23年Johnlocke题目解析+ChatGPT范文 附去年各学科获奖概率统计


今年所有组别的题目数量都有所下降,Junior 组别从 2022 年的 7 个题目减到了 5 个题目,高级组别的学科领域都从4 个题目减到了 3 个题目,可供大家的选择变少了,难度又再次上升。



A team of scientists wants to discover how many genders there are. How should they proceed?


The concept of gender is complex and culturally specific, and therefore cannot bedefinitively quantified or studied through a single method. To understand thediversity of gender experiences and identities, a team of scientists should approachthe study of gender through a multidisciplinary and culturally sensitive approach,incorporating perspectives from fields such as sociology, psychology, anthropology.and biology, and engaging with diverse communities to understand theirexperiences and beliefs about gender. Additionally, they should be aware of andavoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes and biases, and strive to create a safe andinclusive environment for all participants.


In what sense are you the same person today that you were when you were ten?


As an Al language model, I do not have personal experiences or a physical self; so ldo not age or change in the way that a human would. However, in terms of myprogramming and function, I am the same in that I have been trained to performlanguage-related tasks and respond to user inputs, but I have also been updated andimproved with new data and techniques, allowing me to better fulfill my purposeand provide more accurate and informative responses.


Is tax theft? 


Taxation is a legally authorized process in which a government imposes fees onindividuals or businesses to generate revenue for public goods and services. Whilesome individuals may view paying taxes as a burden, it is not considered theftbecause it is authorized by the government through a democratic process. Thepayment of taxes is considered a civic duty and a means to fund essential publicservices and infrastructure, such as roads, schools, police and military, andhealthcare. However, if taxes are collected or used in a manner that is not in line withthe laws and regulations governing taxation, it could be considered illegal orunethical.



Do the results of elections express the will of the people?


Elections can be seen as an expression of the will of the people, but the results of anelection depend on various factors, including the rules and procedures of theelection, the level of voter participation, and the influence of money and otherfactors on the outcome. lt is important to ensure free, fair, and transparent electionsto best reflect the will of the people. However, it is also important to note thatelections do not always perfectly reflect the views and preferences of every individuain a population, and there may be factors that limit the full expression of the people's will.


If China becomes the leading superpower, what would that mean for the people who live there? What would it mean for everyone else?


If China were to become the leading superpower, it would likely bring aboutsignificant changes for the people living in the country, as well as for the rest of theworld.

For the people of China, this could result in greater prosperity and improvedstandard of living, as the country's economy continues to grow and develop. Theremay also be increased political stability and a stronger sense of national identity.However, with greater power and influence also come greater responsibilities andpotential risks, such as the need to manage domestic and international conflicts, andthe potential for economic and political missteps that could have globalrepercussions.

For the rest of the world, a China-dominated world order could lead to a shift in theglobal balance of power, with China taking on a larger role in international affairs andshaping the rules and norms that govern global interactions. This could lead to bothopportunities and challenges, as countries seek to cooperate with China while alsoprotecting their own interests. The international community may need to adapt to aworld in which China is the leading superpower, and navigate the potential risks and opportunities that come with such a change.


What might account for the different levels of political corruption in your own country and your country's nearest neighbour?


The level of political corruption in a country can be influenced by a variety of factors,and can vary significantly between different countries, even between neighboring countries.

Some of the factors that could contribute to differences in levels of politicalcorruption include:

1. Historical and cultural factors: The history and cultural values of a country canplay a significant role in shaping attitudes towards corruption and the norms that

govern political behavior.2. Economic factors: A country's level of economic development can impactcorruption levels ln some cases, a lack of economic opportunities can lead to anenvironment in which corruption is more prevalent.3. Political and institutional factors: The strength of a country's political institutions,such as the judiciary, media, and civil society, can play a role in preventing andcombating corruption. A lack of checks and balances on political power can createan environment in which corruption is more likely to flourish.4.Enforcement and punishment: The willingness and ability of the government toenforce anti-corruption laws and hold corrupt officials accountable can play asignificant role in deterring corruption.

lt's important to note that these factors are complex and interrelated, and can differbetween countries, even between neighboring countries. Understanding the specificfactors that contribute to differences in levels of political corruption between twocountries would require a more in-depth analysis of each country's .



A government funds its own expenditure by taxing its population. Suppose, instead, it relied solely on money newly created by the central bank? What would be the advantages and/or disadvantages?


A government relying solely on newly created money from the central bank to fundits expenditure, rather than taxing its population, is a concept known as "monetaryfinancing.


