解决某问题,由此给世界带来改变,包括“Black Lives Matter /BLM黑人的命也是命”运动、Girls Who Code 编程女孩计划、为我们的生命游行(March For Our Lives)等运动。拿一个美国学生Jerry为例:没有围栏的零工剧院(在一整年里,我组织了一个戏剧团体帮助移民群体的工人权益)、Admissions Community Cultivating Equity & Peace Today (ACCEPT,一个专业协助申请的组织,我在里边工作帮助高中生申请大学)



2 确定了你所属的社群之后,开始构思文章内容。















例文-1 (社群-2行为)

When I joined the Huntsville Youth Commission, a group of students chosen to represent youth interests within local government, I met Jack. Jack told me his cousin’s body had been stuffed into the trunk of a car after he was killed by a gang. After that, my notion of normal would never be the same.

A melting pot of ideologies, skins, socio-economic classes, faiths, and educations, the HYC is a unique collaborative enterprise. Each member adds to our community’s network of stories, that weave, bump, and diverge in unexpected ways. Jack talked about his cousin’s broken body, Witnessa educated us about “food deserts,” supervisor Evelyn Scott explained that girls get ten-day school suspensions for simply stepping on another student’s sneakers, and I shared how my family’s blending of Jewish tradition and Chinese culture bridges disparate worlds. As a person who was born in Tokyo, lived in London, and grew up in the South, I realize difference doesn’t have to be an obstacle to understanding. My ability to listen empathetically helped us envision multifaceted solutions to issues facing 21st-century youth.

My experience in this space of affirmation and engagement has made me a more thoughtful person and listener. I want to continue this effort and be the woman who both expands perspectives and takes action after hearing people’s stories. Reconciling disparate lifestyles and backgrounds in the Commission has prepared me to become a compassionate leader, eager to both expand perspectives and take collaborative action.

例文-2 (身份-Josh’s cousin)

Is Josh ok?

My whole family is sitting around the living room on a lazy Sunday afternoon when we suddenly hear sirens. Lots of sirens. Everyone stops. My dad peers out the window, trying to get a glimpse of the highway. My mom gets up and goes to the phone. After a few stressful rings, the person on the other line answers. My mom bursts out, “Is Josh ok?”

(点评:Nice hook! We’re engaged by the questions this paragraph raises: Why the sirens? Is Josh ok? Who is this Josh?)

Josh is my fourteen-year-old cousin, and he lives less than a mile from my house. Whenever we hear sirens, my mom will give their house a call or shoot my aunt a text, just in case. Josh was born with a syndrome which affected the formation of the bones of his head and face. As a result, his hearing, vision, breathing and some of his brain structures are compromised. He’s unable to do athletics, his tracheostomy always provides a possibility of disaster, and an unwieldy head brace used to grace his head.

(Here the author gives context by explaining who Josh is. He also defines “difference” with a few specific details.)

Living so close to Josh, we have had the opportunity to interact daily. We go on vacations together, I drive Josh to school twice a week, at every holiday we either go down to their house or they come up to my family’s house, we play wiffle ball in the yard behind their house, and one of my favorite activities is board games with him—Risk, Monopoly, Settlers of Catan, we play it all. Last Christmas, there were endless laughs when, prompted by our fathers’ nostalgia, we constructed a slot car track and raced those miniature cars around tight turns and short straightaways. This game was perfect for Josh, as he could stay in a comfortable seat and still experience speed and excitement that he is usually barred from.

(In this paragraph, the author shows us how close he is with Josh, and the final sentence shows his sensitivity. )

It goes without saying that Josh has not had an easy childhood. He has had to fight for his life in the hospital when his peers were learning how to multiply and divide in school or playing capture the flag on the beach. A large portion of his childhood has been arbitrarily taken from him. That is most obviously unfair.

(Value: Empathy)

At our high school, I see Josh every day walking from second period to third period, and every day I say hello and have a small conversation with him. One day I was walking with a few of my friends when I stopped to talk with him. During the conversation, I made a little joke at Josh’s expense. It wasn’t at all relating to his disability, but to something completely independent of that—specifically, his Instagram habits. My friends were horrified, and chastised me as they saw appropriate.

(He’s setting up for the ending and also raising a question: Why did he make the joke at Josh’s expense?)

My friends didn’t understand. He is not some extremely delicate dandelion who falls apart at every breath that causes a slightly adverse situation. Everywhere he goes, he’s the most popular guy in the room; people flock to him, surround him, pity him, overwhelm him. All Josh wants is to be treated like any other person. He is my cousin, and he is my friend, so I treat him as such. We joke, we make fun of each other, just as any other two friends do.

(Insight! The author chooses to treat Josh as he would treat any of his friends—like a normal human being.)

Josh has proved to me that people with disabilities are exactly that—people. As if that needed proving. But it’s something that is too easily forgotten. It’s hard to see anything except the handicap. A person’s wheelchair or white cane inevitably trumps any other characteristic. It’s a natural human reaction, but it too often leads to the dehumanizing of disabled people. One of my favorite people on Earth has lived a life of disability. And he plays a mean game of Monopoly.

(Here, he connects the dots and provides a bit more insight: Treating people differently because of their disability can be dehumanizing. (And for some reason, that Monopoly line makes me cry every time.)


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