WSDA辩论赛技巧:Constructive Speech立论发言应该怎么写?


- “辩论还需要提前写好稿子?”

- “对的!你看到的每一场辩论里辩手们的发挥,都是他们赛前辛苦准备的结果。”

特别是针对公共论坛式辩论这一形式,每一位想要取得一个不错的成绩的选手,都会在赛前准备好Constructive Speech(立论发言)。

老师也经常听到有辩论新手问自己的辩论教练,甚至打了无数场的辩论大神也想知道,该如何去完善自己的辩论稿,做到无懈可击~ //






公共论坛辩论(Public Forum Debate)中立论发言(Constructive Speech)时间为4分钟,因此我们需要为正方(Pro Side)和反方(Con Side)就每个辩题(Resolution)写一篇4分钟的演讲。这4分钟的演讲就是你的Case:一篇精心研究的辩论稿和对你所持方的 "推销",以说服裁判(Judge) 你的团队是更正确的,因此值得裁判手里的这张选票(Ballot)

每份Case通常将包括1-4个论点 (Contentions),每个论点需要有足够的证据(Evidences)来支撑。单一的论点可以更为深入地关注一个关键问题,而更多的论点则会给辩手带来更大的灵活性和广泛性。这两种策略都经常被PF辩手们使用。


  1. 确立你在这一轮的进攻要点.
  2. 辩手并不需要专注于回应你的对手--这将在反驳中发生。
  3. 辩手需提出贯穿整个回合的核心论点,即你将用来建立你的进攻的论点。

The purpose of a case is always the same:

  1. to establish your points of offense for the round.
  2. In a case, you aren’t focused on responding to your opponent – this will happen in rebuttals.
  3. Instead, the purpose is to make your core points that you’ll carry through the entire round, the points that you will use to establish your offense.

? 写辩论稿要做哪些前期准备?✚●○



比如我们此赛季的辩题为Resolved: Exploration of space beyond the Earth's mesosphere is preferable to exploration of Earth's oceans. 地球中间层以外的空间探索比地球海洋探索更可取。














✦ 一个基本的辩论大纲应该包含六个部分:一个能吸引人注意的点、你的立场(Pro或Con)/对辩题的重述、你的定义、你的价值、(批评判断的)标准和论点
















✦ 一个好的做法就是用3-4个有力的论点来支撑你的立场。

✦ 演讲的主体: 重要的论点及他们的展开,应该是一场辩论中最长的部分。




Warrant (具体的理由,逻辑和证据来支持此论点)

Impact (这个论点可以带来哪些影响)





尝试使用视觉图像,而不仅仅是通用术语 ——展示给观众看不要直接告诉他们结论,并用细节举例说明你的论点



















✦ 结束辩论的一个有力方法是通过回顾引言并将结尾与开头联系起来









最后的最后,老师给大家秋季赛比赛辩题,正反双方的Sample Cases以供参考。  


而反方的的Sample Case将论点聚焦在海洋探索可以为社会,经济带来哪些直接的优势,对海洋探索的现实需求,和为什么太空探索在目前不被需要

 Sample Pro CaseSpace Exploration

We affirm the resolution. Resolved: Exploration of space beyond the Earth's mesosphere is preferable to exploration of Earth's oceans.

Observation: The whole discussion should be predicated on the premise that every stakeholder in this debate has the financial, scientific, and technical capacity to carry out a space/ocean program because the topic framers want to make this debate tangible and instructional. It would be pointless to discuss stakeholders who do not now possess these capacities.

Definition: according to Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia(1),  space exploration is defined as the investigation of physical conditions in space and on stars, planets, and other celestial bodies through the use of artificial satellites.

A cost-benefit analysis would be an ideal framework for today’s debate.

For my opponents to win this debate, they have to prove it. After taking into account both short-term and long-term, the net benefits of ocean exploration outweigh the corresponding figures of space by quantifiable impacts.

By contrast, if we can prove that space exploration generates a larger net benefit and that space exploration is the only possibility of prolonging the existence of life that originated from Earth by colonizing another planet when the Earth runs out of resources or becomes too polluted to sustain life.  Judge, you should feel more comfortable with voting for the Pro side.

Contention 1. Technology benefits

Space exploration spurs growth by generating spin-off technology.

The AirinSpace’s Plasmer bioprotection system, for instance is a three-stage system that uses strong electrical fields and cold-plasma chambers to eliminate micro-organisms in the air. It can be used to protect hospital patients, food, and pharmaceutical products.

This is true because overcoming the challenges of working in space has led to many technological and scientific advances that have provided benefits to society on Earth in areas including health and medicine, transportation, public safety, consumer goods, energy and environment, information technology, and industrial productivity, which further translate into increases in revenue, economic growth, employment, etc.

