在Junior WSD比赛过程中,裁判总是会在比赛结束5分钟之后当场宣布结果;裁判会用约10分钟宣布获胜的队伍与理由。在循环赛Round 4之后,组委会将根据团队和辩手得分综合计算出晋级队伍名单。
NHSDLC Junior WSD比赛中评价的核心要素是选手们的辩论能力,而不论其他特征。在比赛中,我们评判辩论能力的核心要素主要有三个:
1.内容 Content
Content is the strength of the argumentation presented. This also covers the quality of the rebuttal and ability to defeat opposing arguments. It marks the extent to which the strength of the arguments compels judges to support or oppose the motion. It is intended to be divorced from the style with which the argument is delivered. A speaker with a high content mark will present arguments that are highly relevant, with clear explanations and logic, and be succinct in flagging the impacts of their arguments. They will be consistent and thorough in their explanation of why their set of beliefs are the strongest arguments in the debate.
Style is the ability to deliver arguments persuasively. There is no one particular style that will be appropriate for all speakers and all debates, just as there is no one set of arguments that will win all debates. However, it does encompass a number of general elements that improve the impact of a speech. These include how a speaker uses their voice, their use of gestures, their use of rhetorical techniques and their engagement with the audience. What is being considered is the extent to which these things are used to augment or hinder the persuasiveness of the speaker.
在Junior WSD的比赛中,策略包括两个方面:
Structure and timing mean a speaker who fills their time and does not under or over speak. It also means having a clear progression of points within the speech which shows a clear sense of priorities in their argumentation.
Understanding the issues of the debate follows on from this clear sense of understanding what the key issues in any given debate are. They will be able to understand which arguments and parts of an argument they must respond to in their speeches (even if their responses are not strong); they will understand what the important things to prove within their arguments are (even if this is not always successful). Thus, if a speaker is clearly attempting to do the correct things in terms of argumentation but not proving the things they set out, they may receive a high strategy mark and a lower content mark.
辩论结束后,评委将在ballot上注明哪支队伍赢得了本轮比赛,并为选手打分。前三篇演讲按 60-80 分制计分,答辩演讲按 30-40 分制计分。然后统计各队的总分。