本 周 考 题
2023.02.11 上午场
Some people prefer to stay and live in one city their whole life. Others like to move around and live in different cities. Which one do you prefer? Please explain why and use examples to support your answer.
类 似 考 题
You are going to travel for a week. Do you prefer to stay in one place, or to spend less time in one place and visit more places? Please explain why in details and examples.
Some people think that traveling to new places is an enjoyable experience. Others believe that traveling to new places is time-consuming and will only bring them stress. Which one do you agree with? Please use details and examples to support your answer.
While traveling, some people prefer to go to places that they have never been to before, others prefer to go to familiar places. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
Some people prefer a job dealing with tasks that are different. Others prefer a job dealing with the same daily tasks. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples to explain your opinion.
Some people have one career throughout their lives. Other people do different kinds of work at different points in their lives. Which do you think is better? Explain why.
构 思 讲 解
01 不需要去适应当地生活,不同城市不同地区的语言,天气,食物还是生活习惯可能都不一样,呆在一个地方就不用花很多时间去调整,也不担心自己适应不了。
02 搬去不同城市就得离开自己的家人和朋友,在新的城市可能也很难交到朋友,毕竟相处一段时间,可能还没熟悉起来,就又要搬去不同地方了,自己可能也会觉得孤独。
01 更有趣,可以去探索不同城市,感受不同的生活方式,尝试没有吃过的食物等等,还可以把这些经历和朋友家人一起分享。
02 另外,在不同的城市生活能让自己变得更独立,到了一个新的地方,得自己找住的,买家具,处理生活上的事情,照顾自己,这些都是待在一个地方可能培养不了的。