
剑桥大学官方推荐:申请HSPS 你要读什么

HSPS 全称为Human, Social, and Political Sciences,是剑桥大学提供的政治学和国际关系学、社会学和社会人类学、考古学、历史学的横跨多个领域的交叉专业。学生在第一年会至少选三门核心方向写论文,第四篇论文则可以选择考古学、心理学或生物人类学方向,从第二年开始选择更聚焦的Tracks。

Human 部分的课程是和人类学相关的,人类学可以大致理解为研究是什么构成了我们人类,会涵盖很多对不同社会,文化多样性和相互联系的研究。Social 部分的课程大致对应社会学的课程,研究社会制度和诸如权力和不平等等主题,关注现代社会的性质和塑造社会生活的过程

Political 部分大家会更熟悉一些,对应的课程是政治和国际关系,涵盖从人权和民主到金融危机和国际冲突的各种问题一位HSPS 专业的学生可以专攻社会学和社会人类学,并在毕业后专注于减轻儿童贫困的慈善机构工作。另一位学生可能专攻政治和国际关系,毕业后成为为外交部工作的外交官或者国际传媒集团的主编。

HSPS 致力于让学生广泛了解人类社会的运作方式。无论是当地社会、国家还是国际社会,你会从根本上了解不同的群体和实体如何相互交互。HSPS 阅读书单

We are frequently asked if there is anything in particular students should read before coming to interview. The answer is no. We don't expect applicants to have read certain things and we aren't looking to test knowledge acquired from certain books.

Reading, however, is central to learning and reading broadens anyone's horizons. Applicants can also get a good sense of what some of the subjects available in Human, Social and Political Sciences are like by reading some of the books that students encounter studying these subjects in Cambridge. Below are short lists of some important books in the individual subjects on offer in the degree. If you want to pursue independent reading from these lists, don't try to cover them all.

Pick the subject or several subjects that interest you and read from that list.


  • Achen, Christopher H. and Bartels, Larry M. (2016) Democracy for Realists. Princeton University Press.

  • Adhiambo Owuor, Yvonne (2013) Dust. Knopf Publishing Group [a novel].

  • Atwood, Margaret (1985) The Handmaid’s Tale. Vintage [a novel].

  • Blyth, Mark (2013), Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea. Oxford University Press.

  • Ellsberg, Daniel (2017), The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. Bloomsbury Press [a memoir].

  • Fraser, Nancy (2013), Fortunes of Feminism. Verso.

  • Lebron, Christopher J.(2017), The Making of Black Lives Matter. Oxford University Press.

  • Mabanckou, Alain (2017) Black Moses. The New Press [a novel].

  • Mair, Peter (2013) Ruling the Void. Verso.

  • Marozzi, Justin (2014) Baghdad. Allen Lane [a biography].

  • Mishra, Pankaj (2017) Age of Anger. Allen Lane.

  • Moyn, Sam (2010), The Last Utopia. Harvard University Press.

  • Sassen, Saskia (2014) Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy. Belknap.

  • Scott, James C. (2012) Two Cheers for Anarchism. Princeton University Press.

  • Runciman, David (2018), How Democracy Ends. Profile Books.

  • Vitalis, Robert (2015), White World Order, Black Power Politics. Cornell University Press.

  • Warren, Robert Penn, 2001 (1946), All The King's Men. Penguin [a novel].

  • Welsh, Jennifer (2017) The Return of History. Anansi.

  • Williams, James (2018) Stand out of our Light: Freedom and Resistance in the Attention Economy. Cambridge University Press.

  • Talking Politics (ongoing), www.talkingpoliticspodcast.com. A weekly podcast.


  • Abu-Lughod, Lila (1986) Veiled Sentiments: Honor and Poetry in a Bedouin Society. University of California Press.
  • Astuti, R., Parry, J.P., & Stafford, C. (eds) (2007) Questions of Anthropology. Oxford University Press.
  • Cohen, Jeffrey H. (2015) Eating Soup without a Spoon: Anthropological Theory and Method in the Real World. University of Texas Press.
  • Holmes, Seth (2013) Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies: Migrant Farmworkers in the United States. University of California Press.
  • Engelke, Matthew (2017) Think Like an Anthropologist. Pelican.
  • Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2015) Small Places, Large Issues. 4th Edition. Pluto Press.
  • King, Lily (2015) Euphoria. Picador.
  • Robbins, Joel (2004) Becoming Sinners: Christianity and Moral Torment in a Papua New Guinea Society. Vol. 4. University of California Press.
  • Shah, Alpa (2018) Nightmarch: Among India's Revolutionary Guerrillas. Hurst.
  • Wacquant, Loic (2004) Body & Soul: Notebooks of an Apprentice Boxer. Oxford University Press.
  • Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology see http://www.anthroencyclopedia.com/
  • BBC series From Savage to Self: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06zjhfx/episodes/player
  • The Cambridge Anthropology Podcast: www.camthropod.org


  • Bauman, Zygmunt (2001) Thinking sociologically (2nd edition); Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Beckett, Chris (2017) America City. Corvus. [a novel]
  • Bhambra, Gurminder (2014) Connected sociologies. Bloomsbury.
  • Clark, Daniel J. director (2018) Behind the Curve. Netflix. [a documentary]
  • Collins, Patricia Hill (2000) Black feminist thought: Knowledge, consciousness and the politics of empowerment. Routledge.
  • Connell, R. W. (2009) Gender (2nd edition); Polity.
  • Eggers, Dave (2013) The Circle. Alfred A. Knopf. [a novel]
  • Giddens, Anthony and Sutton, Phillip (2013). Sociology. 7th edition. Polity.
  • Goldstone, Jack. ed. (1994) Revolutions: theoretical, comparative, and historical studies. Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
  • Hochschild, Arlie (2016) Strangers in their own Land. The New Press.
  • Noble, Safiya Umoja and Tyne, Brendesha M. (2016) The intersectional internet: Race, sex, class and culture online. Peter Lang.
  • Sennett, Richard (2012) Together: The rituals, pleasures and politics of cooperation. Yale University Press.
  • Simon, David creator (2002-08) The Wire. [TV show]
  • Smith, Anthony (2013) Nationalism. 2nd Edition. Polity Press.
  • Surak, Kristin (2012) Making tea, Making Japan: Cultural nationalism in practice. Stanford University Press.
  • Wilkinson, Richard and Pickett, Kate (2010) The spirit level: Why equality is better for everyone. Penguin.
  • Yuval-Davis, Nira (2011) The politics of belonging: Intersectional contestations. Sage.
  • Browse through books that have won prizes by the American Sociological Association http://www.asanet.org/about/awards/book.cfm




1. 英语水平和阅读能力


2. 推理和写作能力

强大的推理和写作能力是人文社科学生的必备技能,牛津剑桥针对人文社科的部分专业也设有入学考试,比如牛津的TSA,这些考试一般都是对推理和批判性思维的考核,也有的学院会让学生提交一份书面作业(Written Work)。人文社科专业的基础是理解论点背后的过程,并能够快速有效地构建自己的论点。

3. 对阅读的热爱








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