11.9托福阅读· 考情分析


因为每场托福阅读考试有多套题目, 所以非常欢迎参加考试的同学像【写作考情分析】一样,回忆考情给老师。以下考情来自网络搜集。

第1篇: Motor in development of children 儿童运动发展



Around the end of the first year, infants will have graduated to using the pincer grasp where they use their index finger and thumb in an opposable manner (placing them opposite each other), resulting in a more coordinated and finely tuned grip which allows for the exploration of very small objects or those objects which demand specific actions for their operation, such as the knobs on a stereo system which require turning to the left or right to adjust volume.

Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A. Infants of about a year old begin using their index finger and thumb to make more coordinated and finely tuned movements, allowing them to explore and manipulate small objects.B. Around the end of the first year, infants begin to use a type of grip on small objects that is more coordinated and finely tuned than was the pincer grasp.C. Infants begin handling very small or difficult-to-operate objects at about one year of age, resulting in improvements in their ability to grip objects with their thumb and fingers.D. When one-year-old infants begin using the pincer grasp, they become much more interested in very small objects (such as knobs on a stereo system).


第2篇:湿地保护主要内容:美国某地wetland loss非常严重,一是人们修dams,reservoir减少了Mississippi River的sediments和flood的频率,入不敷出,流失变多,沉积的泥土变少,侵蚀更严重;二是石油开采;三是入侵动物也会对wetland有害.

第3篇The Rise and Spread of Japanese Woodblock Prints 日本浮世绘版画


第4篇:Sexual Dimorphism in Lamprologus Callipterus非洲慈鲷

主要内容:Lamprologus callipterus 是一种仅在非洲坦噶尼喀湖中发现的超过300种慈鲷之一。大多数非洲慈鲷,包括 L. callipterus,在性别上表现出体型二型性——雄性比雌性更大。然而,L. callipterus 的特殊之处在于这种体型差异的显著程度。理解这种二型性关键在于它们的繁殖行为,特别是产卵(雌鱼释放卵子,雄鱼释放精子)和孵卵(保护卵)。雌性 L. callipterus 在湖底的空蜗牛壳中产卵和孵卵,而其他以壳为巢的慈鲷中,雌雄都要进入壳中产卵,因此两性都必须足够小才能进入这些壳。但 L. callipterus 的雄性并不进入壳中,而是仅在壳口释放精子。因此,雌鱼必须足够小才能进入壳中,而雄鱼则因无需进入壳而体型较大。

找到足够大的蜗牛壳对雌性 L. callipterus 来说至关重要,以至于当它们准备产卵时,通常更注重选择壳而不是选择配偶。雄鱼采用了独特策略来利用雌鱼这种选择偏好:它们不会通过夸张的展示从远处吸引雌鱼,而是通过聚集大量空蜗牛壳来吸引雌鱼。雄鱼建立直径不到一米的小领地,每个领地都以一堆蜗牛壳为中心。在湖的大部分区域,这些壳堆之间隔着没有壳的沙地或岩石底部。雄鱼通过搬运距离多达20米的壳来制造这种分散的壳堆分布,并且还会偷取其他雄鱼的壳堆,甚至包括里面的雌鱼及其后代。一旦壳被带走,雌鱼和后代通常会离开,使得这些空壳可以为新的雌鱼所用。这种搬运行为的结果是创造出被不适宜的湖底包围的人工壳堆,当雌鱼准备产卵时,它们只能到这些壳堆中寻找合适的壳,从而为雄鱼创造交配机会。

第5篇:The Deforestation of England

第6篇:Determining Past Climates

第7篇:Biological Invasions 生物入侵







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