Junior WSD规则解读 | 禁用互联网及对应赛中要求

Junior WSD规则解读 | 禁用互联网及对应赛中要求

NHSDLC Junior WSD规则解读系列旨在为各位参赛选手详细介绍比赛制度及相关规则,确保大家能够清晰理解比赛要求,并对近期更新的规则加深理解。本系列解读共分为禁用互联网规则详解及对应赛中要求;赛制规则、比赛分组与辩位职责;晋级与评分规则三个部分。


在常规赛的预选赛中,Junior WSD的所有比赛都将设置2轮已备动议和2轮即兴动议。所有淘汰赛的动议均为即兴动议。

根据2025春季更新的Junior WSD Rule Book的3.2条,在Junior WSD比赛中,学生准备即兴动议和已备动议时不允许使用互联网或电脑



In prepareddebates, teams will have 10minutes to prepare for the debate once the motion has been released. The side of the debate (proposition or opposition) for each team will be released in the pairing for each round. Teams are no longer allowed to use the internet or computers during prepared motion prep time. For those teams that typed prepared motion speeches, printed copies should be made for tournaments.




An impromptu (un-prepared) motion is a motion that teams receive prior to the round at the same time as you are given the side of the debate. In this instance, teams will only have limited preparation time to think of arguments and examples for your side. In impromptu debates, teams will have 20 minutes to prepare for the debate once the motion has been released.

Speakers must not consult any other individuals after they receive the impromptu motion but prepare the motion independently. Receiving coaching support is forbidden during the preparation time and during the round.If debaters are caught communicating with coaches (or in any other way consulting external individuals and receiving external support), tournament directors have the right to punish teams with a loss or disqualification depending on the severity of the infraction.



Teams should write speeches by hand on paper instead of typing them.For online tournament, students should use a camera to physically show their hands so that judges know they are preparing without internet use.


Debaters are expected to be familiar with current events and should be capable of analyzing a topic in a short amount of time. Students are no longer allowed to use the internet or computers during preparation time. Instead, teams will be allowed one dictionary and one reference book. Reference books are defined as books of facts and include encyclopedias, almanacs, etc. As an example, for years the coaches of the US WSD national team recommended their teams use the CIA fact book for impromptu motion preparation.

Junior WSD规则解读 | 禁用互联网及对应赛中要求





The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is strictly prohibited in any form during debate rounds. For the purposes of detecting AI usage, the following definition is adopted:

AI usage is defined as a score of 75% or greater when a speech is processed through Quillbot.

If the Quillbot score reaches 75% or higher, the DLC will declare that AI has been used. Students found using AI will automatically lose the debate and be suspended from the tournament. The DLC reserves the right to prevent students found using AI from registering for future tournaments that semester.





Junior WSD规则解读 | 赛制规则、比赛分组与辩位职责


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