2022 John Locke Essay Competition 最新题目全解析(下)

【名师解读】John Locke 最新题目全解析(下)

Q1. How likely is the multiverse? Would it change anything if (somehow) we came to know the theory was true?


Q2. If our actions are a consequence of our capacities and preferences, and if those things are, in turn, a result of our genetic inheritance and the external world in which we happen to find ourselves, are we ultimately responsible for our choices?





Q3. Is it moral to take money from people through the force of law in order to pay philosophers to philosophize?


Q4. When, if ever, can acts involving only consenting adults be morally wrong?


【名师解读】John Locke 最新题目全解析(下)

经济学的话题普遍都需要对经济学的基本概念理解特别深刻,同时要对应用经济学有所了解和研究,特别推荐选择经济学的同学读一下《Case Studies and Applications for Microeconomics》这本书:

【名师解读】John Locke 最新题目全解析(下)



Q1. Is Bitcoin a blessing or a curse?

Core Concept:

Trade and Wellbeing; Efficiency versus Fairness

交易以及福利增加;高效 vs. 公平;


Case 1.6: How creating extra opportunities for trade can improve wellbeing: kidney exchange and ICT

Case 2.8: Are ticket scalpers worse than used car salesmen?

Q2. What’s wrong with the housing market? How can we fix it?

Core Concept:

Marketing failure-Direct Regulation; Public goods vs. Private goods; Elasticity;

市场失灵-价格管控;公共品 vs. 私有品;弹性;市场调节


Case 2.6:Reducing child labor: which policy works best?

Case study 2.9 Careful how you punish: why restricting CEOs’ pay may hurt us more than them

Q3. Should Amazon pay people more? What would happen ifthey immediately increased every worker’s salary by twenty percent?

Core Concept:

Supply and Demand-Labor Market; Profit Maximization for a Firm in a Monopolistic Market; Determinants of Earnings; Measuring the increasing of workers’ income



Case study 7.1 Beauty or computer skills: which will most increase your pay?

Case study 7.2 Superstars and the growing incomes of the very rich




【名师解读】John Locke 最新题目全解析(下)

Q4. Does it even make sense to hate someone for his or her opinions?


Naturally, when hearding some opions that we disagree with, we will show emotions of uncomfortableness, dislike, and even hatred towards that opinion, and eventually toward that person. But it is good to keep an eye on this reaction and adjust ourselves when this happens.

1. Naturally, when hearding some opions that we disagree with, we will show emotions of uncomfortableness, dislike, and even hatred towards that opinion


  • Some psychological studies show that we human always have a tendency to distinguish between concept of us and them, inside and outside. And we tends to favor 'us' over them, 'inside' over 'outside'.
  • Find some other social psycholigical researches regarding people's reaction towards different opinions

2. ==> and eventually toward that person.


  • Common sense: sometimes it is hard to keep that reaction to the opinion only, and it is easily to extend the emtion to the person who express the diffierent opniions
  • Research: Embodiment psychology: human's cognition can be influenced by emtion and environment. In this case, the reaction to the opinion can be generalized to the environment and people when the reaction happens
  • Find some other research/literature on this

3. But it is good to keep an eye on this reaction and adjust ourselves when this happens.

  • Briefly discuss the logic for this reaction toward people is not right, and we should avoid this
  • "I disagree with each single word that you say, but I fight for the right of speaking anything you want"







2022 John Locke Essay Competition 最新题目全解析(上)


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