NYT 专栏作者示范写读后感



读后感算是一个应用型的文章,所以结构会比较固化,以下是来自于NYT 专栏作者的一个文本,讲的是看了最近的几个关于Silicon Valley Bank的文章以后的感想: 所以作者会引述下自己阅读的几篇文章,然后会展开下自己的想法。‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

NYT 专栏作者示范写读后感

When a bank experiences a run by depositors, it’s everything everywhere all at once. The government has only hours to take action before all the money is gone and the panic spreads to other banks. So it was with Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, whose assets were taken over by the government this past weekend. 引入话题

Now that the fire seems contained, at least for now, it’s time to look at what started the conflagration and how to keep it from happening again. In a guest essay, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts, argues that the recent bank failures “are the direct result of leaders in Washington weakening the financial rules.”引入第一个阅读内容

Warren calls for repealing 2018 legislation that rolled back some rules for banks such as Silicon Valley Bank, getting the Federal Reserve not to “tailor” its regulations, reforming deposit insurance and clawing back bonuses paid to failed bank executives. 具体概括下第一个阅读文本

Paul Krugman reassures readers in his column, writing that “we probably aren’t looking at a systemic financial crisis. And while the government has stepped in to stabilize the situation, taxpayers probably won’t be on the hook for large sums of money.引入第二个阅读内容

Krugman says it’s not even clear that Silicon Valley Bank was insolvent — that is, had liabilities exceeding its assets. “That said,” he writes, “on precautionary grounds government officials felt — understandably — that they needed to find a way to guarantee all of S.V.B.’s deposits.” 具体概括下第二个阅读文本

I agree with Krugman on that. In my newsletter, I argue that the rescue of all depositors — including those not covered by insurance from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation — was frustrating but necessary (alternatively: necessary but frustrating). I broach the idea that the F.D.I.C. should insure all deposits, not just up to $250,000 per account. That, I write, “would certainly lessen the number of panics such as the one that killed Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, without giving banks carte blanche to behave irresponsibly.” 表明自己的态度

Bank runs are dangerous. Can we agree to stop them once and for all? 结尾



  • P1 开头
  • P2 阅读文本1引入
  • P3 阅读文本1概述
  • P4 阅读文本2引入
  • P5 阅读文本2概述
  • P6 自己态度
  • P6 结尾


In a guest essay, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts, argues that the recent bank failures “are the direct result of leaders in Washington weakening the financial rules.” [注意这个直接引用的时候引号的使用]

Paul Krugman reassures readers in his column, writing that...








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