
过去的一个星期,许多辩手们都还在寒假假期里 但他们丝毫没有懈怠,再次奔赴了NHSDLC线下训练营。这一次,时间地点在变,不变的依旧是干货满满的训练营配方:

冬季训练营 圆满结营啦!  准备好和我们一起 打开回忆的胶卷了吗? 

Part 1初次见面,请多关照!




Part 2不忘初心,顶住压力!



第四至第五天,可以说是这次训练营中安排最为密集的阶段。不仅经历了争分夺秒搜集资料的Research Workshop,趣味互辩赛也在经历了几天的课程后火药味更浓,复盘时辩手们又会一起查漏补缺、互帮互助……这期间收获的不只是辩论的知识和经验,还有和伙伴们、教练之间的情谊,伴随着每位辩手的这趟成长之路。

Part 3最终冲刺,迎接更多挑战!



7天充实的营地生活结束,这次我们邀请到了全程陪伴辩手们的Lab Leaders,来和大家聊聊他们的感受:


This is the third time being a lab leader in the NHSDLC debate camp starting from 2019. It was a great experience with the students. Students from the camp are intelligent and thoughtful. The experience makes me feel the time back to 2016 once again, just like I am the student participating in the camp.

It is a great honour to lead such good students like them; they sought academic knowledge and learnt to respect others.  

Hope you will always be energetic and curious all way around. It is essential to keep this in mind practice and be well prepared for the debate. It is so true to be confident during the speech and make a precise delivery to your audience.  

Great job, guys, and I am happy to know you all. Please keep working on your academic studies and keep debating in the future. Please let me know if you have any questions for future studies, and please do not be hesitated to text me anytime.


Sticking onto the purpose of why you come to the debate camp can definitely help reap more benefits, the prerequisite of which is to ‘know yourself better’.

It is true that we have various incentives, but figuring out the biggest drive can help you get on the right track to achieve your goal other than wandering around aimlessly.
The closing ceremony was over, and I saw one of my students cried. She was reluctant to leave the camp, and so were all of us. Everyone was about to take the flight, not knowing if there’s a chance in the future we fly to meet up one another again across cities and oceans.

I’m more than a lab leader to my students, and they’re more of friends to me. How much I’m appreciative of this precious opportunity to bond and learn with one another can hardly be expressed by language, and I suppose the in-depth and personalized feedbacks to my students are my unique way to show my care and love to you all.  

I hope that this winter camp has brought you more than academic improvement, but also profound friendship and companionship by your supportive classmates, which will be written in your sweet dreams and memory. Sincere shout out to everyone - all the best, and we shall meet again someday!



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