美国私校学霸都参加的“康莱德挑战赛”(Conrad Challenge)介绍

商赛届的高配Conrad Spirit Of Innovation Challenge (又称Conrad Challenge,简称Conrad)2023-2024赛季已拉开帷幕。若是你有志于申请商科、想要参加创业商赛,若是你正在备战DC钻石商赛、仍学有余力,大概率可以在DC的商业方案基础上做一定调整,同步备战Conrad。况且,Conrad的第一轮要求远没有DC的第一轮来的复杂,看下文快速科普Conrad。

The 2023-24 Conrad Challenge is officially “go” for launch! If you intend to apply for any business majors, join any entrepreneurship contests, or elevate your business plan (especially if you are competing for Diamond Challenge), you may consider joining the Conrad Challenge, especially the first round.
Check the contest's details below.


【全年学术规划资源贴】美国私校学霸都参加的“康莱德挑战赛”(Conrad Challenge)

Conrad Challenge (康莱德商业挑战赛)发展至今已有17个年头,主办方康莱德基金会可是大有来头,是NASA踏上月球的第三名宇航员Charles “Pete” Conrad之妻Nancy Conrad成立的基金会,旨在鼓励当代年轻人利用科学与技术知识,通过团队协作突破自我,勇于创新,解决问题。

The Conrad Challenge is an annual innovation and entrepreneurship competition forstudents ages 13-18 that equips young minds like yours to change the world. You’ll forma team of 2-5 and compete with other student teams from around the globe to createinnovations that address some of the most pressing scientific and societal challengesthrough creativity and critical thinking.The Conrad Challenge isn’t a science fair. Unlike any STEM competition out there, thisinnovation challenge is creating the next generation of entrepreneurs who are going todesign a more sustainable future for us all. It is hosted by the Conrad Foundation, which honors the legacy of Apollo 12 astronaut, Charles “Pete” Conrad, and was launched by Nancy Conrad, Pete’s wife. It is dedicated to creating collaborative, student-centered, real world-relevant learning opportunities that foster innovation and entrepreneurship. Through its programs, it aims to unleash students’ potential to create impactful solutions and a sustainable society for generations to come.

含金量Worth It
【全年学术规划资源贴】美国私校学霸都参加的“康莱德挑战赛”(Conrad Challenge)


Conrad is a unique entrepreneuship contest that combines STEM and business fields. It is ideal for high school applicants to demonstration the capability of designing an innovation while solving an important problem and establishing themsevles as  entrepreneurs. In other words, this is a great opportunity to show your well-roundedness.


The Conrad Foundation partners with many corporations, organizations, government entities and individuals - Dell, NASA, Space Center Houston, etc. Contestants may even compete in the Space Center Houston.

【全年学术规划资源贴】美国私校学霸都参加的“康莱德挑战赛”(Conrad Challenge)



Create a team of 2-5 students. Invite students from other schools,cities, states or even countries to collaborate without borders. Havingthe right team members is a key ingredient for our successful teams.

• Recruit a coach. This can be a teacher, parent, subject-matter expertor other qualified mentor over the age of 18.


Recommended toStudents

【全年学术规划资源贴】美国私校学霸都参加的“康莱德挑战赛”(Conrad Challenge)





Intend to apply for STEM and business majors

Demonstrate well-roundedness

Demonstrate critical thinking skills, writing skills and innovative skills

Currently competing for entrepreneurship contests, esp. Diamond Challenge


【全年学术规划资源贴】美国私校学霸都参加的“康莱德挑战赛”(Conrad Challenge)


Activation Stage (Aug - Nov 3, 2023)


You’ll embark on your journey by assembling your crew of 2-5 students plus a coach and completing registration.


Lean Canvas Stage (deadline Nov 3, 2023)


You’ll plan out your path by brainstorming ideas, selecting your innovation and category and preparing a Lean Canvas.


Innovation Stage (deadline Jan 12, 2024)


You’ll bring your innovation to life by writing an Innovation Brief, recording an Innovation Video and creating a website.


Power Pitch Stage (April 23-26, 2024)


Our top teams from the Innovation Stage are named Finalists and invited to pitch their innovations to a live panel of Judges at the 2024 Conrad Challenge Innovation Summit. At the Summit, Judges, Alumni and other members of the Conrad Community come together for a multi-day event full of dynamic workshops, tours, community sessions and speakers. Finalist teams will compete to earn scholarships, entrepreneurial support and the Challenge’s top honor: the title of Pete Conrad Scholar.

更多细节 More details:https://www.conradchallenge.org/conrad-challenge#activation-stage


【全年学术规划资源贴】美国私校学霸都参加的“康莱德挑战赛”(Conrad Challenge)

航空航天Aerospace & Aviation

网络技术与安全Cyber-Technology & Security

【全年学术规划资源贴】美国私校学霸都参加的“康莱德挑战赛”(Conrad Challenge)能源与环境Energy & Environment

健康与营养Health & Nutrition

农田再规划与烟草产物的其他用途Re-purposed Farmlands & Alternative uses of Tobacco (and its by-products)

更多细节 More details:https://www.conradchallenge.org/challenge-categories


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