

01、竞赛简介 About USABO

由Center for Excellence in Education组织承办,是美国全国性最具影响力的理科竞赛之一,旨在为高中生提供生物学习和竞赛机会,并选拔参加国际生物奥赛IBO的美国学霸。每年有近万名学生参赛。

As the premiere biology competition for high school students in the United States, the USA Biolympiad (USABO) is organized by Center for Excellence in Education, enriching the life science education of nearly 10,000 talented students annually. It provides the motivation, curricular resources, and skills training to take them beyond their classroom experience to the level of international competitiveness, and selects elite students to compete in IBO.

02、参赛资格 Eligibility

  • 初赛Open Exam向全球各地所有学生开放,但半决赛Semifinal及决赛Final仅针对美国国籍或绿卡持有者开放。

  • 9-12年级的高中生。

  • 12年级学生特殊要求:未曾正式修读带学分的大学生物课程。

  • Open Exam welcomes students from all over the world to join, though each student must be a citizen or legal permanent resident (green card) of the U.S. and be able to provide proof of a U.S. passport to move forward to the Semifinal and Final Exam.

  • All interested students in grades 9 to 12 are eligible to participate in the USABO.
  • High school seniors are eligible provided that they have not enrolled formally in an undergraduate program at a college or university.

03、适合学生 Academic Focus Areas

  • 未来计划学习生物、医学等领域、提升个人学术实力的学生。

  • 完成或正在学习Honors或AP Biology的有力补充。

  • 许多学校会有学生自发组建的生物奥赛备赛社团,借此机会不仅备考,同时丰富自己的课外活动履历及提升领导力。

  • USABO相较于BBO更具挑战力,更适合学霸。USABO初赛50分钟需要做完50道题,平均1分钟1道,而BBO90分钟完成65-80道题,出题会根据难度调整题数。

  • Recommended to students who intend to study biology, medicine and other related fields for stronger college application profiles and/or study Honors/AP Biology.

  • Students may establish their own clubs at school and utilize these clubs to organize preparation activities, which strengthens their ECA profiles and leadership skills.

  • USABO is more challenging than BBO, thus more suitable for students with stronger academic performance. USABO Open Exam requires a completion of 50 problems in 50 minutes while BBO requires a completion of 65-80 problems in 90 minutes and adjusts the difficult level according to the number of total problems.

04、竞赛形式 Contest Format

  • 前两轮均为线上竞赛,由负责老师监考。

  • 决赛目前计划线下举办。

  • 第一轮初赛Open Exam,50分钟,共50道单项选择题。

  • 第二轮半决赛Semifinal,120分钟,主要包括三大题型:第一部分包括60道单项选择题,第二部分包括60道多项选择题(带图像分析),第三部分可能是判断正误T/F题或简答题。

  • 允许携带计算器。

  • Round 1 USABO Online Open Exam is a 50-minute, online nationwide multiple-choice exam available to any high school biology student (Grades 9 to 12) who is registered by a school or one of the select authorized USABO Centers. US Citizenship and green card are not required for the Open Exam, but are required for students to progress to the Semifinal Exam; Structured with multiple choice questions with one response; NO Penalty for guessing.

  • Round 2 USABO Online Semifinal Exam is a 120-minute online exam containing three parts available only to high school students (Grades 9 to 12) who are US citizens or are legal permanent US residents (green cards). Part A is primarily multiple choice questions with one answer. Part B has more complex, sequenced multiple choice questions that may have several correct answers and may require calculations or extensive interpretation of graphs. Part C may be short answer or essay and multiple true/false choice questions.

  • Finals will be held on-site.

  • Non-programmable calculator is allowed.

05、奖项设置 Awards

  • 晋级资格:

  • 初赛排名前10%进入半决赛(约1000人);

  • 半决赛排名前20进入决赛,并有机会参加备赛集训。

  • 整体奖项设置:

  • 学术杰出奖Academic Excellence(半决赛前50名)。

  • 学术优异奖Honorable Mention(半决赛51-125名)。

  • 学术优胜奖Certificate of Merit(半决赛126-225名)。

  • 优异奖Honorable Mention Certificate(初赛前20%,约2000人)。

  • 优胜奖Certificate of Merit(初赛前30%,约3000人)。

  • The Open Exam recogntion will include Honorable Mention Certificate (Top 20%) and Certificate of Merit (Top 30%). Test Administrators will find these score cutoffs and the appropriate certificate located in Exam Results in the Teacher Resource Center.

  • The Semifinal recognition will include Recognition of Academic Excellence (Top 50 scores), Honorable Mention (Next 75 scores), Certificate of Merit (Next 100 scores).

06、报名时间 When to Register

  • 已于2022年8月2日开放

  • 学校或授权机构注册截止时间为2022年11月11日

  • 学生注册报名截止时间为2022年11月18日

  • Registration was open on 8/2/2022.

  • Registration DDL: 11/11/2022.

  • Student Registration DDL: 11/18/2022.

07、竞赛时间 When to Compete

  • 初赛:2023年2月2日(美东时间下午4点)
  • 半决赛:2023年3月16日(暂定美东时间下午4点)
  • 决赛:2023年6月2日-16日全国总决赛
  • Online Open Exam (OE): February 2, 2023 (4pm ET)
  • Semifinal Exam (SF): March 16, 2023
  • National Finals: June 2-16, 2023

08、报名方式 How to Register

  • 先由负责老师以学校或授权机构为单位在官网上注册报名(可以请求学校生物老师或授权机构负责老师担任负责老师),再进行学生报名注册。

  • 学生注册报名地址:。

  • Students will register through a registered school or authorized USABO Test Center.

  • Student sign up link:

09、历年真卷 Past Papers




Preparation Advising




  1. 在题量上,USABO初赛50分钟需要做完50道题,平均1分钟1道,而BBO90分钟完成65-80道题,出题会根据难度调整题数。因此,USABO相较于BBO更具挑战力,更适合学霸

  2. 在词汇上,USABO的竞赛词汇不仅涉及生物类学术词汇,同时还会涉及大量美国本土学生熟悉、但对国际生、新移民比较陌生的生活类词汇,比如说曼陀罗花、马蹄蟹等。对于生物知识掌握比较到位、但英语还未完全同步的学生来说,BBO更为友好,更容易出成绩。

  3. 在获奖概率上,BBO最高奖项每年约有500个名额,而USABO则只有50个名额,当然如果在两项赛事中均能获奖多多益善,但从概率的角度上来说,BBO获得成就感的机会还是更多一些的


Students are encouraged to start preparing for BBO and then USABO as BBO is relatively less challenging than USABO.

  1. USABO Open Exam requires a completion of 50 problems in 50 minutes while BBO requires a completion of 65-80 problems in 90 minutes and adjusts the difficult level according to the number of total problems.

  2. USABO covers more biology and academic vocabulary.

  3. BBO offers about 500 first-prize awards while USABO offers about 50.


Preparation Materials



Campbell Biology (Campbell Biology Series)









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