

如下可见,今年的夏季读写竞赛将从6月9日开始,到8月18日结束! 各位小作家们,你们准备好了吗?







无论是从主页开始,还是搜索你感兴趣的关键词,又或是查看《纽约时报》推荐的青少年浏览指南。在这一阶段,你需要做的就是阅读和寻找,选择至少 1-2 件作品来作为你想要回应的话题备选。












2018年冠军文章选择了“Everyone Has an Accent”这篇作品,进行回应:

My mother came to the U.S. not only with the desire to give me a better future but also with a heavy Indian accent. It's the accent that made me who I am today, the accent that helped me with my math homework and comforted me when I cried. For me, it's perfect.

As I grew up, though, I noticed smirks and giggles following my mother's speech. I remember seeing an online ad that offered courses to “Get rid of your Indian accent today! Feel like a better American!” Knowing that there were courses designed to help people “get rid of” their accents suddenly made my mom's pronunciation seem embarrassing.

The hierarchy for accents became apparent at school too. Dull English sentences were transformed into something hilarious when said in a nonnative accent. As students burst out laughing, I'd wear my unaccented English like a shield and say, “Oh I don't talk like that, so I'm not offended!” I lie, though; even if I don't talk like that, my family does.

This article not only put into words what has been a daily struggle for me but also gave me the strength to fight it. As the author puts it, “no one speaks without an accent,” so I shouldn't be embarrassed of the one that raised me. The Indian accent will always be a part of my family identity, and I wouldn't change that for anything, not even if it would make me feel like a better American.












2017年冠军文章选择了“To Beyoncé or Not to Beyoncé: The Challenges of Confirming the Birth of Her Twins”


As long as you're not living under a rock, you know Beyoncé recently had twins. That's not news. But what was news to me was that The New York Times took great precaution when publishing the story. I mean, it's Beyoncé! We want all the news we can get regarding her pregnancy. We don't care if it's just rumors! Right? Wrong.

In “To Beyoncé or Not to Beyoncé: The Challenges of Confirming the Birth of Her Twins,” Maya Salam explains her process of confirming details. When the rumors first leaked, all the gossip mags and many news sources jumped to publish something about the twins. Facts couldn't be confirmed since neither Beyoncé or Jay-Z were talking, but that didn't stop publications. Salam contacted many sources she had deemed reliable but she came back empty-handed from most. Nevertheless, she persisted and eventually found solid information.

This made me realize that The New York Times actually cares about all its facts, even in the most trivial aspects of life. Beyoncé is famous, so gossip mags and fans don't really pay attention to the fact that even though Queen B is sometimes seen as a goddess, she is, in fact, human. So it's important to keep the facts about her twins straight. In this era of fake news, it's important to stay vigilant about what we hear and read, especially on the news. And if news sources have to work hard to get the facts straight on something as lighthearted as Beyoncé, then they must work even harder to maintain the veracity of harder topics.











2018年冠军文章选择了 “The Rich Are Planning to Leave This Wretched Planet” 这篇作品,进行回应:

What could possibly motivate someone to wear a 180-pound suit with diapers and drink tubes, rotate senselessly in a centrifuge, induce claustrophobia and risk death, all while coughing up 55 million dollars in the process? The answer is right above us: space.

For me, space is so alluring because it turns fears into works of art. Despite my thalassophobia, I still find myself attracted to the vast nothingness, the impossible emptiness of the skies. When I'm playing football at sunset on a cloudless night and look up at the infinite sky, I don't feel distress or panic, even though I realize that I'm just a trivial speck of dust in the galaxy.

Philippe Starck, designer of a project aimed to launch millionaires into space, describes it as “a first approach to infinity.” Spending a split nanosecond in the blackness will result in instant death, and yet there's just something so cozy about drifting in a spaceship with dangers all around but not within, the same coziness one feels snuggling under a blanket while a thunderstorm wages war on the world.

All of this is why the article “The Rich Are Planning to Leave This Wretched Planet” attracted me so much. Reading about how my seemingly impossible fantasies could come true was surprisingly relaxing and satisfying. I just have a small problem with the title; space travel shouldn't be about escaping a miserable world, it should be about discovering and rejoicing in a new one.







对于这一点,《纽约时报》给予的建议是,放轻松心态,以轻松尝试的思维去跟你选择的作品产生思维火花。不要担心打破你认为的正式写作的 "规则",允许你的想象力带领你进行创作。


2019年冠军文章选择了 “The Em Dash Divides”这篇作品,进行回应:

The glorious em dash — the king of all punctuation marks! The em dash is bold, daring, and versatile. What other punctuation mark can be a semicolon, colon, comma, and parentheses?

Semicolons are by the book foot soldiers; they do a good job linking two would-be sentences. The em dash, on the other hand, is a colorful punctuation mark — it can be used to make a strong point! The comma is great for describing, listing, and linking clauses, but it is easy for commas to flood a sentence. The em dash comes to the rescue when the commas take over a sentence — saving it from sinking in a sea of commas. Parentheses describe details about a sentence (usually making the details seem less important). An em dash makes the details seem like part of the sentence — an important part of the sentence. Em dashes can still be overused — they can distract the reader from the point of the sentence — in many cases ruining the point — and in others just making the sentence hard to read — also ruining the point. A good sentence should have lots of kinds of punctuation marks — not just one — and keep the punctuation as subtle as possible; the punctuation should allow the sentence to be helped by the punctuation, not dominated by it, as the article suggests.

For all the good an em dash can do, it's not on your keyboard. Just like other good things, you have to know where to find it. The em dash — the Swiss Army knife of punctuation — can greatly improve your writing — just don't overdo it!











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