
【WSC Weekly】机器人能代替指挥家指挥交响乐团吗?【WSC Weekly】机器人能代替指挥家指挥交响乐团吗?

#WSC Weekly#

2023世界学者杯WSC Weekly 学术专栏强势回归! 全新的主题,全新的学术内容 精选WSC学术大纲知识, 帮助小学者轻松备赛!


在2023世界学者杯第9期WSC Weekly栏目中,我们与小学者们分享了有关活着的最快人类乌森·博尔特以及根据蒙哥国家公园的遗迹脚印,考古学家似发现了历史上比博尔特更快的人类!,而小学者们也通过上期互动Quiz环节的参与,给出了对于这一话题的个人想法。现在就让我们一起来查看2023年第9期Quiz的正确答案吧!


Quiz 题目:

Which of the statement is correct about the footprint found in Mungo National Park of New South Wales? 关于在新南威尔士州蒙哥国家公园发现的脚印,哪个说法是正确的?

A. The footprint belongs to Usain Bolt 这个脚印是属于乌森-博尔特的

B. The footprint dates back to 30000 years ago 这个脚印可以追溯到30000年前

C. The man who left the footprint had only only right foot 留下这个脚印的人只有右脚

D. The man leaving the footprint is the fastest human in history 留下脚印的人是历史上最快的人类

E. The man leaving the footprint may run faster than Bolt 留下脚印的人可能比博尔特跑得快

Key: E 正确答案:E 玩转2023全新主题趣味学术知识 尽在WSC Weekly! 欢迎来到2023年第10期?

2023 WSC Weekly · 10期

Weekly Intro

你见过机器人来指挥一个交响乐团的演出吗?机器人Alter 3已经打开了这样的先例。但是人工智能真的能够取代人类指挥家和音乐家们配合演出吗?如果你也想探究你不知道的故事,不如跟随小编的步伐,在本周的WSC Weekly分享中一同认识机器人指挥家Alter 3,看看是否机器人能代替人类指挥家吧!

【WSC Weekly】机器人能代替指挥家指挥交响乐团吗?

*左右滑动查看2023 WSC Weekly 10期学术知识卡片


2020年在阿联酋的一场音乐会上,一个人形机器人指挥了一个现实生活中的人类管弦乐队。在视频中的这个机器人名叫Android Alter 3,它在一个基座上摇来摇去,挥舞着手臂,向一排排坐着的音乐家打手势,就像一个真正的活生生的大师。它所指挥的歌剧的名字是《可怕的美》(这一名字某种程度上很适合视频里机器人呈现出的阴森感),由日本作曲家涉谷圭一郎创作。

In 2020, an humanoid robot conducted a real-life human orchestra in UAE. In the video (watch below), we see the humanoid figure conducting and singing with a human orchestra with frightening precision. Swinging around on a pedestal, the ‘Android Alter 3’ robot waves its arms around and gestures to rows of seated musicians, just like a real living maestro. Rather fittingly, the name of the opera it is conducting is Scary Beauty, written by Japanese composer Keiichiro Shibuya.

机器指挥家"Alter 3"

与最近几年开发的其他类人机器人(如汉森机器人的Sophia机器人)类似,Alter 3的外表和动作都很像一个人类。它的脸是最精致的身体部分,靠在一个金属、机械化的身体上,在指挥台上连续不断地工作。“这项作品是人类和技术之间关系的一个隐喻。有时机器人会发疯,人类乐队必须跟着走。但有时人类可以非常舒适地合作,”创作了这首曲目的日本作曲家Shibuya告诉路透社。虽然作曲家创作了音乐,但是机器人负责现场表演的节奏和动态,甚至在混音中添加了自己的电子人声。“当然,前提是机器人是根据自己的意愿移动。”它的技术员Kotobuki Hikaru说。

Much like other humanoid robots developed in the last few years, such as Hanson Robotics’ Sophia the Robot, Alter 3 both looks and moves like a human being. Its face is the most delicately formed body part, resting on a metal, machine-like body where all the technology can be seen working away as it conducts on the podium.“This work is a metaphor of the relations between humans and technology. Sometimes the android will get crazy, human orchestras have to follow. But sometimes humans can cooperate very comfortably,” the composer told Reuters. While Shibuya wrote the music, the android robot was in charge of the tempo and dynamics of the live performance, even adding its own electro-vocals to the mix. “The premise is that the android itself is moving according to its own will,” said its technician Kotobuki Hikaru.


