12 名 MIT 招生官亲自教你写文书


2、MIT 的“文科基因”MIT 的招生官认为,与其让申请者用一篇长长的文书介绍自己,我们不如多设计几个问题让申请者去回答,这样才能让我们更好地了解你。典型的理科生思维,通过多维度去找到问题的答案。12 名 MIT 招生官,亲自教你写文书 | 附范文包
今年 MIT 一共给申请者设计了六道 short answer essay questions ,每篇要求的篇幅都不长,基本都在 250 字以内,有一篇甚至只有 100 字的字数限制。
更少的字数限制,并不意味着写作难度的降低,申请者应具备更好的结构组织能力与语言能力。让我们一起看看今年 MIT 的文书问题吧:12 名 MIT 招生官,亲自教你写文书 | 附范文包


2)和我们谈谈 MIT 哪个领域对你最有吸引力?(不超过100字)




需要特别注意的是,第六道题出现的位置不是太显眼,不注意审视文书要求的同学可能会漏掉噢,要求如下:12 名 MIT 招生官,亲自教你写文书 | 附范文包
这是道开放性试题,让你描述除去上述 5 道题涉及的方面,还有什么关于你的信息是值得分享给学校的。

12 名 MIT 招生官,亲自教你写文书 | 附范文包除了题目外,我们通常能看到招生官给出写文书的建议。阅读学校官方给的范文,是动笔前需要做的重要事项之一,这不仅能了解招生官的偏好,或许也能赋予你一些灵感。
基本上所有的学校都会提供往年申请者写的优秀范文,而 MIT 的招生官想到了一个更有趣的点子:我们亲自写。招生官亲自下场“秀肌肉”,是少见的。带着这样的好奇心,我阅读完了十二名招生官的“自我介绍”,决定破例给他们 offer(开个玩笑)。

招生团队选择了第三道题来做示范,也就是这道:12 名 MIT 招生官,亲自教你写文书 | 附范文包
那么就让我们转换一下身份,化身“招生官”,看看“学生”们写的文书吧:Every summer I receive a visit from a person I' ve never met, a person who technically doesn' t exist. Let me explain. When I took AP Literature (many moons ago) I encountered Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie for the first time. I fell in love with Adichie' s detailed, perceptive prose, her humor, and most of all, Ifemelu—the confident, witty, blog-writing main character. The story follows Ifemelu as she grows up in Lagos, Nigeria and immigrates to the United States for university, eventually becoming a successful writer and moving back to Nigeria to rediscover home. It' s a coming-of-age tale, a love story, and a record of how we all evolve based on social context and age. I reread this book every June, and each time, something new resonates with me—the nerve-wracking freedom of moving to a new city, the overwhelming rush of first love, the difficulty of reconciling one' s childhood self with an emerging adult self. Rereading the book has become a means to measure how I' ve grown as a person—similar to how I marked my height in pencil on my doorframe each year as a kid. By now Ifemelu feels like a friend, and the week I spend with her each summer feels like a highly-anticipated visit during which I remember all the reasons I connected to her in the first place and discover new axes of connection (and new parts of myself). Back to reading now—Ifemelu' s only here for a few more days.——AlessandraI slowly make my way through the metal doors, moving slowly, as to not draw too much attention. Taking a deep breath, I remind myself of my goal—one that will involve patience and determination. With each step, I make my way toward the future and the past:Stonewashed denim, with frayed hems that catch in the breezeA sequined gown straight out of Studio 54… that would also make a splash in Dua Lipa' s latest music videoMilitary inspired jackets with gleaming epauletsBattered concert tees of my favorite 80s bandsSuddenly, without any warning, my attention is drawn elsewhere—Italian loafers, chunky bangles, vibrant leather bags, with just a hint of irregular stitching. Then, out of nowhere, I spot her: hiding in an overstocked rolling rack, between a faux pas and my future self—the perfect dress. 50% off. In the cart she goes. Bargain shopping is not for the faint of heart, but for those willing to take the risk… the possibilities are endless.——Tiffany这里由于篇幅的关系,我就不放所有的范文了。从上面两篇范文中,我们可以看出MIT招生官很看重的一个点就是:展现最真实的自己。12 名 MIT 招生官,亲自教你写文书 | 附范文包
MIT前招生办公室联络主任 Ben Jones 也曾说过 " we are looking for the applicant's true voice when we read his or her essay. "现任MIT招生办主任 Stuart Schmill 在此前接受的采访中也多次强调“我们想要看到最真实的你。”12 名 MIT 招生官,亲自教你写文书 | 附范文包


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