
今 日 考 题

2023.01.07 上午场

Your university currently requires all students to take one humanities course in a subject such as literature or philosophy in order to graduate. However, some students majoring in subjects such as math and science think that these humanities courses are not relevant to their field of study, and they should therefore not be required to take them. Do you agree with these students? Explain why or why not.

类 似 考 题

ETS 是真的很喜欢这种题,已经考过很多次了:

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换个学科问 2021 KCT Speaking 484 Your university is planning to require all first-year students to take a class in which they would learn how to use the resources available at the university library and apply those skills in writing a long research paper. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain why or why not, using specific examples and details.

构 思 讲 解


01 不是每个修 Math and Science 学生都觉得 Humanities 的课有用,这些学生毕业后大多计划做数据分析员,生物学家,或者老师;学习怎么读小说以及哲学对他们来说帮助不大;更不用说还会占用本来学专业课的时间。

02 对学校来说确实也不是一个合适的考虑,因为如果所有学生都要上这个课,学校也得确保雇用足够的老师以及购买足够的教材资料,这些需要不少钱。


01 虽然 Humanities 和 Math / Science 看似没有直接关系,但是两个领域都接触会让学生接受更全面的教育,Humanities 也能让学生获得很多有用的能力,比如哲学让学生更思辨和更有逻辑,文学能培养学生想象力,都很有用。

02 另外学生通过上 Humanities 的课程,能够培养同理心,有文化意识,对世界也有更深了解。 





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