
科普 | 什么是旁观者效应?

What is Bystander Effect?



This year's Tangshan beating incident created quite a stir on the Internet. While many people were outraged by the rioters' brazen actions, many netizens were astounded by the indifference of bystanders. Why didn't so many bystanders pitch in when they thought they could have prevented the tragedy? In fact, the bystander effect in psychology can explain it.



旁观者效应(Bystander effect)是一个最初由社会心理学家达利(John M. Darley)和拉塔尼(Bibb Latané)在1964年提出的社会心理学理论。旁观者效应认为,当个体周围有其他人时,其有更少的可能会为一个受害者提供帮助。当一个个体被要求独自完成一项任务时,其会有很强的责任感和更积极的反馈;当一群人被要求合作完成一项任务时,群体中每个个体的责任感就会减弱,且在面对困难时每个个体更倾向于退缩。

The Bystander effect is a social psychology theory first proposed by John M. Darley and Bibb Latane in 1964. According to the bystander effect, people are less likely to help a victim when they are around other people. When an individual is asked to complete a task on his or her own, he or she feels more responsible and receives more positive feedback. When a group of people is asked to work together on a task, each individual feels less responsible and is more likely to withdraw when difficulties arise.


What factors may result in the bystander effect?

1. 事件的紧急程度

The Urgency of the Incidence.


A 2011 study discovered that the bystander effect is reduced when a danger occurs, a criminal is present, and physical assistance is required. In other words, the more urgent the situation, the more likely it is that bystanders will assist.

2. 事件结果的不明确性

The Uncertainty of the Outcome.


Individuals or groups usually took five times longer to react when faced with an uncertain outcome than when the outcome was clear. Bystanders will consider their own safety first in this case before taking action. In other words, when confronted with a clear-cut event with no serious consequences, bystanders are more likely to react.

3. 对环境的了解程度

The Familiarity of the Surroundings.


If a person is familiar with his surroundings, he is more likely to offer assistance in an emergency. If the individual is in an unfamiliar environment, they are more likely to remain on the sidelines.

4. 群体的凝聚力

The Cohesion of the Group.


When members of a group are more familiar with one another and more cohesive, the group can respond to emergencies more quickly. People in groups, on the other hand, are less likely to respond to unexpected situations when they are strangers to each other.

5. 责任的扩散

The Diffusion of Responsibility.


Each person in a large group may feel less responsibility for themselves and believe that others will take responsibility for themselves, so they are less likely to respond. Individuals may also believe that others in the group, such as doctors and police officers, are better equipped to assist, so they do not take action.


How to avoid being a negative bystander?


Often, a group is capable of preventing a tragedy, but it lacks a leader. To avoid becoming a passive bystander, you must change your mindset and stop expecting others to initiate action. You are not required to take any drastic measures. Firmly Shouting "stop" at the assailant can also be useful in avoiding further harm to the victim. In critical situations, it is critical to take the initiative and lead the group.








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