1. Simplified taxation system: By eliminating the need to collect taxes, thegovernment can simplify the tax system and potentially reduce administrativecosts.

2. Increased government spending: With a constant source of new money, thegovernment can increase spending without being limited by the amount of taxrevenue it collects.

3. Stimulus during economic downturns: In times of economic downturns, thegovernment can use monetary financing to inject new money into the economand provide a stimulus, which can help to mitigate the effects of the downturn.


1Inflation: The creation of new money can lead to an increase in the money supplywhich can result in higher prices and inflation.

2. Decreased purchasing power: Inflation can reduce the purchasing power of thecurrency, eroding the value of people's savings and reducing their standard ofliving.

3 Reduced market confidence: lf the central bank creates money excessively, it canlead to a loss of confidence in the currency, and the potential for a currency crisis4. Moral hazard: lf the government relies solely on monetary financing, it may bemore likely to engage in irresponsible spending, as the cost of borrowing iseffectively zero.

lt's important to note that monetary financing is a controversial policy, and itseffectiveness and consequences can depend on a variety of factors, including thecountry's economic conditions, political environment, and the actions of the centralbank. As such, it should be used with caution and in conjunction with othereconomic policies.

02、David Friedman在他的思想实验《爱荷华州汽车作物》(Iowa Car Crop)中试图表明,从重要意义上讲,种植小麦只是我们可以用来制造汽车的另一种“技术”,在某些情况下,这是一种效率更高的技术。


In his thought experiment, the Iowa Car Crop, David Friedman tries to show that growing wheat is, in an important sense, just another 'technology' we can use for manufacturing cars, and in some circumstances a much more efficient one.

If international trade is thus a way of using less valuable inputs to produce more valuable outputs, why would governments impose trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas, thereby forcing producers to be more wasteful and less efficient?


Governments may impose trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas for severareasons, despite the fact that they can lead to inefficiencies and higher productioncosts.

Protection of domestic industries: Governments may impose trade barriers tcprotect domestic industries from foreign competition. They may believe thatdomestic industries are important for national security or are a source ofemployment and economic growth, and therefore seek to shield them fromforeign competition.

Rebalancing of trade: Governments may view trade imbalances as a problem anduse trade barriers as a means of rebalancing trade between countries. Forexample, if a country is importing more goods than it is exporting, thegovernment may impose tariffs on imported goods to encourage consumers tobuy domestic products instead.

Revenue generation: Tariffs can be used as a source of revenue for thegovernment. By taxing imports, the government can generate income that can beused to fund public programs and services.

Strategic advantage: Governments may use trade barriers as a means of exertincpolitical or economic leverage over other countries. For example, by limiting themports of certain goods, a government can increase its bargaining power in tradenegotiations.

In conclusion, while trade barriers can lead to inefficiencies and higher productioncosts, they are often used by goverments to achieve specific policy goals, such asprotecting domestic industries, rebalancing trade, generating revenue, and exertingpolitical or economic leverage.


What would happen if we banned billionaires?


It is difficult to predict exactly what would happen if all billionaires were banned, as this would depend on the specific circumstances and how the ban was implemented.However some potential consequences include:

1. Confiscation of wealth: The confiscation of wealth from billionaires would likelyresult in a significant transfer of wealth from a small group of individuals to thegovernment or other entities.

2. Economic impact: The loss of such a large amount of wealth could have asignificant impact on the economy, as the wealthy often invest in businesses, realestate, and other assets.

3. lnequality: While the ban may result in a reduction in wealth inequality in theshort term, it may also lead to other forms of inequality, such as differences inaccess to political power or influence.

4. Legal and ethical considerations: A ban on billionaires could raise legal and ethicaquestions about the government's role in limiting individuals' wealth and propertyrights.

5. Incentives: The ban could also impact the incentives for individuals to work hard.innovate, and create value, as they would no longer have the potential to becomebillionaires.

In conclusion, while a ban on billionaires may seem like a solution to address wealthinequality, it would likely have far-reaching and complex consequences, both positiveand negative, and would require careful consideration of the legal and ethicalimplications of such a policy.



Can happiness be measured?


Happiness can be difficult to measure, as it is a subjective experience that can varygreatly from person to person and can change over time. However, various methodshave been developed to attempt to quantify happiness, including self-reportedmeasures and physiological measures.

Self-reported measures of happiness, such as surveys or interviews, ask individuals torate their level of happiness on a scale, such as a number between 1 and 10. Thesemeasures can provide a general sense of how happy individuals are, but they aresubject to biases and can be influenced by factors such as social desirability andmemory biases.

