2023年John Locke 神学赛区范文解析


今天老师在直播中对 John Locke 范文如何使用这一话题进行了深度剖析,干货满满值得分享给大家。

What kind of God would create trillions of animals and permit a great many of them to die painful deaths? Should we worship such a God?



毕竟,这个问题看上去很不友好,很尖锐,而且不管你最后的回答是 yes 还是 no,都依然存在着大批和你对立的反面观点。


先来看一下文章的第一段(不想读的读者可以跳过,直接看解析):The thought process behind this question is fundamentally entwined with a famous point of theological controversy—the Darwinian problem of evil. This well-known conundrum, a subset of the problem of evil, draws attention to the cognitive dissonance produced when the propositioned existence of a theistic God—simultaneously omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent—is faced with the iniquity inherent in the mass death and suffering of animals (commonly referred to as wild animal suffering). Whilst Darwin himself primarily used this argument in support of atheism, the given question seems to operate on the veracity of Creationism, instead using the apparent contradiction to discredit the proposed nature of the creator and, by extension, the reason for which He is worshipped. Hence, this essay will deconstruct the logic behind the given question in an attempt to reconcile the praiseworthy nature of God with His permittance of wild animal suffering.

通常一篇学术论文,特别是 John Locke 竞赛官方限定词数 2,000 的文章,要想出彩,一定要有一个明确且直接的开头,拆解问题,点明重心,让评审一目了然你这篇文章准备如何回答这个题目,怎么去展开探讨。

这位作者在文章一开始就点出这道题目背后的思考过程和一个著名的神学争议,即“达尔文的邪恶问题”或者“邪恶的进化问题”。即全知、全能且全仁上帝的存在或者特性与自然界动物的痛苦 (wild animal suffering) 所固有的不公平性之间所产生的不协调。


虽然这篇文章探讨的问题比较深奥晦涩,但我们还是可以学习一下作者非常巧妙的破题(不想读的读者可以跳过,直接看解析):To avoid an overly semantic argumentative process, this essay will adhere to the following working definition of the word 'worship': Worship is the veneration of a being or idea as definitively greater than oneself. Since the characteristics of omnibenevolence, omniscience, and omnipotence generally constitute religious transcendence from the human perspective, God possessing such qualities would sufficiently justify His exaltation. Conversely, the argument by which the given question threatens to refute the proposed theistic nature of God and discourage said exaltation is as follows:

(1) (a) An omnibenevolent God would eradicate all evil that He is able to; (b) an omniscient God would be cognizant of all evil; (c) an omnipotent God would be able to stop all evil. 

(2) If God was simultaneously omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent, there would be no evil in the world. 

(3) Wild animal suffering is evidence of evil in the world. 

(4) God is not simultaneously omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent. 

(5) Only the conjunction of omnibenevolence, omniscience, and omnipotence can practically justify God as being worthy of worship. 

(6) God is not worthy of worship.

从上文中我们可以看到,作者在第二段的一开始,对题目中的 “worship” 这个词下了一个非常不具有“神性”,甚至可以说是很“世俗”的定义。

通常 worship 这个词,可以翻译成崇拜、敬奉、膜拜、叩拜等等很多意思,包括在搜索引擎上直接查 worship 这个词,你能搜到的第一批图片也都是下面这样充满宗教性,以及对于超自然神全身心的信仰,可能还带有对于“被救赎”的渴望。

John Locke 范文解析(神学赛区)

正是因为 worship 这个词的普世意义其实带着一种归顺、敬畏以及对神没有任何质疑的虔诚崇拜,这个论文的题目才显得令人左右为难:如果造物主创造了这样一个有着残酷规则的世界,甚至宇宙,那么我们是否还要如羔羊一般逆来顺受地全身心归顺 ta、崇拜 ta 呢?


这位作者胜在跳脱出题目打造的陷阱,转而在一开始就对 worship 这个单词下了一个很世俗、很不神性的定义:“worship 是指对某种存在或思想的崇敬,认为它明确地比自己更伟大。” (原话:worship is the veneration of a being or idea as definitively greater than oneself.)

说到这里大家可以思考一下,这个定义巧妙在哪里呢?根据这位作者对 worship 的定义来看,我们会发现,对于未知的、可能比较残酷的高阶存在报有敬畏心,其实是非常合理的。而人对于自然的敬畏,可以说是刻在 DNA 里面的/根据作者的定义,人类其实也在 worship 着大自然,这当然是合乎情理的。

此外,作者对于 worship 的定义很聪明地避开了这个词原本普世意义上带有的那种臣服与狂热,相反,他用了“崇敬”和“比自己更伟大”两个非常中立客观的词。

简单来说,worship 的普世定义只圈定了乌托邦的狂热信徒,但是作者对 worship 的重新定义就包含了所有承认乌托邦的构想伟大而超前,并对其怀有敬意的人。

因此,根据作者对于 worship 的定义,由于全知、全能的特征从人类的角度来看足以构成宗教的超越性,因此拥有这些品质就足以证明了上帝的崇高,更何况题目已经把条件限定在了“上帝创世说”的框架里面。











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