


How to identify clash points in a round?


#1、Framework Clash


One of the most obvious and fundamental clash in any round is the Framework Clash. This is the basis of each side's argument and is often the driving force behind their reasoning. Being able to quickly identify and address the difference in frameworks can help you focus on the main points of the debate and take control of the discussion.


How to Spot and Handle Value Conflicts:

• Take Notes:

Typically, your opponent's framework will be presented at the beginning of their constructive speech. Make sure to listen carefully and jot them down.

•Ask Questions:

During cross-examination, you can ask your opponent direct questionsabout their framework. For example, you could ask,“Do you think safety is more importantthan technological progress in this case?” This forces them to clarify their stance.

•Leverage Their Values:

Once you've identified the frame work conflict, you can structureyour argument around it. If your opponent focuses on social stability, for instance, you couldargue that technological progress supports long-term social stability or demonstrate howyour stance aligns with maintaining societal harmony.


· 做笔记:


· 提出价值观问题:


· 利用对方的价值观:


#2 、Impact on the Same Area but in Opposite Directions


Another common clash point in debates is when both sides focus on the same area but reach opposing conclusions.

在⽐赛中, 正反双⽅可能会在同⼀个⽅⾯都强调影响,但论据的⽅向却完全相反。这种同一方面不同影响的冲突点⾮常常见。

How to Identify It:

•If both sides mention the same area (e.g. safety, economic growth, or social well-being) butcome to different conclusions, this is a clear example of an impact clash. You can quicklytarget these contradictions and attack your opponent's argument more directly.

•In the fall season, the Pro side may argue that such technology will significantly reduceaccidents by eliminating human error, thus making roads safer. Meanwhile, the Con sidemight argue that technical failures or poor performance in extreme weather conditions couldcreate new safety risks, making the technology unreliable. Although both sides are talkingabout safety, their impact conclusions are completely different, creating a clash point.


• 如果双⽅都提到同⼀个领域的影响(如安全、经济效益或社会福祉),但结论却完全不同,这就是影响冲突的表现。通过找到这些相同领域但相反结论的论点,你可以迅速抓住辩论的焦点,并集中⽕⼒进⾏反驳.

• 如秋季赛中正⽅可以说⾃动驾驶技术带来的⾃动化交通控制能够⼤幅减少交通事故率,作为其“安全”的正向影响。⽽反⽅则可以提出,如果系统出现技术故障或者在极端天⽓下的发挥失常,⾃动驾驶反⽽会带来严重的安全隐患,这就是相同⽅⾯但⽅向相反的影响冲突点。

#3 、Magnitude of the Impact


The final key clash point to quickly identify in a debate is the magnitude of the impact. Even when both teams agree that a policy will have some effect, they often differ on how significant that effect will be.


How to Identify It:

• The Pro might argue that the benefits are substantial and long-lasting, while the negative will likely claim that even if there are benefits, they are too small or too slow to justify the policy.

• For the fall season topic, the Pro might argue that even a small reduction in accidents is significant enough to justify wide-scale implementation. The Con side, on the other hand, could argue that the benefits are overstated and that the technology's contribution to road safety is negligible.


• 当双⽅都承认某个领域可能产⽣影响时,注意他们对影响范围或重要性的描述。

• 如正⽅可能会认为⾃动驾驶技术的普及将⼤⼤减少交通事故,尤其是在减少酒驾和疲劳驾驶导致的事故⽅⾯,因此其社会影响是⾮常⼴泛且积极的。然⽽,反⽅可能会认为,尽管技术有助于减少部分事故,但这些减少的⽐例相对较⼩,并不能解决整体交通安全的主要问题。

How to Handle It:

• Pro: You should provide concrete data and projections to show that even a modest improvement in road safety is worth pursuing. For instance, if autonomous vehicles could reduce accidents by even 1%, that would save thousands of lives each year.

• Con: You can argue that the reduction is minimal compared to other policy measures that could be taken, such as improving road infrastructure or enforcing traffic laws more strictly. This would put the benefits of autonomous vehicles into perspective and downplay their significance.


• 如果你是正方,你可以通过具体的数据来放⼤影响,证明⾃动驾驶的技术效益确实能够覆盖到⼴泛的⼈群和长期的社会福祉。例如,你可以指出,虽然⽬前事故减少的⽐例不⼤,但随着技术的成熟和普及,这种影响会持续放⼤。进⼀步,你可以强调,哪怕减少1%的事故,也能挽救成千上万的⽣命,这种影响在道德上是不可忽视的。


Now that you know these tips, it's time toput them to use in your upcoming debates. Make sure to sign up for your next competition andpractice what you've learned!





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