么是Kira Interview?如何准备Kira Interview?

什么是Kira Interview?

Kira Interview是由Kira Talent所提供的一种在线面试方案。Kira Talent是一家加拿大在线面试平台。目前,许多国外大学正在将其作为招生过程的一部分。它允许学校通过预先录制的问题和答案对潜在申请人进行面试。它可以让面试者对申请人有一个全面的了解。他/她可以评估申请人的领导潜力、沟通能力、理解力、驱动力等。

由于一般申请人只有30-60秒的准备时间,所以,这非常考验申请人的思考能力以及表达能力。而除了要快速想好自己的内容外,还需要确保回答能够保持基本的逻辑性。除去口语部分,还有部分学校,如圣路易斯华盛顿大学的Olin Business School在面试的题目中加入写作题。

事实上,起初只有美国大学的商学院会要求申请人完成Kira interview。但从这两年来看,包括帝国理工学院、新加坡国立大学等非美的一流大学也逐步在申请中增加了这个环节。此外,像美国的哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学等名校的理工科申请,也需要申请人完成Kira interview。由此可见,该面试在申请名校时候的重要性。

如何准备Kira Interview?

首先,我们要注意的是,不同学校之间对于Kira Interview的要求是不同的。比如,像约翰霍普金斯大学的Carey Business School,要求申请人在网申系统中就完成Kira Interview,只有当完成这一步之后才能递交申请。而像圣路易斯华盛顿大学的Olin Business School,则是等申请人递交申请之后才会向申请人邮箱发送Kira Interview的邀请。其他诸如南加州大学的Marshall School of Business的MS in Marketing,会等申请截止日过后的一段时间,统一将面试邀请发送到申请人邮箱。所以,我们建议第一步就是要留意Kira Interview在申请中的时间节点,提前做好准备。


事实上,绝大部分学校也会在Kira Interview中提供练习题,虽然这些题目不会出现在正式的interview中,但可以很好地帮助我们熟悉这个录制过程。所以,我们一定要妥善利用好这个机会。当然,我们还需要注意的是,每个学校对于练习题的联系次数是有不同要求的,有的学校只允许你联系三次,有的则更多。若练习题过后,就会出现正式的题目,进入到正式的录制中。所以,我们一定要提前了解到相关的信息,以免在不知情的情况进入了正式的录制。最后assessment部分成功提交上传面试视频后,会有一个大概的处理时间,申请人们会在这之后收到确认邮件。


Kira Interview 全解析!助你轻松通过面试!



2.衣着:根据Kira Talent的官方建议,我们应该穿着商务休闲装,如正装衬衫、衬衫、毛衣或长袖等。一般不建议穿着一些奇装异服。当然,由于一般只录制申请人的上半身,至于裤装或者鞋子,就不作要求了。




最后,我们帮大家整理了一些常见的Kira Interview题目,希望大家能够顺利通过Kira Interview,取得满意的申请结果。

  1. Tell me about yourself.

  2. Why do you want to attend our program?

  3. Tell us about a time when you overcame a difficult challenge.

  4. Describe one of your favorite hobbies and why it is essential to you.

  5. How do you work under pressure?

  6. What is your greatest strength and weakness?

  7. If we asked a close friend or family member to describe you, what would they say?

  8. What does "leadership" mean to you?

  9. What did you have for lunch/dinner?

  10. What is your best achievement?

  11. Describe a recent dream you had.

  12. Do you agree that most people act out of altruism rather than self-interest?

  13. Tell me about something funny that happened to you recently.

  14. Tell us about a time you had to collaborate with others. What qualities do you think are needed for solid teamwork to take place?

  15. How do you effectively prioritize when faced with multiple essential tasks at once?

  16. What is your most significant accomplishment?

  17. Tell us about a time when you had to defend an unpopular idea or opinion. How did you make your voice heard, and what was  the outcome?

  18. What is your strategy when faced with a decision that you must make quickly?

  19. Tell us something about yourself that isn't in your application materials.

  20. What three terms would you use to define yourself?

  21. Who is your role model?

  22. Tell us about your greatest strength. How have you developed this strength, and how has it helped you succeed?

  23. What factors contributed to your decision to apply for a seat in this program? Tell us about your top three.

  24. Please tell me about an experience where you lead a team consisting of very different individuals. What did you do to lead the team to accomplish the objective, and what was the outcome?

  25. Outside of school and work, to what activity do you dedicate most of your time? Why is this important to you?

  26. Which one do you prioritize, social responsibility or profit? Why do you think one should be prioritized over the other  (i.e., take a position and defend it)?

  27. Tell us about a time when you had to come to a  compromise with a colleague.

  28. How would you explain social media (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to someone 80 years old?

  29. What is the last book you read?/What is the most played song on your computer?/What is the last movie you saw?/Etc.

  30. Tell me when you went out of your way to help someone who wasn't a friend or family member.


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