今年剑桥大学的 Woolf Essay Competition 首次接受全球投稿,吸引了大批学生与家长的关注。
在今早的直播中,我解析了 Woolf Essay Competition 三道问题的解题侧重点是什么,立马分享给大家。
首先要明确的是,这三道题引用的话均来自 Woolf 的 A Room of One's Own(中文译名:《一个人的房间》)。
1) “She had to work on equal terms with men. She made, by working very hard, enough to live on. The importance of that fact outweighs anything that she actually wrote, […]”.
Discuss the significance of the struggle for financial independence and equality on the place of women in academia or any other profession, either historical or contemporary.
侧重点:对经济独立和平等的斗争(主要体现在工作中和教育中)对于妇女/女性在学术界与其他行业的地位的意义。刚好近日纽约州最高法院刷新记录,出现了 5 位女法官 —— 而她们分别的任命对于女性来说几乎都是历史性的。
有参加今年 John Locke 的学生,应该能发现这道题与今年 John Locke 法的 Q1 有联动:Would justice be better served in the United States if more Supreme Court judges were women?
2) “It would be a thousand pities if women wrote like men […] considering the vastness and variety of the world, how should we manage with one [sex] only?”
Using at least two examples, discuss the impact and value of the voices of women and/or gender non-conforming individuals to the literary world.
侧重点:注意这道题主要注重在与女性或者非顺性别群体;以及文学界 - 即我们在第一个问题中谈到的,这种不一样的写作能够在父权制所主导的文学界激出怎样的火花。比如波伏娃的《第二性》,或者其他的女性作者的文学作品,是否有这不一样的力量感。
3) “The history of men's opposition to women's emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation itself”.
Analyse the role and responsibility of men in combatting gender inequality in a specific place and historical period.
侧重点:女性的觉醒和对解放的运动收到的来自父权制/男性的打压事实上在历史上的不同地方层出不穷。近年也发生过包括 2022 年伊朗由于一名被宗教警察迫害的穆斯林女性 Mahsa Amini 所引发的维护女性权益的“woman, life, freedom”运动。