



17:00 Topic: Fencing


Part A Group Interaction

Background: Invite Cheung Ka Long for a visit + interview

•How this event can benefit students/young people

•What activities can be done during the visit

•What questions will you ask him

•Anything else you think is important

Part B Individual Response

•Do you like to watch the Olympics on TV?

•Have you ever watched the Olympic Games?

•Do you think fencing is dangerous?

•Did you play sport during summer holiday?

•What quality is required for a professional athlete?

•How can Cheung Ka Long's experience inspire young people?

•How can we encourage young people to become professional athletes?

•Should the Hong Kong government put mc ffort into supporting local elite athletes?

18:00 Topic:Photo Taking in Public Places


Part A Group interaction

Background: Example of places that have placed restrictions on tourists taking photos(e.g.Japan Mount Fuji, Berlin, and another city)

•Why people don't like others taking photos in public areas

•What places in Hong Kong are popular for taking photos

•Whether Hong Kong needs to have rules for people taking photos in public

•areasAnything else you think is important

Part B Individual Response

•Do you want to share photos with your friends?

•Did you post any photos on social media?

•Do you take photos in public places?

•Will you go to a place only for photo-taking?

•Which group do you think takes more photos-younger or older people?

•Why is it important to take photos while traveling?

•Does tourism bring disruption to a city?

•Will taking photos spoil the experience for others?

19:00Topic: Smartphones vs PCs该话题涉及科技、教育、生产力、社交媒体等,考生需讨论智能手机与电脑的作用及影响,特别是在学生学习方面的优劣。

Part A Group interaction

Background: Technology Club

•Why smartphones are so popular

•Whether PCs are still useful to students

•Whether PCs will be completely replaced by smartphones

•Anything else you think is important

Part B lndividual Response

•Do you use smartphones?

•Have you ever done homework using a computer?

•Do students spend too much time on phones?

•Do you think the school should provide laptops to students?

•Do you prefer working on smartphones or PCs?

•Shouid students be allowed to use smartphones at school?

•Should very young kids be allowed to use smartphones?

•Do you think you can live without smartphones?


17:00Topic:Trip to shenzhen


Part A Group Interaction

Background: Shenzhen is getting popular among tourists

•what makes Shenzhen more popular than the other places

•why Hong Kong people prefer travelling to Shenzhen

•how could Hong Kong business keep people in the city during holiday

•anything else you think is important

Part B Individual Response

•Will you travel to Shenzhen with your family?

•What will you do in your free time?

•What would you do when going on a family trip to Shenzhen during weekend?

•Apart from travelling to Shenzhen, where do you think HK people can spend their free time in?

•Do you think it is convenient for people to go to Shenzhen day return?

•Do you think buying daily necessities in Shenzhen is convenient?

•Do you think the trend of Hong Kong people travelling to Shenzhen will continue?

•How do you think the travel habits of Hong Kong people will change in the future?

18:00 Topic:Car Driving in Hong Kong


Part A Group Interaction

•benefits and challenges of being a driver in Hong Kong

•whether Hong Kong is a car-friendly city

•why fewer teenagers learn driving in Hong Kong

•anything else you think is important

Part B Individual Response

•Is Hong Kong a safe place to drive?

•Do you want to learn driving?

•Should schools teach students how to drive?

•Do you think it is necessary for teenagers to learn how to drive in Hong Kong?

•Should people under the age of 18 be allowed to drive in Hong Kong?

•Should the government encourage more people to have car ownership in

•Hong Kong'How do you think the travel habits of Hong Kong people will change in the future?

•Do you think that being a driver is a sign of adulthood?

19:00Topic:Phobias of HongKong Teenagers


Part A Group Interaction

•common fears that Hong Kong teenagers are facing

•reasons causing the fears

•how the teenagers can overcome the fears

•anything else you think is important

Part B Individual Response

•Do you know anyone scared of animals?

•What childhood fear do you have?

•Who would your seek help from to overcome your fears?

•Why do you think some people are afraid of taking the lift?

•How will your help your friend to overcome the fear ofpublic speaking?

•How do fears of people affect their confidence?

•Do you think fear disappear as you get older?

•How do you think phobias will affect the self-esteem of teenagers?









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