Zuckerberg 的Metaverse 一年怎么样了

差不多去年10月的时候,Zuckerberg 宣布公司改名字,并且主攻Metaverse

Last October, when Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Facebook, announced that the company would change its name to Meta and become a “metaverse company,” he sketched a vision of a utopian future many years off in which billions of people would inhabit immersive digital environments for hours on end, working, socializing and playing games inside virtual and augmented worlds.


The company’s stock price has tumbled nearly 60 percent in the past year — a reflection not just of broader market turbulence, but of some investors’ skepticism that the metaverse will be highly lucrative anytime soon.

Some Meta employees have complained about frequent strategy shifts that seem tied to Mr. Zuckerberg’s whims rather than a cohesive plan.

In September, Vishal Shah, the vice president in charge of Meta’s metaverse division, wrote on an internal message board that he was disappointed in how few Meta employees were using Horizon Worlds, according to a post obtained by The Times.

只是公平点说,Meta 业绩不好,也不是因为转型Metaverse 的原因,主要也是主营业务表现不好: Facebook,Instagram 竞争不过 TikTok;Apple 新的隐私政策导致广告业务不好做了(这里有意思的是,Apple 自己的广告收入有了很大的增长,所以Apple 的所谓的保护私隐更多也是噱头啊)

“The pressures Meta’s business is facing in 2022 are acute, significant and not metaverse-related,” ...

TikTok is siphoning younger users away from Facebook and Instagram, Meta’s two big moneymakers, and Apple made privacy changes to its mobile operating system that have cost Meta billions of dollars in advertising revenue.


“And there is a risk that almost everything Mark has outlined about the metaverse is right, except the timing is farther out than he imagined.”

过去的一年,Metaverse 也是取得了一些成绩的

There are some signs that Meta’s bet has put it ahead of competitors. The company’s consumer V.R. headset, the Quest 2, is the most popular V.R. headset on the market with more than 15 million sold, according to outside estimates. Its Oculus V.R. app — which has since been rebranded Meta Quest — has been installed over 21 million times on iOS and Android devices, according to an estimate by Sensor Tower, an app analytics firm.

但这个成绩相比于Meta 自身的体量来说,都太不值得肯定了

By comparison, Meta’s social-media products, including Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, together attract more than 3.5 billion average monthly users—a figure equivalent to almost half the world’s population. Horizon is currently reaching less than the population of Sioux Falls, S.D.

但是从公关来看,转型Meta 有个更大的帮助是大众不再揪着Facebook 带来的社会问题不放了,开始去关注Zuckerberg 是怎么赔钱的了。

The metaverse was supposed to offer Meta a fresh start as it faces other business pressures and negative publicity. The new strategy was announced weeks after the leak of thousands of pages of internal records documenting the business struggles and societal downsides of the company’s social-media products, documented in a Wall Street Journal series called The Facebook Files.

Microsoft 和 Apple 也有投资 Metaverse 相关业务。

Other tech giants, including Microsoft Corp. and Apple Inc., are developing products on the belief that the metaverse is the next digital frontier.


“Being a cynic about new and innovative technology is easy,” Mr. Stone said. “Actually building it is a lot harder — but that’s what we’re doing because we believe the metaverse is the future of computing.”

对于Meta 来说,目前要解决的的可能是确定ta们家的Metaverse 是想侧重game,还是侧重social 的问题了。方向不明确,员工也不好做事啊。

Meta has canceled or delayed early metaverse-related products, and current and former employees said there is disagreement inside the company about whether Horizon should be focused on games or, as is Mr. Zuckerberg’s preference, social connection.







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