
全球权威的生物学术组织 鼓励学生挑战课堂以外的生物学知识 增加世界名校医学、生物等理科专业申请优势

竞赛探索 | 英国生物竞赛(中级)IBO,入门级生物竞赛!


英国生物测评(中级)(Intermediate Biology Olympiad)面向高一、高二年级(GCSE和A1),是英国生物测评的初阶活动。不仅考察学生的生物学知识,还鼓励他们在校外继续学习生物科学。成绩优秀者将增加世界名校医学、生物等理科专业申请优势

英国中级生物奥林匹克活动由英国生物奥林匹克委员会组织,由英国皇家生物学会管理。从 2020 年起正式授权 ASDAN 中国(阿思丹)成为其在中国的承办单位。

英国皇家生物学会(简称 RSB), 总部位于伦敦市中心,拥有 16000 多名会员,汇聚了 100 多个国家生物界的著名科学家和生物研究人员,为全球极具影响力的生物学术组织之一。



考试时间:2023年 11 月 11 日(周六)10:00-11:00(60分钟)







金牌 Gold,2021 年分数线为:59.50,约前 7% 

银牌 Silver,2021 年分数线为:55.11,约前 18% 

铜牌 Bronze,2021 年分数线为:50.63,约前 38% 

杰出奖 Highly Commended,2021 年分数线为:47.19,约前 54% 

优秀奖 Commended,2021 年分数线为:44.05,约前 70% 

*备注:该活动全球奖项评分规则如下:金奖、银奖、铜奖、杰出奖、优秀奖奖项将首先按照英国国籍学生的成绩分别以 总分排名约 5%、15%、30%、45%、60% 的比例划出得奖分数线,然后其他国家学生成绩不按照总分排名比例,而是直 接参照获奖分数线来决定是否得奖。


中级生物奥林匹克竞赛的核心主题与AQA、Edexcel、OCR AS/A级的教学大纲相一致。

1. Biological Molecules 

  • Concepts of monomers, polymers, condensation & hydrolysis reactions 

  • Monosaccharides, e.g. and  glucose, galactose, fructose, ribose 

  • Di-/polysaccharides, e.g. sucrose, maltose, lactose, cellulose, starch (amylose, amylopectin) 

  • Quantitative Benedict’s test, iodine test for starch 

  • Glycerol, fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated), triglycerides, ester bond formation, phospholipids, emulsion test 

  • Amino acids, levels of protein structure (including types of non-covalent bonds involved), peptide bond formation, Biuret test 

  • Haemoglobin and collagen as examples of globular and fibrous proteins (detailed structure of collagen often omitted) 

  • DNA and RNA structure and formation of phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides 

  • Semi-conservative replication of DNA 

  • Structure of ATP and basic role in cells 

  • Enzymes: lock and key and induced fit models of action; effect of pH, temperature, enzyme/substrate concentration, inhibitors (competitive and non-competitive) (cofactors/coenzymes sometimes included) 

  • Role of inorganic ions 

  • Biologically important properties of water 

2. Cell Structure 

Structure of eukaryotic cells, including: 

cell-surface membrane nucleus (containing chromosomes, consisting of protein-bound, linear DNA, and one or more nucleoli) mitochondria chloroplasts Golgi apparatus and Golgi vesicles lysosomes ribosomes rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum cell wall cell vacuole 

  • Structure of prokaryotic cells 

  • Cytoskeleton sometimes included – usually just actin and tubulin 

  • Manipulating magnification for light and electron micrographs (usually including use of graticules) 

  • Use of stains in light microscopy 

  • Characteristics of light and electron microscopes 

  • Cell cycle – the main stages of mitosis and meiosis 

  • Structure of the cell membrane, including phospholipids, glycoproteins, glycolipids, membrane proteins, cholesterol in the fluid mosaic model 

  • Membrane transport: active transport, facilitated diffusion, carrier and channel proteins, diffusion, osmosis (using water potential terminology) 

3. Immune System 

  • Definition of antigen and structure and function of antibodies 

  • Phagocytosis 

  • Antigen presentation, stimulation of B cells, clonal selection and expansion, plasma cells 

  • Role of T cells (normally highly simplified and restricted to helper T cells and cytotoxic T cells 

  • Primary and secondary immune responses 

  • Passive and active immunity 

  • HIV as an example of a pathogen (other syllabuses may include other diseases such as cholera, measles, TB, flu) 

  • Uses of monoclonal antibodies 

4. a. Exchange Surfaces 

  • SA:Vol relationships for cells and organisms, features of exchange surfaces and the need for circulatory systems 

  • Examples of gas exchange systems: human always included, often fish gills or insect trachea 

  • Gas exchange in plants 

  • Mechanism of ventilation in humans and structure of trachea epithelium 

  • COPD and smoking 

4. b. Circulatory Systems 

  • Structure of single and double circulatory systems (sometimes also open/closed) 

  • Structure and function of haemoglobin, including Bohr effect and transport of CO2 (sometimes also fetal haemoglobin and myoglobin) 

  • Structure of arteries, veins, capillaries 

  • Structure of the mammalian heart, including valves 

  • Electrical activity of the heart and role of AVN, SAN (sometimes ECG included) 

  • Formation and composition of tissue fluid 

  • CHD is on most syllabuses 

4. c. Plant Transport 

  • Structure of xylem 

  • Cohesion-tension theory 

  • Structure of phloem 

  • Mass flow hypothesis 

5. Molecular Genetics 

  • Structure of chromosomes, DNA and genes 

  • Role and structure of mRNA, tRNA and ribosomes 

  • The genetic code, transcription and translation 

  • Exons and introns and splicing of pre-mRNA 

  • Mutations and the effect on proteins 

  • Mutations as a source of genetic variation for natural selection 

6. Biodiversity 

  • Hierarchical nature of taxonomic systems 

  • Three domains versus 5 kingdom classifications 

  • Idea of a phylogenetic classification 

  • Random and systematic sampling 

  • Simpson’s diversity index 







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