

比如wanting 考察的意思会是lacking(缺少), economy 考察的意思会是thrift (节约), affect  考察的会是动情( move emotionally)和假装(pretend), diverting 可以表示娱乐(entertaining)的意思,等等。

SAT,GRE, TOEFL 的词汇相关的考察里面都有类似的情况,所以下面的这个常考单词的“第二个字典解释”可以保存+反复看下,当然你也可以在这个基础之上,建立一个自己觉得考察有特点的词表。

Affect (v.) - to take on, assume;

affected (adj.) - behaving in an artificial/pretentious way

Afford - to grant (e.g., to afford an opportunity)

Allow - to enable, permit

Appreciate - to take into account, recognize the merits of, OR to increase in value Appropriate (app-row-pree-ATE) - to take from, steal

Arbitrary - done or decided randomly, without clear reason Bolster - to provide support for (an argument)

Arrest - to stop (not just put handcuffs on a criminal)

Assume - to take on responsibility for, acquire (e.g., to assume a new position)

Basic - fundamental, essential

Bent - liking or preference for

Capacity - ability

Chance (v.) - to attempt

Check - to control (e.g., the vaccine checked the spread of the disease)

Clear - obvious, evident

Common - widespread

Comprehensive - thorough, complete

Compromise (v.) - to endanger or make vulnerable (e.g., to compromise one's beliefs)

Constitution - build (e.g., a football player has a solid constitution)

Condone - to disregard or pardon an illegal or objectionable act Deter - to discourage

Conviction - strong belief. Noun form of convinced.

Currency - acceptance, approval (of an idea)

Demonstrate - to establish (e.g., to demonstrate the validity of a hypothesis)

Disparity - difference, gap

Distraction - amusement, entertainment, diversion

Diverge - to separate from

Doctrine - principle or set of teachings

Economy - thrift (e.g., a writer who has an economical style is one who uses few words) Element- component, aspect

Elevated - lofty, high-minded, idealistic

Empirical - derived from experiment or observation Endeavor - attempt

Establish- to prove, validate (e.g., to establish the accuracy of a theory)

Esteem (v.) - to hold in high regard

Execute - to carry out (e.g., to execute an order)

Exercise - to put into use, carry out a function

Exploit- to make use of, take advantage of (does not carry a negative connotation)

Facility- the ability to do something easily (e.g., a facility for learning languages)

Faculty - ability or aptitude

Fancy (v.) - to take a liking to

Feasible - doable

Fine - (1) narrow, thin (e.g., fine lines); (2) delicate, elegant; (3) keen, highly attuned Foil - to put a stop to (e.g., to foil a robbery)

Fundamental - basic, essential

Grave/Gravity- serious(ness)

Grievance - a wrong, grounds for complaint

Hypothesis - educated guess

Idealistic - cherishing noble or high-minded principles

Indifferent - not caring, utterly detached

innovation - new invention or discovery

Inevitable - unavoidable

Innate - inborn

Kicks - amusement (e.g., just for kicks)

Legislation - laws

Lofty - high-minded, exalted

Moral - concerned with the rules of right and wrong

Paradox - apparent contradiction

Nature - character, personality

Observe - to follow (e.g., to observe a law)

Original - innovative

Partisan - strong adherent to a party or idea

Phenomenon - occurrence

Plastic/plasticity - able to be changed or shaped (e.g., brain plasticity) Poor - inferior, substandard, ill

Pragmatic, Prudent - practical

Provoke - to elicit (e.g., to provoke a reaction)

Qualify - to provide more information or detail about

Range - scope

Raw - unrefined, unfiltered

Realize - to achieve (a goal)

Reconcile - to bring together opposing or contradictory ideas

Relate/Relay - to pass on information, give an account of (a story)

Reservations - doubts, misgivings

Reserve - to hold off on (e.g., to reserve judgment)

Scale - level (e.g., the experiment was repeated on a larger scale)

Scrap (v.) - to eliminate

Scrutinize - to examine closely

Sheer - utter, complete

Skeptical - questioning, doubtful

Sound - firm, stable, reliable, valid (e.g., a sound argument)

Spare, Severe - plain, unadorned

Stagnation - failure to progress or grow

Static - unchanging

Stipulate - to specify a requirement

Store (n.) - reserve, stock (e.g., to keep a store of food for emergencies) Shength - significance

Subordinate - lower-ranking

Substantiate - to prove; unsubstantiated - unproven

Synthesize - to bring together, integrate

Sustain (v.) - to withstand

Temper - to moderate, make less harsh

Train - to fixate on (e.g., to train one's eyes on something)

Treat - to alter

Undermine - to weaken, attack indirectly Underscore - to emphasize

Uniform (adj.) - constant, unvarying

Unqualified - absolute

Upset (v.) - to interfere with an expected outcome

Urge - to argue in favor of, advocate

Want (n.) - lack

Weight - seriousness, importance

Yield - to reveal (e.g., an experiment yields results)







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