这引发了一个问题:机器人真的能取代指挥吗?然而,在Facebook评论区的人们似乎并不这样认为...一位用户写道:“这太荒唐了!人把能量和情感传递给乐团,并感受到回应来进行调整。机器人做不到这一点!机器人不能取代艺术家。”这是一个有趣的论点。伟大的美国指挥家伦纳德·伯恩斯坦曾说:“如果我在指挥他们的作品时不能成为勃拉姆斯或柴可夫斯基或斯特拉文斯基,那么就不会是一场伟大的表演。”伯恩斯坦还认为,要指挥一支伟大的交响乐团,你可以尽情研究乐谱,但当演出来临时,你需要抛弃所有的知识,“只是感受”。像Alter 3这样的机器人,很可能会难以完全实现人类的“感受”能力。

This raises the question: can robots really replace conductors? Well, the people in the Facebook comments section don’t seem to think so... One user writes: “This is ridiculous!!! A human being transfers energy and emotion to the orchestra and feels it back to adjust to. A robot can’t do this! ARGH! a robot can’t take the place of an artist.” It’s an interesting argument, though. The great US maestro Leonard Bernstein once said: “If I don’t become Brahms or Tchaikovsky or Stravinsky when I’m conducting their works, then it won’t be a great performance.” Bernstein also worked to the idea that to conduct a great symphony, you can study a score all you like but when the performance comes, you need to throw all that away and “just feel”. Robots like Alter 3 will, presumably, struggle to completely fulfil the human ability to “feel”.


音乐博主TwoSetViolin认为,机器人远远不能取代人类指挥。根据他们的观察,视频中的Alter 3做了一些不必要且令人困惑的过度戏剧化动作,从音乐角度来看没有任何意义。乐团中的音乐家甚至没有看着Alter 3,这表明他们并没有真正遵循机器人指挥的指示。作为专业音乐家,他们认为很明显,迄今为止没有任何东西能够取代人类指挥。



According to the music youtuber TwoSetViolin, the robot is far from replacing human conductor. According to them, Alter 3 in the video was doing extra dramatic movements that are unnecessary and confusing from a musical perspective. The musicians in the orchestra were not even looking at Alter 3, which suggests that they were not really following the direction of the robot conductor. As professional musicians, they think it is clear that nothing so far replaces the human conductor. Conducting is very difficult. They have to know every instrument every time. There’s so much intellectual required in conducting. There’s a hundred lines how you bring out each instrument how you make a decision. And there’s an important thing for conductors. They need to listen to and respond to how musicians are playing. For example if the cello is too loud the conductor needs to give gesture to direct the cello, which robots are not capable of. In fact, TwoSetViolin suggests that it will be earlier for AI to play the violin than the robot to conduct. After all, the conductor is usually the highest paid person in an orchestra, and the one who has to be responsible for the most difficult work.


Do you think AI can replace human conductor one day?

Weekly关键词 Key Words

orchestra 交响乐团

conductor 指挥家


#One Track Forward, Two Tracks Back: Old Music, New Musicking




Weekly FUN Quiz

相信现在你已经对机器人指挥家以及相关音乐节家对于机器人是否能代替人类指挥家的观点都有了充分的了解啦!那就快来参与本期Weekly FUN Quiz?,告诉小编你的答案吧!

Quiz 题目:

Which of the following is not a reason for arguments agasint using robots to replace human conductors? 以下哪个选项不是反对用机器人代替人类指挥家的原因?

A. Robots cannot feel. 机器人不能感受。

B. Human musicians do not trust robot conductors. 人类演奏家不信任机器人指挥。

C. Robots cannot read scores. 机器人不能读谱。

D. Robots cannot respond to the performance of musicians. 机器人不能对演奏家的演奏进行回应。

E. Robots have no emotons. 机器人没有情感。

To WSC Scholars:

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【WSC Weekly】机器人能代替指挥家指挥交响乐团吗?【WSC Weekly】机器人能代替指挥家指挥交响乐团吗?

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世界学者杯(the World Scholar’s Cup)作为一个风靡全球的中小学生综合学术活动,每年有来自140多个全球城市的5万名代表参与到这场学术盛宴中。每年世界学者杯会围绕一个主题(Theme),通过探究式学习等独特的学习方式进行深度探究与竞技。

2023 学术主题重塑过去Reconstructing the Past


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The World Scholar's Cup is a popular academic event that attracts 50,000 scholars from more than 140 cities around the globe to participate every year.And each year, the World Scholar's Cup will focus on one theme, through unique learning methods such as inquiry-based learning, to carry out in-depth exploration and competition in the six subjects of Science & Technology, Social Studies, History, Art & Music,Literature & Media and Special Areas.

2023 ThemeReconstructing the Past


  • Yale University officially supports and undertakes the championship round to help world famous schools apply


  • Every year, nearly 50,000 scholars from 140+ cities compete on the same stage, ranking globally

Academic Excellence

  • Interdisciplinary academic challenges around global themes

Academic Events

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