






I believe that the government should offer people with free job training because most of the people are unable to do any other jobs when the orginal job have been no longer needed them to do. Most of the people will be unemployed when they are being replaced by technologies like robot. So they will needed new skills to help them to find a new job for them to earn a living. Most of them already might have the money to live for a time period. However, the saving of these people might not be enough for them to find a class to teach them about new skills for them to find a new jobs. Thus, it will be necessary for the government to give free skills class on teaching these people to find a new job.



并且第二句抽象变具体的尺度也把握得不错,从“job have been no longer needed them to do”到“they are being replaced by technologies like robot”。




The discussion on whether a student should take a gap year before going to university draws a lot of discussion in recent years. From my perspective i agree with the statement that taking a gap year will be harmfal to the students. It's true and reasonable of Claire and Andrew's opinions that using gap year as a time to plan for the future and save money to go to university. Nevertheless, a lot of students are too young to decide their life goal, for example which job they will choose in the future. So don't go to university but taking a year to deciding without guidence is actually a waste of time. The university usually give every freshman a academic adviser and future plan. These services and teachers are professional enough to help the students find their goal and inspire to the study. In addition, learn from a experienced elder will save a lot of valued time of the young students. Also, universities have many helping projects for students that have troble on the fees. So it's actually don't need to take a year to save money for the university.






I would say that the widespread impact of such influences on the society is generally positive, and here are some reasons. First, the overall economy is greatly boosted by influencers, since those creators often sell products and services online in the live streaming rooms. In addition, the positive impact on the economy nearly spread to all industries, such as electronic devices, snacks, and healthcare services, which fosters several industries to flourish. Second, a group of like-minded people can get to know each other as long as they follow the same influence because some creators may establish online chatting groups and hold face-to-face meetings in real life. Thus, it fosters a sense of community among the people who have similar interests and hobbies. Third, individuals can get entertained and sometimes even motivated and encouraged to pursue their objectives, after watching certain positive videos or reading certain stories.







I would say that extending human’s mutual respect to AI or other technological products that can provide daily assistance is not a compelling idea. First, AIs are created by human, which means that we are the masters of them by granting them the ability to think and language to communicate. However, we have not bestowed them lives, which are primarily defined by qualities such as mutual understanding and respect. Therefore, even when we treat them with respect, they can not respond in the same way, leading to disappointments and frustrations on human side. Second, the mutual respect between human individuals can promote cooperation and economic benefits, which can not be duplicated by that between a human and an AI. Specifically, human’s daily respectful behaviors and speeches can foster connections, communal emotions, and shared goals with each other, contributing to the overall social dynamics and economic developments. On the contrary, the dialogue between a machine and a human is a more unilateral one, with one side making orders and the other receiving them, producing no synergies and extra outcomes.





To start with, the author indicates that the observation of TLP may be arandomexperimental error. On the contrary, the lecturer casts doubt on this theory, saying that if the occurrence of TLP is a random flaw, the reported data and the locations of the observed TLP should be random, too. However, the report does not show any random trend; instead, most TLPcaseshappen in exactly two locations so that TLP is likely to be a real phenomenon since it is closely associated with specific locations.








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