​托福口语Task 4如何稳拿四分?

Task 4和Task 2都是托福口语当中比较简单的两个题型,如果希望冲击高分段的话这一道题需要拿到3.5 - 4.0 分。但是虽然我们一般都可以听懂Task 4 的听力文本,而且也知道应该去说什么,可是却依旧有时拿不到高分,或者说发挥不稳定一哆嗦就变成三分了。这样的情况如何解决呢?我们可以采用以下几种方法。


众所周知,Task 4的听力材料就是一个八股文。一开始啰里八嗦地说一堆背景知识然后引出主要介绍的关键定义。之后一定会有和这个定义相关的两个方式/特征/原因等等。对于每一个分论点,都会有几句解释,和一个具体的例子。而我们的听力笔记就应该清晰地体现出这个结构。

Task 4的听力笔记应该分为五个模块儿:

1.Definition (两三个词极度概括就可以)





比如说针对下一篇关于dishonest signals的听力材料,我们就可以这样记笔记:

So, we know animals don't use speech like humans, but they do use signals or signs to communicate Information to each other. And today we're gonna talk about the use of dishonest signals by some animals. When animals use dishonest signals, they intentionally give false information about themselves to other animals. And this is important for their survival. So why do animals use dishonest signals?

Well, for one, some animals use dishonest signals to catch prey. Predators have to get close to their prey to catch them. And obviously, if the prey realizes a predator is approaching, it will try to escape. So, some predators, use dishonest signals and behave like other harmless species in order to get close to their prey. For example, a kind of fish, the blenny fish, performs a dance like that of a fish that normally cleans the skin of other fish without harming them. So, when the blenny fish dances in this way, it's pray come close to get their skin cleaned, and instead, the blenny fish attacks them.

Some animals also use dishonest signals to defend territory. Animals of the same species often try to take over each other's territory or habitat. And when an animal is not strong enough to defend its territory, it can use a dishonest signal to appear stronger than it really is. And thus drive away other members of its species that may try to invade its territory. For example, a certain species of shrimp is particularly weak and defenseless when shedding its skin. But when another shrimp tries to swim into its territory, it behaves as if it were capable of defending its space by waving its claws and acting aggressively. The invader is deceived and leaves the area.

?1. Definition

Dishonest signals

?2. Catch prey

Close to prey- catch

Prey realizes - escape

?3. E.g. blenny fish

Dance - fish cleans skin

Prey come close, attack

?4. Defend territory

Take over

Not strong - appear stronger- drive away

?5. e.g. shrimp

Weak -shedding skin

Behaves capable defending, waving claws

Invader deceived



由于Task 4的听力材料大概120秒钟,而我们只有60秒钟说,在语速不起飞的情况下是不可能说到所有内容的。当然了,我们还是一点也不建议疯狂加速的,因为我们需要保证说的每一句话都足够清晰而且经过思考。因此,说出来的信息必须经过筛选。


The first reason to use dishonest signals is to catch prey. For example, blenny fish would perform the dance of a type of fish that would clean the skin of other species without harming them. And then, when its prey comes close, it would attack its prey.

The second reason of using this approach is to defend territory. For example, a type of shrimp is very weak when it’s shedding its skin.To solve this problem when another shrimp invades its space, it would behave as if it is able to defend itself by waving claws and so on. In the end, the invader would be deceived and would go away.


其次,如果一些同学语速足够快,或者听力材料中说例子的比重不多,可以适当加上一些相对应的解释。比如在说第一个blenny fish 的例子之前可以加上because predators have to get close to their prey in order to catch them. On the other hand, when the prey realizes that its predator is close, it would escape. 在说第二个shrimp的例子之前可以加上an animal might have some enemies that want to take over its territory. Consequently, when the animal is not strong, it would appear to be stronger in order to drive the predator away.

最后,一开始引入段介绍dishonest signals的内容不用说,不要浪费这宝贵的时间。毕竟,无论我们语速再快输出信息的效率再高也只有六十秒钟。有这个时间还是尽力展开后面的内容更好。



比如说第一个分观点catch prey。其中get close - catch prey这个信息点与prey realizes - escape这个信息点之间的关系可以是转折,也就是说捕食者需要靠近猎物,但是只可惜猎物发现捕食者就会逃跑。之后说一个for example来引出blenny fish 这个例子。在这个例子之中,blenny fish模仿一种清洁皮肤的鱼跳舞和其他的鱼会主动靠近它之间是因果关系,也就是说因为blenny fish 跳了这种舞,其他的鱼就被迷惑来了。当然了,如果在考场上一时半会儿想不出来是什么关系,用并列关系的逻辑词,比如说moreover, also, in addition这些一般不会有太大问题。


很多同学捕捉到了大部分Task 4听力文本的信息,而且说得也比较流利,但是就是拿不到高分。这种情况下可能就是没有注意到语言的正确性。比如说这个听力材料当中,因为blenny fish和shrimp都是单数,所以说例子的时候得注意谓语也用第三人称单数。在做其它的题目的时候,有可能说科学家做了一个实验,或者教授自己有什么人生经历,那就得用过去式了。

虽然这些问题看起来很小,但是如果每一句话时态和三单都有问题的话(这个情况还挺常见的)language use一定会被扣分。所以同学们可以在草稿纸上写一个巨大的”三“提示自己三单,或者“时”提醒自己时态,避免在因为小错误扣过多的分。



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