

比如我们课上讲到的《LAB GRE阅读一本全》第33篇,文章一开始呈现了早期观点,后面对这个观点做批判,但是在批判的过程中又although了一下,夸了一下要批判的观点,这个信息就跟整个文章要表达的主要观点方向不一致,如果直接用主要观点来套它的作用就会出错。其实会出现这样的一些表达也很正常,一个观点如果本身既无事实支撑,又不符合逻辑,这样的观点也不值得作者专门写个文章来反驳。




1. 让步:

These researchers also claim that improvements of memory overnight can be explained by the mere passage of time, rather than attributed to sleep. But recent studies of memory performance after sleep — including one demonstrating that sleep stabilizes declarative memories from future interference caused by mental activity during wakefulness — make this claim unsustainable. Certainly there are memory consolidation processes that occur across periods of wakefulness, some of which neither depend on nor are enhanced by sleep. But when sleep is compared with wakefulness, and performance is better after sleep, then some benefit of sleep for memory must be acknowledged.


2. 预测反对:

In the country of Seligia where asbestos has been used extensively in construction, that use is about to be burned, because the exposure of construction workers to asbestos can cause a certain type of cancer. We can predict that the ban will result in reducing the incidence of that type of cancer in Seligia by as much as 50 percent.

It is true that more than 30 percent of the death certificates of Seligians who have died of that cancer have “construction” listed as the deceased's occupation. The cancer takes about 20 years after exposure to develop, however, and Seligians who have worked in construction commonly turn to less strenuous occupations as they age. Seligian death certificates indicate only the deceased's last occupation.

文章的意思就是作者认为有了禁令能够救助多达50%的人。第二段开始说确实只有30%多相关逝者把建筑列为自己的职业,预测和一个实际数据相差20%,这样看起来作者预测有点夸大了。但是!机智的作者预判了别人的反对,后面接着解释说,逝者职业只会列最后的职业,其实还有挺多人是以前干过建筑行业,后来做了别的,它们本身得病也是因为asbestos。所以禁令可以挽救直接相关的30%再加上以前相关一部分人,这样30%这个数据本身就不足以用来反对作者50%这个观点。题目问两个高亮句子的作用,答案是The first is a prediction that the argument seeks to defend, the second presents evidence that if not supplemented would cast doubt on that judgment.第一个句子是论证要捍卫的预测;第二个句子呈现了一些证据,这些证据如果不进行补充说明的话,就可能会反驳作者的判断。但恰恰因为作者后面补充了,所以第二个句子呈现的事实没能驳倒作者的判断。

3. 澄清误解。

Except in special situations, human beings' battle with mosquitoes will not be won by a simple campaign to eliminate the insects. Social tradition and habits, it seems, do much to ensure continual contact between mosquitoes and people. On the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro, for example, mosquitoes breed in the leaf axils of a plant called dracaena. Although dracaena is not a food plant for humans, its use as a hedge or boundary marker is deeply rooted in tradition. Here, as in other parts of the world, human behavior ensures contact and conflict between people and mosquitoes.

I am not advocating a policy of live and let live; we already know that living with mosquitoes is very unpleasant. But until we accomplish the difficult task of understanding how our habits often perpetuate--even create--our problems, efforts to resolve our battle with mosquitoes will probably fail.

这篇文章第三题是要求Select a sentence in which a potential misinterpretation of the author's position is addressed. 选一个句子,这个句子处理了对作者观点的一种可能误解。文章一开始说是人类的习俗导致会跟蚊子常有接触。后来举了个例子说你看果然就是人类自己害自己。第二段第一句说“我可不是在鼓吹自己活也让别人活凑合过;......”这句话就是典型的澄清误解,读的时候能明显感觉到作者的求生欲。作者说我只是在讲会这么惨的原因,并不等于我认为我们只能这么惨下去。所以答案就是这句话。





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