
有没有勇考新年第一场雅思的同学? 如果你是还未上岸的“烤鸭”,那你一定要时时关注2022年的雅思考情动态和走向,毕竟“知己知彼,百战不殆”。



Some people agree that the best way to become successful in life is to get the university education, others disagree with it and reckon that nowadays it is no longer be true. D & G

题目分析: 首考的这道题虽然是全新题,但考察的核心内容依然是大学教育的实质,属于换汤不换药。 类似的题目还有:

2018.11.17 成功要素学校不教
Some people think the qualities a person needs to become successful in today's world cannot be learned at a university or similar academic institution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2017.06.08 理论课程 vs 实际课程
Some think that practical subjects are more important than theoretical subjects in university, and the latter will be replaced by the former in the future. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this idea?

2017.06.17 上大学导致失业
Some people think a country benefits from a large proportion of young people university educated, others think sending young people to universities only leads to graduate unemployment. D & G.

另外,尽量把成功限定在职业成功,避免谈及家庭成功、育儿成功等等,因为这些内容大学不教。  在分析完了思路后,我们就可以进一步写出以下的大作文框架:


1:正方: 大学教育能提高职业成功的可能性

分论点1: 大学文凭增加了工作稳定性,使人们的工作更难被机器和移民所替代。没有工作稳定性,工作的成功也实现不了。

分论点2: 大学掌握的知识与技能更能让人们在岗位上大展拳脚


2: 反方: 大学不是成功的最好途径

分论点1: 很多职业不需要大学教育也能取得成功

分论点2: 很多岗位需要专业知识,但专业知识也可通过大学之外的渠道来获取


3:自己观点: 对普通人来说,大学教育还是成功的必要条件

分论点1: 天赋之人太少了,普通人还是要有文凭才能找好工作,取得成功

分论点2: 大学不仅传授知识,还培养技能,但其他获取信息的途径并不能培养技能

另外,不知道有没有同学从上文列出的类似题目中发现,这篇文章的反方观点还可以这样写: 1 现在大学很多课程都不培养实践技能/都不教对就业有用的内容,导致用人单位看不上大学生→大学教育无法导致成功

2 大学生人数太多,岗位竞争太激烈,失业率高→连工作都没有,事业成功更无从谈起  怎么样,分析完正反方的论点和写作大纲后,对于如何答这道题,是不是瞬间清晰了很多? 当然,想要在大作文上拿高分,仅做好任务回应度 (Task Response) 这一个方面是远远不够的。你的词汇丰富程度 (lexical resources)也要能跟上你想表达的内容。


Cudgel one’s head to do 绞尽脑汁

Secret sauce for sth 秘诀

An underlying enabler of 先决条件

Necessary condition for sth 必要条件

Theoretical knowledge and practical skills 专业知识和实用技能

Fulfill job duties 履行工作职责

Knowledge-based, globalized economy全球化的知识经济

Critical thinking ability 批判性思维

Interdisciplinary knowledge 跨专业知识

Career prospect 职业前景

A wide array of 多种

Physical gifts 身体天赋

Master key 万能钥匙

Academic fields 学术领域

Key word 关键词

Search engine 搜索引擎

Hone one’s skill(s) 打磨技术

Self-taught expert 自学成才

Surplus to requirement 多余

Pale in comparison with 相形见绌

如果你对自己的写作分数有更高的要求,那么在语法多样性及准确性 (grammar range and accuracy) 肯定要下更多的功夫。
那么问题来了,究竟什么样的语法句式会给你的写作加分呢? 在这里给大家分享了独家范文中涉及到的10大高分语法句型:

1. Advocates of higher education believes that a college degree is an underlying enabler of job security, a necessary condition for career success. 同位语

2. it is the two defining features of modern economy, namely automation and globalization, that warrant the necessity of college education for ordinary people. 强调句

3. The critical thinking ability they acquire through writing essays helps them view work-related issues with few biases; the process they follow when doing academic research in school allows them to approach problems arising in work in a systematic fashion; the interdisciplinary knowledge they gain from a wide range of college courses enable them to come up with innovative ideas. Ambitious people cudgel their heads to find the secret sauce for success in life. Some view college education as the answer, while others disagree. 排比的定语从句

4. All of this helps to boost their productivity, thus brightening their career prospect. 非谓语动词做结果状语

5. There is a wide array of careers that do not require a bachelor degree as a prerequisite for professional accomplishments. 限定性定语从句

6. Were they to become full-time college students, they would squander precious time that could be spent on developing their physicality and honing their skills. 虚拟语气 + 倒装

7. Even though professional knowledge is instrumental in achieving success for other careers, universities are no longer the sole place for acquiring such knowledge, as nowadays people can access it through numerous conduits. 让步状语从句嵌套原因状语从句

8. One of them is the Internet, the master key to knowledge of all academic fields. 同位语

9. After a user types the key word into a search engine, it fetches dozens, if not hundreds, of relevant online articles with links for related reading materials. 时间状语从句

10. And although the Internet offers almost unlimited access to information, it pales in comparison with traditional higher education in terms of developing people’s marketable skills. 让步状语从句 如果能吃透上面的10大语法句型,相信你的雅思作文语法分,一定会有个质的飞跃! 碍于篇幅原因今天的雅思首考大作文就先解析到这里啦~





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