A: Health Impact - According to ESA, AirinSpace alone has now been used in more than 70 medical centers in France, as well as in some places in the USA, Japan, Germany, and Italy. AirinSpace currently has a 1.2bn EUR global annual sales market and a 50% yearly growth.[ESA Space spin-offs benefits for the health sector, International Space University, France]

B: Financial Impact - In 2012, 1600 new technologies were reported and 2200 tech transfer transactions were reported in NASA per spinoff can be translated into $1M gain annually, which equals in total a yearly profit of 200bn dollars. As the fiscal year budget of NASA is around 18 billion, it implies for every dollar earmarked for NASA, the government gets 11 dollars in return.[NASA Socio-economic Impact Report](2)

Contention 2. National Images.

The free market always has its weaknesses and uncertainties, only authorized government-supported agencies have the ability to set a fixed global agenda, and maintain a country’s competitiveness in space.

While ocean exploration is generally an untouched area, space has become the center of global competition since the space race and has great strategic implications.

China launched (3)its second lunar rover in 2013, a sample return mission thereafter,India launched (4) its second lunar probe in 2013 and has announced plans to begin training its own astronauts and building the infrastructure for human spaceflight. These countries will demonstrate a constancy and reliability that NASA’s change, of course, will take away from the United States.

Contention 3. Resource Extraction

Resources on Earth are finite, and we WILL run out of them sooner or later. Here are two resources that are plentiful in the solar system yet difficult to get by on Earth. There are some extremely valuable resources that are near the Earth.

Sub-point a. energy resources.

Space exploration helps to locate unlimited energy resources

The world’s conventional energy was depleting and predicted to run out in the next 40-60 years. Space exploration advances our knowledge and helps us locate the ideal location and method to extract space energy. Space Solar Power gathers energy from sunlight in space and transmits it wirelessly to Earth. While earth-based solar power is affected by the day-night cycle and seasonal and weather fluctuation, space solar power can provide large quantities of energy to each and every person on Earth with very little environmental impact.

According to National Space Society in US(5), the solar energy available in space is literally billions of times greater than we use today. The lifetime of the sun is an estimated 4-5 billion years, making space solar power a truly long-term energy solution. As Earth receives only one part in 2.3 billion of the Sun's output, space solar power is by far the largest potential energy source available, dwarfing all others combined.

According to the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) (6)in 2011, space-based solar technologies now in development in the lab will be ready for demonstration within the next decade or two and could be an economically viable alternative to commercial energy use in 30 years. In fact, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, is “going forward on their plan with a full system ready by 2030.

Because it does not need reliance on unreliable or unfriendly foreign oil providers to satisfy energy demands, space solar power will promote energy independence and increase security for the countries that develop it, allowing us to allocate resources in other ways.

Subpoint b. Helium - 3 (He3)

While Helium has two neutrons, Helium-3 has two protons and a neutron. While it is almost nonexistent on planet Earth, it is quite abundant in the solar system in not only the gas giants but also the Earth's moon, which is the most likely place for extraction.

Due to its rarity, it can go for as much as $2,000 USD (13,000RMB) in auctions. He3 is currently used for a variety of reasons, but the most promising use of He3 is in nuclear energy. Currently, uranium is used, which not ideal due to the radioactivity of uranium. On the other hand, He3 is not radioactive and is 20% more effective than coal and natural gas energy. Best of all, it burns clean, with the only byproduct being plain helium. The potential value of he3 could be in the TRILLIONS if it is implemented.

Contention 4.  Colonization

With huge advances in medicine and rapid industrialization of the Earth's nations, people are living longer, having healthier babies, and consuming more products and energy.

As a result, the Earth is becoming crowded and there is an increasing burden on the limited resources on Earth. As mentioned above, a moon base could lead to a full-scale mining operation of Helium-3 and other resources on the moon that is rare on Earth. With the recent discovery of water on Mars, it could be a possible place where we could relocate, along with Titan, a moon of Saturn which has an atmosphere and geography similar to Earth.

John Hickman(7), in November 1999 claims that After several decades of experience with lunar and planetary exploration, it is reasonable to project that using robots in space will be more cost-effective than using people in space for the same tasks. The relative cost-effectiveness of using robots over humans in space is a function of the accelerating speed of machine computation, now commonly believed to double every 18 to 24 months, and the lower costs of protecting and maintaining machinery over living flesh in space.

Thus, we affirm.


1. (Space Exploration | Article About Space Exploration by the Free Dictionary, n.d.)


