TOEFL 官方最新公布写作题目的老题对应

官方最新公布的10个Academic Discussion (AD)的样题,和之前公布的样题的基调是类似的。


  1. 话题和目前的独立写作(independent writing)是一样的。
  2. 另外基本上可以把AD 看成是TOEFL写作“长题化”的一个极端长的情况:独立写作的长题一般是100来词;AD 教授加学生部分的一共长度达到了近200词。

    比如下面这个新的AD 题

TOEFL 官方最新公布写作题目的老题对应

教授问的核心问题是 If governments of some countries want to attract more people to live in rural areas or villages, what is the best strategy or approach that governments can use? Why?


In many parts of the world, small farmers living in rural areas have seen their incomes decline, and many of these small farmers have quit farming and moved away to find other work. As a result, many rural areas are now poorer and less populated than they were in the past. Which of the following should governments do about rural areas that are in decline, and why?

  1. Provide direct financial support for small farmers [Claire]

  2. Encourage the development of new forms of business and industry in rural areas [Kelly]

  3. Do nothing because this is a natural development

    同时可以看到,AD 的学生部分Claire 的回答就是独立题的1,Kelly就是独立题的2。 我们写的时候可以就着Claire/Kelly 写,也可以另辟蹊径的写3 (doing nothing).

    所以因为考查的话题是类似的,展开的要求也是类似的,的确AD 回答中体现的写作能力和目前的独立写作中体现出来的不会有什么差异。至于写作时间缩短这个点,大概是ETS 意识到了10min 能看出来的能力,没必要耗费30min 了。只是对于考生来说,因为题目拉长了,读题时间也就长了,真正的写作时间其实不是10min,读题和构思慢的话,实际写的时间可能只有7/8 min。

    下面是AD 最新样题的第二题

TOEFL 官方最新公布写作题目的老题对应

教授的核心问题是Which approach do you think is better: Giving grades based only on performance, or grading students not just on performance but also on their effort?


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to give students prizes and awards for effort (trying, working hard) than for achievement (success, good grades).

这个独立写作题就是一个短题了。所以AD 的题目改写不见的都是来自于目前的长题的,也有来自于短题的。


TOEFL 官方最新公布写作题目的老题对应

教授的核心问题是 Twenty years in the future, will people have more leisure time (free time) and less work than thev have today? Why, or why not?


Do you agree or disagree with the statement that? Twenty years from now, people will have more leisure time (free time) than they do today. 


有些改编会变得笼统一些,比如下面这个AD 题目

TOEFL 官方最新公布写作题目的老题对应

这个题目没有明确是什么environment problem,让我们自己的确定,并且同时给一个解决方案。但这种开放式的,在目前的独立写作题目里还是能找到很多的线索的,比如下面这个独立写作题目讲的就是关于环境问题

Many people want to protect and improve the natural environment. Which ONE of the following three actions is MOST useful for individuals to do in their daily lives if they want to help the environment? Why?

  1. Walking or bicycling instead of driving a car to work or school

  2. Recycling and reusing objects instead of throwing them in the trash (rubbish)

  3. Buying locally grown, organic foods (grown without pesticides)

以上3种方式都可以用来回答上面这个AD 的问题,我们只要选其中一个来回答就好。

所以对于目前的独立写作话题比较了解的同学,其实AD 部分百变不离其宗,但是对于对于独立话题不是很了解的同学,备考AD 和备考独立写作的核心是一样的:







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