







  1. Do you take transfer students in 10th, 11th, 12th grade?贵校是否接受10-12年级的转学生?
  2. How independent do you expect the students to be in managing his/her own workload?贵校希望招收的孩子独立能力达到什么样的水平?
  3. How are athletes supported in their training schedule, academic load and high school or college recruitment?运动员们在培训/学习/招收上得到什么样的支持?
  4. Which students seem to thrive at your school?什么样的学生能在贵校茁壮成长?
  5. What are expectations for parents involvement?对家长的参与度有什么期待吗?




  1. What kind of academic support services are provided to students?贵校提供哪些学术方面的支持?
  2. How do you empower girls in STEM?贵校如何鼓励女生投入到STEM的学习中?
  3. Is ESL offered?贵校是否提供英语二外课程?
  4. Are there opportunities for independent study if the student is passionate about a subject?如果学生对某一门学科尤其热爱,是否有机会独立学习?
  5. How often and in what format do teachers communicate with parents about academic progress?老师们会多久、以什么形式与家长沟通孩子在学术上的进步?
  6. Is the curriculum traditional lecture or project-based?课程设置是传统的讲课形式还是以项目为基础?
  7. How do teachers challenge the strongest and the weakest students?老师们如何对待最优秀和基础最薄弱的孩子?
  8. How do teachers motivate the underperforming students?老师们如何激励表现不那么出色的孩子?
  9. How many hours of homework do students typically have?每个年级的孩子需要花多长时间完成回家作业?


  1. What are the opportunities for family visits?家庭探访的机会有哪些?
  2. How does roommates’ selection work?室友是如何安排的?
  3. Do students live in single, double or triple room?学生是住在单人间、双人间还是三人间?
  4. Are there chores or room checks?是否有宿舍内务检查?
  5. May students cook in the dorm?学生可以在宿舍做饭吗?
  6. How do teachers and students work together during the evenings?晚上,老师和学生如何进行学术交流?
  7. Are students permitted to return to their dorms during the school day?在白天上课的时候,学生是否被允许回到宿舍?
  8. Are students permitted to visit the homes of day students?住宿学生是否被允许去走读学生家?
  9. Can my child have a car at school?我的孩子在校期间可以买车/开车吗?
  10. Are classrooms open on weekends?周末教室开门吗?
  11. Can students go home on the weekends?周末学生可以回家吗?
  12. How does high school staff work with parents? 贵校教职工如何保持和家长的沟通?


  1. Do you have study abroad opportunities or school trips during the school year? During the summer?贵校是否在暑假或在校期间提供海外学习或学校旅行的机会?
  2. How are weekend activities organized?周末的活动安排是怎么样的?
  3. My child has an off-campus passion (equestrian, skiing, etc.), how can he/she continue this at your school?我的孩子非常喜欢户外活动,比如马术、滑雪等,他/她是不是有机会继续在贵校学习?
  4. What do you consider the unique or ‘signature’ program of your school?贵校最独有的项目是什么?
  5. What are the opportunities for work and/or internships outside of school?校外有哪些实习或工作机会?
  6. What percentage of students participates in the arts?贵校参加艺术方面活动的学生占比有多少?
  7. Is community service optional or required?社区服务是自愿的还是必须参加?
  8. Are there optional or required religious services?是否有自愿的或必须参加的宗教类活动?
  9. Which clubs on campus have the highest membership? 校园内人数最多的社团是哪个?


  1. How are students supervised when off campus?当学生离开校园后校方如何监管他们?
  2. How is discipline handled?学校的纪律是如何管理的?
  3. How do staff or faculty support students who may be homesick?对于想家的学生,学校老师会怎么做?
  4. What happens if the student is sick or injured?如果学生生病或受伤了,学校会如何处理?
  5. My child takes medicine. How is this managed by staff so that prescriptions are sure to be taken?我的孩子正在服用一种药物,校方是否有医务人员可以确保他按时服药?
  6. What is the mental health support structure for students who may need services?如果学生需要心理疏导,学校是否提供相关支持?心理辅导的具体形式是什么?
  7. How do you help your students to manage their stress of the academic demands?老师们如何帮助学生纾解他们来自学习的压力?
  8. How do staff stay aware of and communicate about issues such as depression or anxiety? 学校教职工如何做到时刻关注学生焦虑的情绪并与其进行沟通?


  1. What is the background and training of dorm parents?寄宿家庭的背景是什么?他们是否接受培训?培训内容是什么?
  2. What is the role of the dorm parents?住家爸爸妈妈的角色是什么?
  3. What is the training and background of the learning support program staff?提供学习辅导的教职工背景是什么?
  4. Tell me about faculty and school leadership diversity.说说学校教职工及学校领导的多样性
  5. How do you attract and retain your faculty? 贵校如何吸引并留住教职工?







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