来自于Economist 最近的一篇文章
学校讲的是Stanford,Economist 本身想说的是通过类似Stanford 这样的顶尖商学院的热门课程,可以预见未来商业会有的样貌。 文中提到的Stanford MBA 项目的热门课程是:
#1 “Paths to Power” 【关于权力】
The objective of the course, writes Jeffrey Pfeffer, the instructor, is to make sure “you never have to leave a position involuntarily”.
课程地址: https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/exec-ed/programs/discover-paths-power
#2 “Touchy Feely” 【正式的名字叫 Interpersonal Dynamics,所以侧重人际关系】
The course, perhaps the gsb’s most famous, has been running for half a century. Its aim is to help students assess whether the way they come across to others is the way they want to be perceived.
#3 “Managing Growing Enterprises”【如果做“难事”】
How do you lay someone off? How do you decline unsolicited and unhelpful advice from a big investor? How do you respond to a nosy journalist?
以上是文章里提到的几个Stanford Graduate School of Business 比较火的课程,有兴趣的可以点击进入对应的网站。