Physiological measures of happiness, such as brain imaging techniques orphysiological responses, can provide a more objective measure of happiness. Forexample, studies have shown that certain brain regions are associated with positiveemotions, such as happiness, and that physiological responses, such as changes inheart rate or cortisol levels, can be related to happiness.

In conclusion, while happiness is a subjective experience that can be difficult tomeasure, various methods have been developed to attempt to quantify it, includingself-reported measures and physiological measures. lt is important to keep in mindthat any measure of happiness is limited and may not fully capture the complexityand variability of the experience of happiness.


In surveys conducted in the United States, significantly more than half the respondents reported that they believed themselves to be more attractive than the median person in their country. How might we account for this?


The phenomenon of more than half of survey respondents in the United Statesreporting that they believe themselves to be more attractive than the median personin their country can be attributed to a variety of psychological biases andphenomena. Some possible explanations include!

The Halo Effect: This is a cognitive bias where our overall impression of someoneinfluences our judgement of their specific attributes, including their physicalappearance. People may believe they are more attractive than the median personbecause they have a positive overall impression of themselves.

Confirmation Bias: People may be more likely to seek out and rememberinformation that confirms their beliefs about themselves, including their beliefthat they are more attractive than the median person.

Social Comparison: People often compare themselves to others in order toevaluate themselves, and may believe they are more attractive than the medianperson if they compare themselves to those who are less attractive than they are.Self-Enhancement Bias: People have a tendency to see themselves in a morepositive light than they actually are, and may therefore overestimate their ownlevel of attractiveness.

Unrealistic Beauty Standards: The media and popular culture often promoteunrealistic beauty standards, which can lead people to believe they are moreattractive than they actually are, compared to the median person in their country.

In conclusion, the phenomenon of more than half of survey respondents in theUnited States reporting that they believe themselves to be more attractive than themedian person can be accounted for by a combination of psychological biases andcultural influences that lead people to view themselves in a more positive light thanthey actually are.


Are beliefs voluntary?


Whether beliefs are voluntary is a matter of debate among philosophers andpsychologists. Some argue that beliefs are voluntary because they are shaped by anindividual's thoughts, experiences, and exposure to information, and that people canchoose to accept or reject beliefs based on their own reasoning and judgement.

On the other hand, some argue that beliefs are not entirely voluntary because theyare also influenced by factors beyond an individual's control, such as genetics.upbringing, culture, and unconscious biases. People may not always be aware of thefactors that influence their beliefs, and may not have the ability to change theirbeliefs even if they wanted to.

In conclusion, beliefs are a complex phenomenon that are shaped by a combinationof voluntary and non-voluntary factors, and the extent to which beliefs are voluntarymay vary from person to person and from belief to belief. While people have somecontrol over the beliefs they hold, it is also true that beliefs are influenced by avariety of factors that are beyond an individual's control.



What distinguishes a small religion from a large cult?


The distinction between a small religion and a large cult can be a matter ofinterpretation and can depend on a variety of factors, including size, beliefs.practices, and level of organization. However, some general characteristics that areoften used to distinguish between a small religion and a large cult include:

1. Size: A small religion generally has a larger number of followers and a moreestablished presence in society than a cult.

2.Beliefs: A small religion typically has a set of beliefs that are recognized andaccepted by a wider society, whereas a cult may have more controversial or unconventional beliefs.

3. Practices: A small religion may have formalized practices, rituals, and institutions.whereas a cult may have more informal or personal practices.

4. Organization: A small religion is often more structured and organized, with a clearhierarchy and leadership, whereas a cult may be more informal and decentralized

5. Influence: A small religion may have a significant influence on society, culture, andpolitics, whereas a cult may have a more limited impact.

lt is important to note that these distinctions are not always clear-cut, and there maybe overlap between the characteristics of small religions and large cults. Additionallythe terms "religion" and "cult" can carry negative connotations and can be used aspejorative labels, so it is important to consider the context in which these terms areused.


If you cannot persuade your intelligent, sympathetic friends to embrace your religious belief system, do you have enough reason to believe what you believe? 


Whether the inability to persuade others to embrace one's religious belief system isenough reason to question one's beliefs is a matter of personal perspective anddepends on various factors, such as the individual's faith, beliefs, and reasons forholding those beliefs.

For some people, the ability to persuade others may be an important aspect of theirreligious beliefs and can strengthen their faith. For others, the personal convictionand experiences they have are more important and sufficient evidence to believewhat they believe.

Ultimately, the question of whether one has enough reason to believe what theybelieve is a deeply personal one, and it is up to each individual to determine thefactors and reasons that are most important to them. lt is important to note thatbelief is often a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that is influenced by avariety of factors, including personal experiences, cultural and social influences, andphilosophical and religious traditions.


