
2022 National English Competition for College Students

(Type B - Preliminary)


Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (5 marks)


Section B (10 marks)

6—10 CCBAD

11. accountant 12. relieved 13. traditional 14. difference 15. drawing

Section C (5 marks)

16—20 ACABD

Section D (10 marks)


21. concurrently 22. seemingly arbitrary 23. denied to 24. full-scale models 25. devoted to


26. size and thickness 27. 200 / two hundred 28. leading 29. fruitless / unsuccessful 30. opened up  

Part II Vocabulary & Grammar (15 marks)

31—35 BAACB 36—40 DBBDA 41—45 CDDCB  

Part III Cloze (10 marks)

46. calls 47. which 48. equivalent 49. skilled 50. undoubtedly 51. another 52. than 53. but 54. meaning 55. an  

Part IV Reading Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (10 marks)

56—60 DFBAE

Section B (10 marks)

61. A multinational company which had invented products for keeping homes spotless.

62. The American singer Bob Dylan.

63. Assembling connections between past influences and making something entirely new.

64. They believe it can help their employees increase the possibility of solving problems.

65. Cities. Section C (10 marks)

66. will / may have become

67. games designers / developers

68. secondary

69. as well as / and

70. willingly  

Part V Translation (15 marks)

Section A (5 marks)

71. 你或许对闰年耳熟能详,但你有听过闰秒吗?就像闰年,闰秒是为了弥补地球自转每年不尽相同而被加进日历的。然而,不像每四年便会给二月多一天这个行之数百年的惯例,闰秒是日历上相对较新的特色。闰秒是从 1972 年才开始实施,之后共有二十七个闰秒被加入时钟。这个额外的时间增补在六月三十或十二月三十一日。至于这些增秒为何如此不规律,那是因为潮汐、地震和气候变迁都会影响地球自转,并使计时产生区区几毫秒的误差。

Section B (10 marks)

72. The Dream of Red Mansions, a cultural treasure of China, epitomises the excellent traditional culture of China. Cao Xueqin lived and wrote the novel in Beijing in the Qing Dynasty. Over the past hundreds of years, there have been many legends about Cao Xueqin and The Dream of Red Mansions.

The dance drama Cao Xueqin not only presents the beauty of The Dream of Red Mansions, but also leads us into Cao Xueqin s private life, into his emotions, and into his spiritual world. From the dance drama, we can appreciate the influence and vitality of the traditional Chinese culture.

Part VI IQ Test (10 marks)

73. 910. (5 + 4 = 9; 3 + 7 = 10)

74. sincerity.(从字母 S 开始,顺时针方向填写所缺字母)

75. 15 days. [The five men take 21×5 = 105 man-days to build the house; seven men therefore build the house in 15 days (105÷7) ]

76. L: to spell BAGEL. (Take the first letter on the top row and the last letter on the bottom row, etc., which, plus the AGE in the middle row, spell out BAGEL, PAGER, LAGER, CAGEY, WAGED, EAGER and RAGES.)

77. One-third.[Of the nine faces shown (or 18 half-faces), six out of 18 half-faces are shaded. One-third of the total figure visible is therefore shaded. ]  

Part VII Error Correction (10 marks)

重磅!2022年9月大英赛初赛参考答案(含ABCD类) 重磅!2022年9月大英赛初赛参考答案(含ABCD类)

Part VIII Writing

Section A (10 marks)


Dear Mr Smith,

I recently participated in your course for training travel representatives. The course exceeded my expectations and proved extremely useful to me, so I want to take the opportunity to thank you personally.

I had attended training courses in other places but had been rather disappointed by them. But this course was very well thought out and presented, and the enthusiasm of the two tutors was infectious. I would single out Sue Harper's module on administration for special praise—the part on how to do reports and keep accurate computer records was first class.

As someone who had no relevant experience, I was rather nervous about the prospect of having to give presentations to new guests. But the tutors reassured me that I could do it and gave me a lot of personal attention to boost my confidence. Recording what I did in front of the other students was a great idea, and I also learnt a lot about body language and voice control from seeing and hearing myself on screen. I recall also doing some challenging role plays to simulate what can happen with difficult guests! At the time this seemed a bit like“acting”, but it too turned out to be a very useful skill.

I'm happy to say that I've now completed my first full summer working in a company in China and have every intention of repeating the experience next year. The job was as varied as I'd been led to expect and I found it really enjoyable to assist all the guests and answer all their queries. Everything I've learnt has been thoroughly useful, so thank you again for your excellent training programme.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming  

Section B (20 marks)


In the past, clear handwriting was essential, as it was necessary for school and university work, as well as for many job -related duties. Many people believe handwriting will no longer be useful in the future. Although computers are replacing handwriting in many areas, I still believe it is important that children learn to write legibly.

People often talk about a paperless society. This means that all communication is carried out by electronic means. If this ever truly comes to pass, there will be no need to write by hand. Today, university and high school assignments have to be typed, so certainly handwriting is less important than it was before. This has made written communication simpler as material can be reorganised and edited without being rewritten from scratch.

Although there will be less need for handwriting in the future, it is still an important skill for children to learn. Learning to write helps children learn to read, spell and punctuate. These are skills that computers can help with, but they still need input from the computer user. Furthermore, many schools and universities still require examinations to be handwritten, and this is likely to continue, as there is considerable concern about the possibility of cheating in assignments produced at home on computer.

In conclusion, although handwriting is less important than it was, it is still an important part of young people’s education. This is because it is part of the learning process, and because there are still areas where handwritten responses are necessary.  



1.本题满分为 A 10 分;B 20 分,按四个档次给分。


3. A 词数少于 100 词或多于 130 词的,B 词数少于 160 词或多于 200 词的,从总分中减去 2 分。

4.  如书写较差,以致影响阅卷,将分数降低一档。


第四档(很好):A 9-10 分;B 16-20 分


第三档(好):A 6-8 分;B 11-15 分


第二档(一般):A 3-5 分;B 6-10 分

未恰当完成写作格式的要求,漏掉内容要点,表达思想不清楚,文字多处出现词汇和语法错误,影响 了对写作内容的理解。

第一档(差):A 1-2 分;B 1-5 分

未完成写作格式的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,表达思想混乱,有较多词汇和语法的重大错误,未能将 信息传达给读者。

0 分








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