英美外刊写今天的TOEFL 考场大作文

虽然改革后大作文(Independent Writing)会被Academic Discussion 取代,但是两者还是非常像的。

在题干的部分,我们可以把Academic Discussion 看成是长题版本的大作文,事实上从2020年开始100字以上的长题就已经很常见了,只是Academic Discussion 把这个题目长的趋势做的更为极致了。‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

在写作上来说,‍‍‍‍我们可以把Academic Discussion 看成是目前的大作文展开的其中一段,如果目前是习惯于中间3段,每段150 左右的,那么改革后的academic writing 相当于就是我们目前30分钟写3段的行文缩减为了10分钟内写1段的行文。‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

以上,如果你是已经在准备TOEFL 的,可以放心,目前对于TOEFL 写作的理解和培养的能力一定不会浪费

上面是关于Academic Discussion和目前的大作文想简单说下的。

下面是今天的TOEFL 考场写作题, 和来自于NYT以及Economist 的类似话题文章。‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

今日TOEFL 考场大作文

20230426 = 20230328AM (只统计了年内考场考试的重复)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Because economic growth is so important for modern societies, economy growth should not be slowed down by concerns about environment.

来自于 Economist 的一篇文章

英美外刊写今天的TOEFL 考场大作文

## economic growth 的好处

There is a widely held belief that economists regard economic growth as the most important goal for policymakers to pursue. However, most economists are well aware that economic growth should not be a policy goal per se, because a good life cannot be reduced to mere material consumption. But they contend that a higher GDP helps to get those things that are desirable from a social perspective, such as decent education and health care. As economic growth is related to rising productivity, ....

## 只关注economic growth 的坏处

GDP also does not appropriately capture environmental damage and the use of natural resources. That is, an economy can boost output in the shortterm by depleting its natural capital stock, without providing for economic activity in the long run. Such unsustainable economic growth would make an economy poorer, not richer, despite a growing GDP.

来自于 New York Times 的两篇文章

英美外刊写今天的TOEFL 考场大作文

今天考题里的slowing down economic growth 也可以用 degrowth 来表达

Degrowth, as he defines it, “is a planned reduction of energy and resource use designed to bring the economy back into balance with the living world in a way that reduces inequality and improves human well-being.”

## degrowth 带来的坏处

Critics of degrowth have analogized the project to economic austerity or forced recessions, which tend to cause broad-based suffering and worsen inequality. ...

英美外刊写今天的TOEFL 考场大作文

## Economic growth 确实对于生活质量提高有帮助

But, overall, economic growth has been a key driver of rising standards of living for decades, ensuring that each generation was better off than the one before.

## 环境差了,对于人们的生活和经济的发展都有坏

In addition to human suffering, they calculated that, in the past two decades, disasters caused a significant decline in countries’ abilities to expand their economies.

Extreme weather events destroy infrastructure, which means governments are forced to spend money rebuilding rather than investing. And investment is the main tool governments have to stimulate economies.

On average, a major disaster reduces a country’s growth potential by 0.1 percentage point for the year in which it happened, according to the bank. That might not seem like a lot, but it is, experts told me. Consider the fact that global growth runs just above 2 percent a year in general.






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