What was God doing before He created the cosmos?


The question of what God was doing before the creation of the cosmos is a matter of theology and belief, and different religious traditions have different answers. In somereligious traditions, God is considered to be eternal and without beginning or end.and therefore not limited by time or space. In these traditions, the idea of God"doing" anything before the creation of the cosmos is not applicable.

In other religious traditions, God is considered to be the creator of everything thatexists, including time and space. In these traditions, it is believed that God existedbefore the creation of the cosmos and was preparing to bring the cosmos intoexistence.

lt is also important to note that many religious traditions view the concept of timedifferently than humans do and therefore may not conceive of time in the same wayas the questions implies.

Ultimately, the answer to the question of what God was doing before the creation ofthe cosmos is a matter of personal belief and varies among different relicioustraditions and interpretations.



How much richer or poorer are the British today than they would have been without the effects of British colonialism? 


lt is difficult to determine the exact impact of British colonialism on the wealth of theBritish people today, as this would depend on a number of factors, including thespecific circumstances of each colony and the methods used to extract resources andwealth. However, some historians argue that British colonialism played a role in thedevelopment of Britain's wealth and power, by providing access to resources,markets, and labor, as well as by establishing Britain's dominance over many regionsof the world.

On the other hand, others argue that colonialism resulted in the exploitation ofcolonized populations and the transfer of wealth from these populations to Britain.leading to their impoverishment.

In any case, the impact of British colonialism on the wealth of the British people iscomplex and cannot be reduced to a simple answer of whether they are "richer orpoorer." The legacy of colonialism continues to shape the world today and hasresulted in ongoing economic, political, and social inequalities between formercolonizing powers and former colonies.


Which has a bigger effect on history: the plans of the powerful or their mistakes?


Both the plans of the powerful and their mistakes can have significant effects onhistory.

The plans of the powerful can shape the course of events and influence the decisionsof others. For example, a powerful leader's plans to expand their empire, introducereforms. or start a war can have far-reaching conseguences and chanae the course ofhistory.

Similarly, the mistakes of the powerful can also have significant effects on history. Forinstance, a miscalculation in military strategy or a poorly thought-out policy canresult in defeat, political turmoil, or economic instability. Mistakes can also lead tounintended consequences that can have a lasting impact on society.

In conclusion, both the plans and mistakes of the powerful have the potential toshape the course of history, and it is often the interplay between these two factorsthat determines the outcome of events.


Which characteristics distinguish successful movements for social change from unsuccessful ones?


Successful movements for social change often have several key characteristics thatdistinguish them from unsuccessful ones:

Clear goals and strategy: Successful movements have clear, well-defined goals anda clear strategy for achieving those goals. They are able to articulate their visionand engage others in working towards a common objective.

Broad-based support: Successful movements have broad-based support from adiverse range of individuals and communities, including those most directlyimpacted by the issues being addressed.

Effective leadership: Successful movements have effective leaders who are able toinspire, motivate, and quide their followers. These leaders are able to articulatethe vision and goals of the movement and bring people together to work towards

a common cause.

Persistence and determination: Successful movements are characterized bypersistence and determination in the face of obstacles and setbacks. They are ableto maintain momentum over time and continue to work towards their goals, evenwhen faced with resistance or opposition.

Inclusiveness and collaboration: Successful movements are inclusive andcollaborative, bringing together diverse perspectives and building coalitions withother groups to achieve their goals.

Adaptability and flexibility: Successful movements are adaptable and flexible, andare able to evolve and change their strategies in response to changingcircumstances.

Effective communication: Successful movements have effective communicationstrategies that allow them to reach a wide audience and engage with supportersand detractors alike.

In conclusion, successful movements for social change are characterized by acombination of clear goals, broad-based support, effective leadership, persistence.inclusiveness, adaptability, and effective communication.



Would justice be better served in the United States if more Supreme Court judges were women? 


The question of whether justice would be better served in the United States if moreSupreme Court judges were women is a matter of debate and depends on a varietyof factors.

Advocates of gender diversity in the judiciary argue that having more women on theSupreme Court would bring different perspectives and life experiences to the bench.which could lead to more balanced and fair decision-making. Research has shownthat diversity on the bench can lead to more thorough and nuanced consideration ofissues, and that having women on the bench has been linked to increased attentionto issues related to gender and women's rights.

Critics argue that gender should not be the sole determining factor in selectingSupreme Court judges, and that the most important considerations should be ajudge's qualifications, experience, and judicial philosophy.

