
2022 National English Competition for College Students

(Type D - Preliminary)


Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (5 marks)


Section B (10 marks)

Conversation One

6—10 BCBDA

Conversation Two

11. used / accustomed 12. experience 13. permanently 14. traveling / travelling 15. memorable

Section C (5 marks)

16—20 DBABC

Section D (10 marks)


21. surprises 22. special 23. learning center / centre 24. chemist 25. a large number of Summary 26. $2,500 27. Cut back 28. other companies 29. enough 30. simple

Part II Vocabulary & Grammar (15 marks)

31—35 CBAAC 36—40 BCADB 41—45 CCBDA

Part III Cloze (10 marks)

46. when 47. Recently 48. they 49. A 50. out 51. explained 52. Adding 53. embarrassed 54. pressure 55. as

Part IV Reading Comprehension (30 marks)

Section A (10 marks)

56—60 FADEG

Section B (10 marks)

61. Because they wanted familiar foods to ease their transition to foreign lands.

62. About $4,840,000. / It costs about $4,840,000 to take 220 kg things into space.

63. They are a renewable food source and they can help improve air quality.

64. The lack of gravity in space and soil being too heavy to send to space.

65. Breeding plants to grow with less water and light and making plants more resistant to disease.

Section C (10 marks)

66. advanced / developed / modernized

67. 3-D

68. takes place

69. in harmony with

70. linguist

Part V Translation (15 marks)

Section A (5 marks)

71. 许多人将睡眠视为一天中要做的最后一件事,为了完成家务、作业、工作或观看最新的电视剧,晚点儿再睡也没事。这种想法需要改变。不要将睡眠时间看成你一天中剩下的时间,而是将其看成为了高效的明天而休整的时间。或许这听起来只是想法上的一个小小改变,但却是很重要的改变。

Section B (10 marks)

72. Too many things can keep you from seeing the ones you want to see in person every day. Fortunately, thanks to modern technology, the people we miss can be contacted through a phone call or text message. But if you prefer sending text messages than making phone calls, you may need to reconsider it. A new study found that communication that included voice, like a phone call, could create stronger social bonds than communication through text messages or emails.

Part VI IQ Test (10 marks)

73. A. In all the others, one dot is in one circle and the other dot is in two circles. In A both dots are in two circles.

74. 25. Add 50, 15, 17 and 18=100. Divide by 4=25. 25 is the number of votes received by the winner.

75. O. There are two alternate sequences: AbCdeFghiJklmnO; ZyXwvUtsrQ.

76. 20. (7+26+17)-(8+12+10)=20 77. water. saltwater; waterfall

Part VII Error Correction (10 marks)


Part VIII Writing (30 marks)

Section A (10 marks)

The chart provides a comparison of the levels of job satisfaction of workers in various occupations.

The research shows that overall, gardeners demonstrate the highest level of job satisfaction, with 87% agreeing that they are happy at work. They are followed by hairdressers (79%) and plumbers (76%). At the other end of the scale, only 44% of banking employees agree that they are happy at work. The other two least satisfied bottom categories are IT workers (48%) and electricians (55%). The percentage of the mid-range satisfaction level is from 60% to 70%, namely scientists (69%), doctors and dentists (65%), lawyers (64%) and nurses (62%). Teachers and accountants make up the remainder, with 59% and 58% respectively.

Section B (20 marks)

Many people argue that similarity is the key to a successful friendship. In contrast, I am of the opinion that two people who are very different from each other stand an equal chance of developing a satisfying relationship.

Regarding opinions, you can benefit greatly from having friends whose opinions differ from yours. This is because your friends can provide you with a different point of view on issues that may be important. As a result, you become more open to alternative points of view.

As for interests, having friends who have interests that are different from your own can have a positive impact on your life. They might encourage you to experiment with new activities. Consequently, you may discover more about yourself.

In conclusion, differences in opinions and interests between friends may actually be a source of inspiration and personal growth rather than conflict. For this reason, I think that people who are very different from each other are just as likely to create meaningful friendships as people who are similar to each other.  



1.本题满分为 A 10 分;B 20 分,按四个档次给分。


3. A 词数少于 80 词或多于 100 词的,B 词数少于 120 词或多于 180 词的,从总分中减去 2 分。

4.  如书写较差,以致影响阅卷,将分数降低一档。


第四档(很好):A 9-10 分;B 16-20 分

完全符合写作格式的要求,覆盖多个内容要点,表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性很好,基本上无词汇 和语法错误。

第三档(好):A 6-8 分;B 11-15 分


第二档(一般):A 3-5 分;B 6-10 分

未恰当完成写作格式的要求,漏掉内容要点,表达思想不清楚,文字多处出现词汇和语法错误,影响 了对写作内容的理解。

第一档(差):A 1-2 分;B 1-5 分


0 分








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