


Advancing Quantitative Proteomics: Investigating Protein Methylation Changes in MTAP-Deficient Cancer

Imperial College London|Department of Metabolism, Digestion & Reproduction

博导:Dr Harry Whitwell

截止日期:July 31, 2024 周三


About the Project  
This project will investigate two critical problems (1) quantification in LC-MS proteomics (2) changes in protein methylation in cancer.


In approximately 50% of cancers, the expression of the MTAP gene is lost. This loss is of keen interest due to its therapeutic potential, with multiple clinical trials underway. However, much remains unknown about the biological implications of this loss, particularly regarding protein methylation, which is a highly abundant and regulated post-translational modification.

Bottom-up mass spectrometry, in which proteins are digested into peptides and then analyzed in a mass spectrometer, is a core technique for identifying and quantifying thousands of proteins and their post-translational modifications from biological samples. This technique can reveal distinct insights into biological and disease processes.

Over the past five years, the sensitivity of mass spectrometry instrumentation and protein-identification software has greatly improved, allowing the identification of increasingly lower abundant proteins. However, the quantification of these proteins has not kept pace, as the assumptions underlying protein quantification from mass spectrometry data are often unmet.

Project description

This project aims to address the issue of protein quantification and to apply these advances to the analysis of protein methylation in MTAP-null cell lines.

Optimization and Benchmarking of Protein Quantification

  • We will optimize and benchmark protein quantification using a dataset of 8000 proteins, where the fold-changes are known a priori.

Analysis of Protein Methylation

  • We will expand the concept to analyze protein methylation by curating a highly validated spectral library of methyl-peptides. This library will be generated through heavy-methyl stable isotope labeling in cell culture (hmSILAC).

Investigation of MTAP-null Cancer

  • Using CRISPR-Cas9, we will generate MTAP knockout and wild-type cell lines. In both cell lines, changes in protein methylation will be quantitatively investigated and correlated with related metabolites. Further, we will inhibit therapeutic targets (PRMT5 and MAT2A) to assess their effects.

Mechanistic Insights and Drug Target Identification

  • The data will be used to identify potential mechanisms of cell survival in MTAP-null cancer, possible mechanisms of cell death following MAT2A inhibition, and potential novel drug targets.

This project will span a broad skill set, including omics analysis, bioinformatics, and biological research. The student will become an expert in protein quantitation and protein post-translational modification analysis by LC-MS, producing several core resources, including advanced protein quantification pipelines and a high-quality spectral library for protein methylation. Additionally, the student will contribute essential biological knowledge regarding MTAP knockdown, with direct and urgent relevance to ongoing clinical trials.

Candidate The project would be best suited to an analytical chemistry PhD student, with a prior BSc or MSc in analytical chemistry.The candidate will work in a highly collaborative and technical research environment with diverse research activities. They will be encouraged to establish a wider research network through collaboration, in line with the research group's strong collaborative ethos.

Funding and Support:Fully funded 3 years studentship including tuition fees and a standard research council stipend - £20,622 tax free per annum. The fees and stipend cover UK home applicants and EU nationals with settled status.

Application Process: To apply, please send a covering letter, full CV and the contact details of two referees to Dr Harry Whitwellath.whitwell@imperial.ac.uk  


Electromagnetic tracking system for the gut

University of Auckland|Auckland Bioengineering Institute

博导:Dr Recep Avci

截止日期:December 30, 2024

周一 资助的博士项目(全球学生) 

About the Project

Interested in a rewarding career in bioengineering? Get sponsored to do life-changing research in New Zealand.

When gut function is impaired, nutritional support and diagnostic interventions often require the insertion of catheters, typically performed without visual guidance. This presents numerous risks, including death resulting from misplacement. Therefore, there is a clinical need for a new and reliable technology to guide and confirm catheter placement in real-time.

This project will develop a 'GPS system' for the gut employing state-of-the-art technology and optimisation techniques for efficient, reliable, and accurate confirmation, enhancing the safety of procedures. This new technology will be low-cost and easy-to-use, allowing procedures to be performed at the bedside and easily deployed in rural locations without requiring specialised healthcare professionals.

Desired skills:

  • Bachelor's or master's degree in engineering, preferably in electrical engineering.

  • Strong foundation and keen interest in electronics, instrumentation, and circuitry.

  • Thorough comprehension of electromagnetic fields and their applications.

  • Working knowledge of MATLAB and C programming.

  • Familiarity with computer-aided desing, optimisation techniques, and mobile app development.

  • Previous research experience with scientific writing is preferred.

Funding is from HRC ERFG.

Find out more about this project and other projects on our website here (https://www.findaphd.com/common/clickCount.aspx?theid=172056&type=184&DID=53&url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.auckland.ac.nz%2fen%2fabi%2fstudy-with-us%2fstudy-options%2fresearch-projects.html.)

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