Ultimately, the answer to the question of whether justice would be better served inthe United States if more Supreme Court judges were women is complex anddepends on many factors. While increasing gender diversity on the bench can bringnew perspectives and life experiences, it is important to remember that there is nosingle "women's perspective" and that individuals, regardless of gender, can havedifferent experiences, beliefs, and approaches to decision-making.


Suppose that you were contemplating, in violation of the rules of this competition, submitting an essay written for you by artificial intelligence. What would be the difference between such an act and ordinary attempted theft?


Submitting an essay written for you by Al in a competition would be consideredacademic dishonesty or plaqiarism, which is a violation of the rules and standards ofintegrity in educational institutions. lt is similar to attempted theft in the sense thatboth involve taking something that is not rightfully yours and presenting it as yourown work. However, theft refers to the unauthorized taking of tangible or intangibleproperty, while academic dishonesty refers to cheating or fabrication in an academicsetting. Both acts are unethical and can result in consequences such as penalties.suspension, or loss of credibility.


Are there too many laws?


As an Al language model, I don't have personal opinions, but the question ofwhether there are too many laws is a matter of perspective and can be subjective

On one hand, laws are put in place to protect citizens, regulate behavior, and ensurejustice. They provide a framework for society to function smoothly and effectively.

On the other hand, some people argue that there are too many laws that are overlycomplex, outdated, or irrelevant, This can lead to confusion, difficulties inenforcement, and limitations on individual freedom.

Ultimately, the number of laws and the specific laws that exist can vary depending onthe country, cultural context, and historical period. The appropriateness of thenumber of laws is a matter for ongoing debate and discussion.



Is safety more important than fun?


If you had $10 billion to spend on making the world better, how would you spend it?


What, if anything, do your parents owe you?


What is something important, about which nearly everybody is wrong?


Why is John Locke sometimes called the father of liberalism?



随着留学申请难度逐年增大且愈发“玄学”,文科写作竞赛也加入内卷大军,尤其是对于John Locke这种国际认可度超高的比赛来说,近两年更是吸引了越来越多的中学生在国际舞台上表达观点。



2022年John Locke比赛各领域投稿数量分别是:

经济:1681份;政治:621份;哲学:775份;历史:964份;心理:945份;法学:816份;神学:226份;低龄组:777 份。其中,除去低龄组外的七大方向各自所占比重如下:



John Locke写作比赛首先会在提交作品后由以牛津大学为主的学者团体评定,进而公布入围Shortlist的名单,之后会再从入围Shortlist的作品中再评选出Grand Prize、一二三等奖,及High Commendations获得者。


Grand Prize (终极奖)一人

获奖者将被授予John Locke学院10,000美元的荣誉奖学金,用于参加学院一个或多个暑期学校或gap year课程。


Winner(冠军)一人;Second Prize(二等奖)一人;Third Prize(三等奖)一人

获奖者将获得2000美元奖学金,用于覆盖John Locke学院任何课程的费用。

High Commendations

除去上述奖项的设置,还会评选出获得High Commendations的优秀文章。

2022年的John Locke比赛,官方并没有公布进入Shortlist的具体名单,但根据官方发给获得进入Shortlist选手的邮件中,可以看到,投稿选手中只有大概前20%的优秀文章才能入选Shortlist。


1️⃣ 2022年John Locke竞赛 Junior组 获奖情况

Junior组Prize Winner与High Commendations获得者共计29名,整体获奖率约为3.73%

2️⃣ 2022年John Locke竞赛 经济组 获奖情况

经济组Prize Winner与High Commendations获得者共计100名,整体获奖率约为5.95%

3️⃣ 2022年John Locke竞赛 哲学组 获奖情况

哲学组Prize Winner与High Commendations获得者共计22名,整体获奖率约为2.84%

4️⃣ 2022年John Locke竞赛 政治组 获奖情况

政治组Prize Winner与High Commendations获得者共计31名,整体获奖率约为4.99%

5️⃣ 2022年John Locke竞赛 历史组 获奖情况

历史组Prize Winner与High Commendations获得者共计22名,整体获奖率约为2.28%

6️⃣ 2022年John Locke竞赛 法学组 获奖情况

法学组Prize Winner与High Commendations获得者共计57名,整体获奖率约为6.99%

7️⃣ 2022年John Locke竞赛 心理组 获奖情况

心理组Prize Winner与High Commendations获得者共计71名,整体获奖率约为7.51%

8️⃣ 2022年John Locke竞赛 神学组 获奖情况

神学组Prize Winner与High Commendations获得者共计19名,整体获奖率约为8.41%


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