ChatGPT解析2023年John Locke论文比赛题目(附范文)

【ChatGPT版】2023年John Locke论文比赛题目解析+范文!

2023 John Locke论文竞赛题目解析!

John Locke论文写作比赛是一种以17世纪英国哲学家John Locke为主题的学术比赛。参赛者需要通过研究和学习John Locke的生平和思想,写出一篇有关他的学术论文。
该比赛的目的是评估参赛者对John Locke的生平和思想的了解程度,以及他们的写作能力和学术水平。论文应该是原创的,全面而深入地探讨John Locke的思想,并说明其对现代政治哲学和自由主义的影响。
总的来说,John Locke论文写作比赛是一个学术性强,具有挑战性的学习机会,有助于加深对John Locke的生平和思想的理解,并增强参赛者的写作能力和学术水平。


Q1. A team of scientists wants to discover how many genders there are. How should they proceed? 有一组科学家想要研究有多少社会性别。他们应该如何进行?

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Q2. In what sense are you the same person today that you were when you were ten? 从哪种意义上来说,今天的你和十岁的你是同一个人?

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Q3. Is tax theft? 税收是盗窃吗?

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Q1. Do the results of elections express the will of the people? 选举结果是否表达了人民的意愿?

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Q2. If China becomes the leading superpower, what would that mean for the people who live there? What would it mean for everyone else? 如果中国成为领先的超级大国,这对生活在那里的人们意味着什么?这对其他人意味着什么?

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Q3. What might account for the different levels of political corruption in your own country and your country's nearest neighbour? 导致你所在的国家和你所在国最近的邻国的政治腐败程度有所不同的可能原因是什么?

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Q1. A government funds its own expenditure by taxing its population. Suppose, instead, it relied solely on money newly created by the central bank? What would be the advantages and/or disadvantages? 有一个政府通过向民众征税来满足自己的开支需求。假设现在它改变为完全依靠中央银行新创造的货币来满足开支,这样做的优点和缺点是什么?

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Q2. In his thought experiment, the Iowa Car Crop, David Friedman tries to show that growing wheat is, in an important sense, just another 'technology' we can use for manufacturing cars, and in some circumstances a much more efficient one.

If international trade is thus a way of using less valuable inputs to produce more valuable outputs, why would governments impose trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas, thereby forcing producers to be more wasteful and less efficient?

大卫·弗里德曼(David Friedman)在他的思想实验The Iowa Car Crop中试图证明,从某种重要意义上说,种植小麦只是我们可以用来制造汽车的另一种“技术”,在某些情况下是一种更有效的“技术”。   如果国际贸易是利用价值较低的投入来生产更有价值的产出的一种方式,为什么政府要设置关税和配额等贸易壁垒,从而迫使生产者更加浪费和效率降低?

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Q3. What would happen if we banned billionaires? 如果我们禁止亿万富翁的产生,将会发生什么?

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Q1. How much richer or poorer are the British today than they would have been without the effects of British colonialism? 如果英国没有采取过殖民主义措施,那么今天的英国人会富裕(穷)多少?

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Q2. Which has a bigger effect on history: the plans of the powerful or their mistakes? 哪个对历史的影响更大:强者的计划还是他们的错误?

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Q3. Which characteristics distinguish successful movements for social change from unsuccessful ones? 成功的社会变革运动与不成功的社会变革运动通过哪些特征区分开来?

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Q1. Can happiness be measured? 幸福是可以被测量的吗?

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Q2. In surveys conducted in the United States, significantly more than half the respondents reported that they believed themselves to be more attractive than the median person in their country. How might we account for this? 在美国进行的调查中,超过一半的受访者表示,他们认为自己比本国的中位数人群更具吸引力。我们如何解释这一点?

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Q3. Are beliefs voluntary? 信仰是自愿的吗?

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Q1. What distinguishes a small religion from a large cult? 小宗教与大邪教的区别是什么?

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Q2. If you cannot persuade your intelligent, sympathetic friends to embrace your religious belief system, do you have enough reason to believe what you believe? 如果你不能说服你聪明、富有同情心的朋友接受你的宗教信仰体系,那么你有足够的理由相信你所相信的吗?

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Q3. What was God doing before He created the cosmos? 上帝在创造宇宙之前在做什么?

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Q1. Would justice be better served in the United States if more Supreme Court judges were women? 如果更多的最高法院法官是女性,美国的正义会被更好的执行吗?

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Q2. Suppose that you were contemplating, in violation of the rules of this competition, submitting an essay written for you by artificial intelligence. What would be the difference between such an act and ordinary attempted theft? 假设您正在考虑违反本次比赛的规则,提交一篇由人工智能为您撰写的论文。这种行为与普通的盗窃未遂有什么区别?

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Q3. Are there too many laws? 目前的法律是否太多?

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看完了全文,相信你对John Locke写作已经跃跃欲试了吧~ 希望大家能够好好准备论文,将奖项收入囊中!


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