3. S. (2013, December 14). China Lands On The Moon: Historic Robotic Lunar Landing Includes 1st Chinese Rover from

4. Foust, J. (2020, January 1). India confirms plans for second lunar lander mission - SpaceNews. SpaceNews, from

5. Space Solar Power Info: Limitless clean energy from space - National Space Society. (2017, August 11). National Space Society - Working to Create a Spacefaring Civilization, from

6. Beam It Down: A Drive to Launch Solar Power From Space. (2011, December 5). Environment, from

7. The Political Economy of Very Large Space Projects by John Hickman, Ph.D. (n.d.). The Political Economy of Very Large Space Projects by John Hickman, Ph.D., from

Sample Con CaseOcean Exploration

We negate the resolution: Exploration of space beyond the Earth's mesosphere is preferable to exploration of Earth's oceans.

Framework: Cost-benefit analysis should be applied in today’s debate. Whichever team proves they have more benefits than harms overall to society, should win the debate.

Contention 1: Necessity

Exploration of oceans can bring many general benefits.

Sub Point A: Economy

According to OECD, ocean exploration can provide critical ecosystem services, the ocean is vital to the world’s economy, with more than 90% of trade using sea routes and as a source of jobs for millions of people.

The ocean is also the stage for a growing range of new ocean-related economic activities and constant innovations. Comparing to space exploration, space exploration can only boost a few jobs for highly specialized technicians in certain nations, and only people with the citizenship are able to have the job.

Moreover, the ocean economy is defined by the OECD as the sum of the economic activities of ocean-based industries, together with the assets, goods and services provided by marine ecosystems. These two pillars are interdependent, in that much activity associated with ocean-based industry is derived from marine ecosystems, while industrial activity often impacts marine ecosystems.

Also, based on OECD data, ocean exploration can providing critical ecosystem services, the ocean is vital to the world’s economy, with more than 90% of trade using sea routes and as a source of jobs for millions of people. The ocean is also the stage for a growing range of new ocean-related economic activities and constant innovations. Thus, ocean exploration enables humanity to have massive economic benefits.

Sub Point B: Society

According to national geographic society, Ocean currents, including the ocean conveyor belt, play a key role in determining how the ocean distributes heat energy throughout the planet, thereby regulating and stabilizing climate patterns.

UNSTAD also addressed the fact that ocean exploration enables almost all nations to gain economic benefits via sustainable tourism, sustainable marine sources, ocean food and livelihood.

Also, human life can be saved by ocean exploration by preventing common and preventable natural disasters. According to the office of ocean exploration and research under NOAA, ocean exploration can help people understand how we are affecting and being affected by changes in Earth's environment, including changes in weather and climate. Insights from ocean exploration can help us better understand and respond to earthquakes, tsunamis, and other hazards.

Contention 2: Realistic demand

Ocean exploration has a realistic demand, and the technology is sophisticated enough to sustain ocean exploration.

According to NOAA and Shenzhen Aquarobotman Science Technology, the human understanding of the deep sea is not as good as that of moon surface, or even Mars. As so far, more than 400 space explorers have been to space, 12 of whom walked on the moon, but only 3 deep sea explorers have dove into the bottom of the Mariana trench. Underwater ecosystem is a part of earth’s ecosystem, and it has a major influence on the earth’s ecosystem. The world economic forum reported that the incredible ocean biodiversity contributed a lot on preserving the ecosystem on earth, as well as the ocean ecosystem provide 50% of the O2 for the earth. It is very crucial to explore and protect it.

Our technology is sophisticated enough to sustain ocean exploration. NASA has been exploring oceans from space for many years. In 1978, NASA sent its first civilian oceanographic satellite into space. That means humanity can do ocean exploration, and many “space activities” are to explore the ocean instead of space. Moreover, examples given by NOAA, water column samplers and buoys are used by researchers and oceanographers to explore oceans, monitor their surface and quality of water. Other devices like remote-operated vehicles and sonar help them create ocean mapping and travel efficiently and safely deep within the oceans. Diving is another tool that is used to explore ocean waters.

Contention 3: Unnecessary space exploration

Significant achievements in space exploration didn’t bring benefits to society.

According to NASA, the most significant achievement in space exploration is Apollo 11, a Walk on the Moon. This achievement only generated a space race and conspiracy theories. BBC news also gave the top 10 most crucial events of space activities, which all related to astronauts surviving from short-term space travel.

We don’t deny it is possible to find new energy or resources, but the reality is the technology and cost associated will not make resource extraction from space viable in at best 50 years.

We prefer ocean exploration. Also, ocean exploration is less likely to be a monopoly because everyone on earth can access the ocean's resources. Compared to space regulation where the startup costs associated makes it so only the already wealthiest 1% of the 1% can afford to invest in space.

Thus, we negate.

Reference of the Sample Con Case

这就是我们今天的Pro Con Case和 Constructive Speech的全部内容啦,希望可以带给大家更多的思路和方向,我们下期再见?。



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