John Locke 2025放题!今年题目到底有多炸裂?

全球含金量最高的高中生社科论文竞赛之一——John Locke Essay Competition,终于!放!题!了!

John Locke 2025放题!今年题目到底有多炸裂?



John Locke 2025

Junior Prize 题目

John Locke 2025放题!今年题目到底有多炸裂?

Q1. Your citizenship at birth was chosen for you. Which citizenship would you have chosen?你的出生公民身份是被决定的。如果可以选择,你会选择哪国国籍?

Q2. Do you benefit more from your own freedom of speech or from other people’s?你从自己的言论自由中获益更多,还是从他人的言论自由中获益更多?

Q3. Who is more powerful - Donald Trump or Elon Musk?谁更有权力——特朗普还是埃隆·马斯克?

Q4. Since 1920, twenty-one presidents and prime ministers from nine countries have been graduates of Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE) at Oxford. Would it have been better if they had studied history?


Q5. What is your fair share of what someone else has earned?你应该在他人所得中分得多少才算“公平”?

Q6. Why do you continue to use your smartphone more than is good for you?为什么你总是忍不住使用手机,哪怕你知道这对自己不好?

Q7. Why do people become more boring as they grow up and grow older?为什么人们随着年龄增长,变得越来越无聊?

John Locke 2025

哲学题目 Philosophy

John Locke 2025放题!今年题目到底有多炸裂?

Q1. What moral obligations do we owe to living persons that we do not owe to future persons? What are the implications of your answer for policy-making?我们对在世之人的道德义务与对未来之人的道德义务有何不同?你的答案对政策制定有哪些影响?

Q2. Should we treat non-human animals well because they have rights, interests, neither, or both?我们应该善待非人类动物,是因为它们拥有权利、利益,抑或两者皆无或兼有?

Q3. "When civilians are the main target, there's no need to consider the cause. That's terrorism; it's evil." Is this correct?“当平民成为主要攻击目标时,动机已不重要。这就是恐怖主义,它是邪恶的。” 这句话正确吗?

John Locke 2025

政治题目 Politics

John Locke 2025放题!今年题目到底有多炸裂?

Q1. Should politicians ever be punished for lying?政客是否应因撒谎而受到惩罚?

Q2. David Hume celebrated the wisdom of "unlettered men". In a democracy, do the votes of the unlettered tend to protect a country against the bad ideas of the lettered or do the votes of the lettered tend to protect a country against the bad ideas of the unlettered?大卫·休谟推崇“未受教育者的智慧”。在民主制度下,是未受教育者的选票能保护国家免受受教育者的错误思想影响,还是受教育者的选票能保护国家免受未受教育者的错误思想影响?

Q3. Diversity is fashionable, but is it valuable?多元化是一种流行趋势,但它是否真正有价值?

John Locke 2025

经济题目 Economics

John Locke 2025放题!今年题目到底有多炸裂?

Q1. What kinds of behaviour are engendered by the hope of profit? Is such behaviour better or worse, on balance, than the behaviour we should expect if all enterprises were owned by charities or governments?对利润的追求会催生何种行为?综合来看,这种行为相比于所有企业都由慈善机构或政府拥有时的行为,是更好还是更糟?

Q2. What will be the effect on socio-economic mobility of the UK government's plan to impose value added tax on school fees?英国政府计划对私立学校学费征收增值税,这将对社会经济流动性产生怎样的影响?

Q3. Should Oxford lower its admissions standards for the sons and daughters of generous benefactors?牛津大学是否应该降低对慷慨捐赠者子女的录取标准?

John Locke 2025

历史题目 History

John Locke 2025放题!今年题目到底有多炸裂?

Q1. According to Bertrand Russell, "Hitler is an outcome of Rousseau; Roosevelt and Churchill of Locke." To what extent was he correct?伯特兰·罗素曾说:“希特勒是卢梭的产物,而罗斯福和丘吉尔是洛克的产物。” 这一观点在多大程度上是正确的?

Q2. Should anyone be ashamed of their nation's history? Should anyone be proud of it?一个人应该为自己的国家历史感到羞耻吗?一个人应该为自己的国家历史感到自豪吗?

Q3. Which figure in history did most to enlarge human freedom?历史上哪位人物对扩大人类自由的贡献最大?

John Locke 2025

法学题目 Law

John Locke 2025放题!今年题目到底有多炸裂?

Q1. What injury should one person be permitted to inflict on another in the defence of private property?在保护私人财产时,一个人应被允许对他人造成何种程度的伤害?

Q2. “Use every man after his desert, and who should ’scape whipping?” Should the law treat offenders better than they deserve?“如果人人都按其罪行受罚,还有谁能逃脱鞭笞?” 法律是否应当对犯罪者比他们应得的待遇更宽容?

Q3. Is Vladimir Putin a war criminal?弗拉基米尔·普京是战犯吗?

John Locke 2025


John Locke 2025放题!今年题目到底有多炸裂?

Q1. Is objectivity all in the mind?客观性是否完全是主观意识的产物?

Q2. Eleanor Roosevelt declared, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Is she right?埃莉诺·罗斯福曾说:“未经你的同意,没人能让你自觉低人一等。” 她的观点正确吗?

Q3. What is self-deceit?什么是自欺?

John Locke 2025


John Locke 2025放题!今年题目到底有多炸裂?

Q1. Is atheism implausible?无神论站不住脚吗?

Q2. Why would the creator of a trillion galaxies become angry if you have sex with your boyfriend or eat bacon for breakfast?如果宇宙的创造者掌管着上万亿个星系,为什么他会因为你和男友发生关系或早餐吃培根而愤怒?

Q3. Why pray?为什么要祷告?

John Locke 2025放题!今年题目到底有多炸裂?

John Locke Essay Competition 由英国牛津的独立教育组织 John Locke Institute 主办,联手 牛津、普林斯顿、布朗、白金汉等世界顶级高校教授,致力于培养能独立思考、逻辑清晰、表达有力的未来学术大咖。

🏆 为什么众多学霸趋之若鹜?

  • ✔ 申请加分神器:获奖者往往成为哈佛、耶鲁、斯坦福、牛津、剑桥的录取热门!
  • ✔ 学术实力认证:竞赛要求超高,能在其中杀出重围,足以证明你的学术竞争力!
  • ✔ 提升硬核写作技能:不仅能帮你攻克IBA-LevelAP论文,还能为未来大学学习打下坚实基础!

近年来,John Locke 竞赛简直 “爆” 出天际!

✅ 2020年:2740 份论文

✅ 2024年:34823 份论文

短短 4 年,参赛人数翻了 10+ 倍,堪称“写作界的奥运会”!竞赛热度、权威性、认可度 直线上升,能获奖就等于在全球学术圈刷了一波存在感!

📅 2025 John Locke 比赛时间表










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