2025春季常规赛JUNIOR WSD已备辩题Ⅰ解析发布!

还有一个月就要迎来我们今年春季的首场Junior WSD啦!大家做好准备迎接这场比赛了吗?

上周刚刚公布了已备辩题Ⅰ,今天为大家奉上,Junior WSD春季常规赛已备辩题 I 的解析,一起来看看本次公布的辩题分别有哪些主要论点吧~

Motion Analysis


2025春季常规赛 | JUNIOR WSD已备辩题Ⅰ解析发布!

Proposition 正方

For the proposition, teams can argue that this model expands access to education by eliminating the cost barrier of upfront tuition. Low-income students can go to college without fear of debt.

This model aligns the incentives of universities with student success, so they offer quality education and career path services. The graduates only pay when they earn, making it less stressful financially and enabling economic mobility (personal financial growth over time).

The policy also leads to fairer repayment, with lower earning graduates paying less than their higher earning peers ensuring universities continue to receive funds across the board.

Opposition 反方

For the opposition, teams must contend that this system will pressure universities to specialize and only focus on high income degrees while ignoring the less profitable but socially beneficial courses. For example, STEM over nursing, psychology and/or the arts.

Those with higher incomes might be required to pay significantly more than standard tuition, which could be perceived as unfair. Also, teams could argue the Universities depend on upfront tuition for their funding, and deferred payments can create financial uncertainty, which could lower the quality of education universities can provide.

Proposition 正方

For the proposition, teams should argue that sanctions impose drastic economic pressure on governments to stop child labor. Most states permit child exploitation for economic gain, and sanctions would compel them to enact tougher legislation to put an end to this.

Sanctions also show global disapproval, deterring exploitative child labor and defending vulnerable children against exploitation. Sanctions push companies to be more responsible in sourcing and production processes, preventing world supply chains from depending on child labor.

By restricting financial incentives for child labor, sanctions empower governments to invest in things such as social welfare and education programs, that can promote long-term development and break patterns of poverty.

Opposition 反方

To the opposition, the teams should present the argument that sanctions tend to harm the very individuals they seek to benefit. Most families rely on child labor for survival, and denying them trade may cause them to plunge deeper into poverty, pushing children to go to even worse conditions (out the pot into the fire).

Sanctions further hurt economies in general, with job losses and instability piling on an extra burden for the adoption of reform efforts. On the other hand, international coordination and education investments for example would be better for the effective solutions to addressing child labor roots.

春季已备辩题 I适用比赛

线上赛 I2025年3月22-23日

武汉线下城市赛 2025年4月5-6日

线上赛 II2025年4月12-13日

线上赛 III2025年5月4-5日


Young Mind, Fresh Ideas

2025 Junior WSD春季常规赛








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